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The Democrat-Reporter
Linden, Alabama
December 16, 1993     The Democrat-Reporter
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December 16, 1993
Newspaper Archive of The Democrat-Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Soc S on-P ge 8 Ihe Dem rat-Re oner ' Lindcn, Alabamd Thu,Dcccmberl ATmy recrui er will be ' i ' ",in Linden Wednesdoys Sewices held Dec, I5 Witherspoon rlles . , ,' ,',k/ .',7' >,' U.S. Army recrui ng of cer SSG. for K#thryn C#ldwell Dec, T Qt Myrf'e ,i ', ,' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' w}, ' Anthony Heath l be al Linden Cily Fune,a, i,e, fo, KaU,y Win, Fune,a, ,e,vices Eor :. -, ' ,p,' ' ' ', *la each Wednesday, IO: a m. un l Ca,d e, aBe B2 or DemopoL, WeR Wi,e,poon, age 76, oF M . : . ' h ' ' " ' ',D 4:00 p. m. conducP Wedn sday, D . IS, 1993, were conduc Tuesdayl ' ' ' " ' ' ' BOU er seNlces he d ' p m at Firsl Presbyterian at2 p m allerusalemm .? ". ,` ' '' ' ' % " M ' r ' ' ' ' h h in o s. Ch ch i M ewo j', . " ' d,' Dec, I3 #t F#irhoven The Rev. Thomas Carr orficiated Il,e Rcv. ,M Finch om ' ,' ,'p ` ' Funeral seNices fDr loseph Alonzo ith int menl b be held Frida, D . in,men, a, M,rtlewoo& rt:. ` ' ' ' / : ' . Bouler, age 89, of Ellijay, Ga were 17, al 2: p. m al om n Cemeery Cen,t Abe,nahy's Fu `,' ; ' ',conductPd Monday, Dec. I3, 1993, at in lacSsonv e, Fla. C and Spigener was in charge of nge '. , ',' ' 2: p. m at Fa t ven Bap sl Chwh Mortuary was in chargc of arrange- He died mw,day, D . ' ,* q y ' ' in Demopol . ments. W. Whilfield Memoria' H n ,u, ;, Y me Rev. Don Smith and the Rev. In lieu or flow s, con bu ons can Demo l vived b, bi, , / `,' ' loseph H. GuUlrie officia wi inb- be ma e to the deacon fund at the He e Wi,h o M . ," ' ment at Demo l M rial Ga,den Den l Resby Church. Mag ,h,d,en. ,ohDia W. ' . ^ ' ' Coo and Spigener MortuaTy as in 'he died "'da'! . "' a' he' i- eighE,i,on a, Louiw W ",' ' chaTge or arrangemen . deMe. She was p h m R `' " .chi,aBo'm Bar ': ' - ,`,rf w,' w ' " ' h mHe died Friday, Dec. 10. He was a Cr t Asmia on,of MyWe ood, S, L. "h ', ' '' . ' ''; ",' h," ,'`,b of Fa t ven Bap st Church in ,hc i, ,urvived b, one ,on Ja,ob Indianapolis ln o, a e l Lauren Ctocker, daughter Mike and Robin Crocker, Rabe H le, ita"` kcr, A fil B ck r, Drew nckcr, ' rvived by lwo sons, Cecil lames Caldwel Jr. of Orange'Beach, wilherspoon oF ' i celebrated her third biMday recenLly with a party at Cayla Vice, and Hunter Killgore. and third row Bou e' ' "'ijayl Ga. and l seph A. "a.i nc steP-son, David Carver Marvin and Ge '&', , . . . . . . ' ' er, lr. of Cam on ; one daugh- Caldwell of SprinBfield, Mo.; two Withmp n of My ew d i, Paula StewaW s house. Celebratlng wlth lawen wcre, WhNey * lll Wood Collwl Mchacl Beeker and M t e, M F,an,e, Sn th or Morvin; one daughPrs, M yn Caldwell Wintcr of law, Mr. and Mrs. 'a .' ' lerl to rieht, first row, Mary Morgan ncker, Carrie Wallace. Guesls cnjoyed Barney cup c3kcs, drinks, ,i,le, Vollie No,i, of Fullon; 11 Acworlh, Ga. gnd Alana Caldwell Millegeville, Ga.i "ebR ' ' Pope, Lawen Crocker, and Ambcr Barkley; Pcond row, chips, and cookics. grandch dren; and 14 gPat- dchil- Marquis ofEv 8,Colo; one sister, WiUFcrsp n ofM dren. M iam Winter Allen ' 'a"' "'i"e' 'e"' ` 'e"ie a dfive gra . ' Scruggs seNices held Dec,at G#llion VPallbearers were MiSe Hill, Ed Fla.; five 8randchi1dren; and lhree of Mynlewo ,B Kendm ' ', Fun al Prvic f Ff ricS Charles He died Satufday DK 4 a,B,an ,Bugha" ' mmy Spidle, Cecil |- dch drem S vi# Luci ou, ,andso, ,r,t ' dy" Bouler, Charles SmiLh, and Pallbearers were ' m B gg" ' e ' q'a"d n(on and Ri i " ' ' . Scmggs, age l,of GalliD weP con- w. WhiLfield Mcmorial Hospltal ln L nard Smih. Richie, Scott Kir patric,immy Llonel, B , duct Saturday, D . 11, 1993, al 1:00 Demopol . MacS B y Simon, and im Gardn . grcat- andson, Xazier. ' p. m al Lovely Primilive Baplisl He survivcd by hs falhcr, lhe Rcv ChuTch in G on. Roy Scrug& of GalLon; h sWp-moth- o , er,Mn.RachelSMgg' '.'a"i "i " Cook B S i ener O'Bryant Chapel ABERNQ H, < rf, ". . me Rev. lames WhiFlcl officiat grandmother, Mrs. Katle Nurah o p g N ' ! " ^ with interment al St. Paul Church Gal oni rour aunv; Uuce unclcs; eight Mortuary Funera Home N' g'd `, Cememtery in Gallion. Abernathy' great-aunts; lwo great-uncles; lwo Ph. 3 445 208 Mart n Luth8r ' Funeral Home was in charge of great-great-uncles; two great-greal- Demopolis, Alabama Thoajl,Alab 2 -g52 . gemenv. aunv; and oUler rela vcs and rTicnds. . Janl s D rjn Pope . r Real . ' Sweet W#ter's Pope VALUE '' gets LU scholarship . Jam D Pop, a seni al Sw,', WaPr High Sch B been choPn to Full Line of Fruit for Christmas - Gre#t C#se Prices, r ceive a Leaderghip Award from W ' -j Livin&ton '"i` i g,d part or lhe We acc&pt wlc Vouchers and Food Stamps - Prices Effective Thur. 1v16 g3 Thw Wed 1v2vg3 . auantity R ghtg Rese . me IAadershlp h. p' eda " ' ------------- ---- i - 2 l i -i i ---------- a,' ` . r 4 ou(standing contributions in high F d Champ . . . . Ul ` gh l. The 8wa1d a fow-y r hol- SAVE65t o Q + : %, ? . u lne o r ' , S P LiV & nU VeniV. . ' ' ^ ! . : . . : ::.i. . : .:.i . . =: ` Pope Ule son oflames and Anna m ' ll I Papc of S eel Wgtc H pl ns ,o M . .' . ' .' . . . .: :. . : i . :. : . . :. . r. ' % ' atend Lvings n Univenity in Up fall . ' zlooo zoss L ? . :'. :! .! o :. : . : :.: : #se rlce , . ~ . . . . ,:: :;. .: . of lg 4. -- m-m caJ : . : . . .::: : : . . . . "`' L * County librOry lists `----------.-- --r--- " : '.:. ' r :, . ' ' " :i : :. : ;' : : . .`. !: . : : : . .m - T opening hOurs schedule G . . . . . . . . . . : . :.:.:.: .:.:.: . .M. .: :.:.:.: :.: :.:.:.:i.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: . .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.: .:.: .: : :.: : .: : : EAR N . O . ! ' . ROCE EA :: 5 - IO. ID?. ':` Marengo CounU Libgy open t Dixie Crystal Light or Dark Brown USDA Rib Eye .pend` 5 to 9| . ' , lhe puSlic in the afternoons MDnda 2 $1 00 . Steaks & 99 : ::.?| t ')5 "" ? .' ' ueh Frida . ,e ,b,a, open hom Sugar 1 lb box - . .:.: : 5 tO ' |.|.' . ' ' l: ap! m. and Tu y Uuou v A 65Q WrrH u N Campbell s C.r am.of Mushroom : USDA Cube . . 2 or more |.| j ' ' Friday lhe l brary is open hom 12: ' 'C ' OU ' ,o ,4 oz Q Steak ,b & 69 :: :. . .! ' " n n un' ': p. m b, n ra,| e,: s p ::: :: . Te el Besl ade A rully ged ' ' , MS. Alyce W . . . : . : !, . Fo Champ's Real Value Grade A Turk am k'. ' Send concer memonols 1 . Peaches ,goz gga Bfeast b &1 '9 : ', to Mrf, Moshburn . . . . . r ' Persons who would li e to ma e ixie ryst 10x ofl' i r : Bwce rS Or Gizzardj Q Q ,;,' : memorial dona ons to (he America ms 16oz can $ 1 9 IV Te er 8est adeA H o ' ' CaMer S iety in memory of a f U r Ya . . Fresh Fryer : F Or lov one, can Pnd C gih tO . . . :: : : :: M. c. Mashbum in Lind . . b $1 00 ; Reynold's Aluminum Q Drumsticks .69Q am ; .`L ,'' , - ' : Foil 25 sq.fl. 69 Go en Super B Pork g1 Og ' ' Jefferson cholr slngs : : . . cant#t# Dec. I9 C k p d .: D Sausage 9a ende,Be, ad f p .' . #t k#ngeline B#ptist a e rO ucts AIRV center cut sl a H cffefson Choir will sin8 lheif 2 lker ': Pa,ka, Ham ,b & 99 am . " Cly Cantala at Range nc Bapt l Q j. : : . .r' Church Sunday, D . 19, at : p p .: Mafgafine b q, 2-$1 00 B an Cocktail lb. ' . .h. rf I pp w be a Chr 'e',ed io Sealtest Sour ' : . Smokies ,6oz pk &249 $1 19 ,? `!iy . . afm lhe service. . . . .: .' . ; Everyone is cordially inv. : . . . . ",Ln awd. Freshbe : ream 8oz 2-$1 "h% o s ,2oz gga 'ami"Pa'k ttc, Want Ads WOr 'e 49 .:. c . : :: H,D g .:. G d gee . rOU .< shbest Yellow,b 6ag . Food Champls Real Value Pie "k o na ,2 z Q 'b. ig", WoI der8 onion . .j i.iol bag g e s ,eg ,pak 6ga :. :: o 89 : : 09, i . ' Freshbest . Sh II B $1 rlvers lce se Potatoes . 1 . g . ' . . t . . i Testi ng ri me ouse ::: . : . : . . . . . . .:.: ::: :. :.:.:::: :.:.: : ::.: :.:.: ::::.:::::: .::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :;i ::::: ::::::::::: ::::: :::::: :.:.:.::::::::::: : ::.::::::::::::::::::.: :: : : ::!.: :%::::. ::.::::::!::::::::: : (, . .' i Marengo Couoty CoW ' lo Lioden Super Chek Special Super Chek Sp8G[el Super Chek Spec[al . '' DAYS OPEN: ean Spra Cranberry . Duncan Hines Cahe KraW Wedn y, m sd8y, and Friday Sauce Mix Mayonnaise . . wRrmN TESrS: . g:OOam.IO9:3Oam. 16oz. g - `' . ' l: p m.IO p.a Q Q $ 49 g. m . ' ? . . . ' N' . . ' (Sign u 8 d %30 Lm) wnwF uDg ER EcK snvlNosc wl HFALEDsuPERclEcw MvQGErmwn ITHFD D Rc cw v 9w Khn . ' ' al Z:3O p. m. , (Si upS w n l:OO Lm) . . Ro Rsl given on a ru come Super Chek Speclal Super Chek Speclal, Super Chek SpeGlel rust service basig. Crisco .- Brawny,o Fo Champ's Sunlke 8rown a Serve No ysu v wh Shortening Cr o Towels :Rolls . r ' ,T 'L ` aP wel or when nin8 W . hr, eslg will be v n &ll day hcn 3 lb. tan ' !'w' jum roll " ' '- i r' ,i '' . lhc IQads are e t est itl $ qg Q ; Q , . . . . i ' ' . i . ' N ' ' kp. iLosED. . . `, ' '`' ` ' ' C . . . . , F lwvbl2: a -l: p.m wnHF uD&uPERclNcw aAN wRTl Knn WITHFILUDS PERCHKK snN scERnwn . FMEO ACHKW NVl scERT wn . ' ' - .h'q . .