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3 The Democrat-Reporter :
Bessie Muffins celebrates 100th birthday
Linden. Alabama Thursd.av, December 16. 1993
Bessie Mullins celebrated her 100th and Renee Martin of Thonmsvilie, Mark, of Kimbrongh, Alonzo and Vivian Ague Kimbmugh, Abe, Helen, Crum, Braxton
birthday Oct. 31, at her home in Donna, Bailey and Mack Jordan of Pine ofKimbrough, lvlrs.HelenMcGilberryof and Kathryn Elizabeth Cook of Clifton,
Kimbmugh. Hill, Bill, Sonya, Melody, Jessiea and Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griff'm of and Wilburn Majors of Pine Hill.
She was honored with a birthday din. Ashley Jordan of Orrville, Bob Matthews Arlington, Mrs. Ouita Green of Others coming by before dinner or dur-
her. of Camden, Billy and Beverly Dozier of Arlington, Steve Green of Grove Hill, ing the week to wish her a happy b Jxlay
Among those present were: Pet and Thornasville, Snooks Chavers and Henry Rev. and Mrs. Mike Brening of Pine Hill, were Verbee Ague of Dixons Mills,
Melba Dyson of Pensacola, Fla and E. and Gladys Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Ague of Pine Hill, Bennie Clyde Jordan of Lamison; Donna
C. and Idel Moseley of Pensacola, Fla She was also honored from 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George Huckabee of Morgan and Donna Matthews of
Bill and Betty Sheffield of Meridian, until4:00 p. m. with a reception. Among Kimbrough, June and Bunk Sims of Pine Camden, Mrs. Percy Guts of Kimbmugh;
Miss Claudia, Jim and Corey Kain of the many friends and relatives coming by, Hill, Mrs. Pattie India Tait of Arlington,
Floriday, Mary Helen McConnell of were: William Bridges of Mobile and Mrs. Dot Willie and Pat Armstrong of Brewton
Selma, Joyce and Oritt Chavers f Selma, Maurie Chavers of Limson, Janet Wright of Pine Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth his mother and their daughter-in-law,
Morris and Billie Jordan of Orrville, Flowers Earhart of Lewiston, Idaho, Nettles of Linden; Mrs. Morgan of Kimbrough, and Hazel
Verlma Britain of Mobile, Ruby and,Linda, Robin and Anna Bedsole of Morgan of Fulton, Mrs. Porter Morgan of
Ruben Ojeda of Spanish Fort and Jim Myrtlewood, Eloise Ross and T.J. Tummy, Ashleigh, and Andrew Dodd Pine Hill, Bro. Smack of Pine Hill,
Jordan of Hamden, Margaret, Larry and Pearson of Camden, Margaret and Ken of Foley, Bruce and Eula Flowers of Morris and Mary Holden of Camden,
James Jones of Wayne; Ague of Kimbrought, Mrs.Lena Dickson, Lanfison, Angle Flowers of Gulf Shores, Cam T. Hall of Mobile and Bro. and Mrs.
Elizabeth, Donald Lee, Randy and Le Shae and Lance Maness of Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrin of Pine Hill, Mr. Albert Brett of Pine Hill.
Renee of Vineland, and Doug Campbell Earl and Minnie Mullins of Grove Hill, and Mrs. Harry Mason of Pine Hill, She received many cards, gifts, flowers
of Surginer, Darlene, Joe, Roland, Larry Huckabee of Arlington;Roena Wright and Virginia Montgomery and phone calls. She really enjoyed her
Matthew and Tiffany Dullard of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Huckabee of of Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pope 100th birthday and appreciated everyone
Sue Jones of Moraoeville, Mary Frances Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Brace Huckabee of Arlington, Margaret Schmatt of who took aprt in helping her celebrate.
II in
and Rebt Lolley entertained the tiGris. Though there is no chamber of Linda Wheat at Jefferson. You can see
relatives with an early Christmas eomme e sponsored decoration judging, the decorations on Hwy. 28, but for a bet-
Stturday, Dec. 11. Twenty rela- the decorations abound and are far too ter view circle through on the Locke 3
tame from Selma, Prattvile, and many to list all the pretty ones, but sever, road and turn on the cutoff back to Hwy.
an el cannot go without mentioning. 28.
d Nell Gibbs, of Calvary Children old and young alike hould Happy birthday next week to: Sunday,
see the "shadow box" effect at Mark Dec. 19, Ann Kirkham, Hunter Hall,
L mi,Carolyn Dennis of Frattville
Llp l l) nis-"l of Gulfport, Miss attended and Sandy Henson home on South Meri Scliroeder, Nancy Peppenhorst,
Miller's dance recital in Mobile Street. Ann and Jerry Schreeder's Wynell Glass, Bob Glass, Linda Stevens,
Mbs Saturday night. She home on East Center Avenue is prettier Travis Westbrook, and Troy Hill;
a role dance wi ins tru e,than any postcard. A number of houses Monday, Dee. 20, Mildred Kirkham and
Ehe Performed the Charleston on Highland Avenue starting with the David Sullivan; Tuesday, Dec. 21,
ga,flappet. She won an award.Demsha home on the comer are brightly Lauren Yelverton, Albert Watson,
gibbs' and Dennis' spent the night lighted. And there are many, many oth- Delores Johnston, Lamar Daniels, Jeremy
Miss then returned home. ers. Matthews, Emily Tucker Jones, and
L (len and the surrounding area is Oneof the most detailed ligthed homes Jeremy May; Wednesday, Dec. 22,
](e rt With all the Christmas decora- out in the country is that of Don and Dwain Glass, Kevin Jacobs, Johnny
.[roject: Merry Christmas organizers seek
Weaver, Myrtle McManus, Leah O'Neal,
and Babs Skclton McKinncy; Thursday,
Dec. 23, Louise McClinton, Donna
Stenz, Julia Dixon, and Leslie Gaddy;
Friday, Dec. 24, Mrs. Ruth Stephem; and
Saturday, Dec. 25, Michael Noble,
Brenda Johnson, Katherine McKinney,
and Charity Lindsey.
Happy anniversary next week to: Dec.
21, Bill and Josephine Kelley; Dec. 22,
Edward and Gloria Singleton; Dec. 23,
Bud and Bill Hasty, Jerry and Ann
Schroeder, and Frank and Barbara Jo
Hurt; Friday, Dec. 24, William and Betty
Lewis; and Saturday, Dec. 25, Wayne
and Elizabeth Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Thorton, Sue and Alfred Ban.
[Ounty help to brighten holiday for others
ff . County Department ofMarengo County families withstores for toys or gift items only.
Resources and the young children who are financially PMC also serves as a referral ser-
for CANN are sponsor- unable to buy toys for Christmas vices to various groups who distrib-
erry Christmas. must fall out an application obtained new toys 199 goal is to allow
f Iri
butions may include cashfrom DHR. Applications are $15.00 per voucher for children age
I 0ns, new lq.ys and gift items screened and prioritized. Applicants three thru 12. Some funds are
[. ted. CANN is a DHR advi-
concerned with improv-
quality of life for the help-
LaM disadvantaged citizens of
Bethlehem Star" set
Dec. 19 at Linden Baptist
Adult choir of Linden Baptist with 11 couple.
Church will present the musical drama Lewey and Gayle Home will por-
"Bethlehem Star" on Sunday, Dec. 19, tray Hal and Nettle. Dennis Mason
at 6:00 p.m. will play Graver, the cop. Greg and
The story is about a couple, Hal and Kim CIardy will play Jack and Anna,
Nettle, owners of the Star Motel and the young couple. Lindsey Breitung
Dine . During Christmas, they ask God will play Molly, Jack and Anna's
to send them someone to share the daughter. Kim Hale and Mike Peppen-
story of Christmas with. horst will play Mary and Joseph.
This year, a young couple and their "This promises to be a great time
daughter become sl anded at the motel for the family, so make plans to
and have to stay the night. Hal and attend," said LBC Minister of Music
Nettle share the Christ of Christmas Joey McGill.
are awarded on the basis of need
and according to the amount of con-
tributions received.
Eligible families are sent toy
vouchers to be redeemed at local
Luggage Tag Earrings
Luggage Tag Pendants
Bangle Bracelets
Crosses --- All Sizes
Necklaces & Bracelets
Special Gifts for
.Last Minute Shoppers
| m arl nds &Wreaths
L 15%o.
Framing Corner
Open in Downtown I inden on Main Street
across from Little Drug
Tuesday & Thursday
8:30 a. m. --- 5:00 p. m.
Saturday 9:00 8 m. ---3:00 p. m.
Give A Framed Gift
matted and framed by skilled hands with a special
focus on visual coordination and contrasts of colors.
I~ou~ and home con~ Itation appointments for your convenience.
reserved to meet the emergency
needs of residents throughout the
With the help of over 2500 con-
tributors who donated $15.900.00 in
cash and at least $3000/00 in new
toys, PMC was able to provide
Christmas gifts for almost 100 chil-
For further information contact
Melanie Hale at 295-8776 or mall
contributions to: Project: Merry
Christmas, P. O. Box 480909.
Linden, AL 36748.
We have something for everybody on your gift list
Billfolds Candy Fragrances Glassware
Watches Cosmetics Cards Picture Frames
Bibles Razors Cameras Plus much more
Gold Jewelry Shaving Accessories Pen & Pencil Sets from your favorite
drug store
Main Street 295-4270 Linden
Now going on at
, inC.
Christmas Specials Include:
, All Fall and Winter Jr Mlssy, and Large Slze All Mlssy and Junlor
Dresses /3 off Pants now
All Fall Ladles and Men's All Ladles Fall Cosual
Sweaters ow off Shoes
All Holiday
Sweaters no.15% off
Many Racks - MIs - Lucia and Claude
Coordinates 1/3 off
J n ve
Large Selection Reg. $32.00- S42.00
$ 99.$ 99
Silk Biouses.o. 24 31
Junior - MLssy Clementlne
Blouses Rug. S19.00 r=,$12~
Several Rocks- Juniors- Hang Ten,
B. U. M Equlpment
Coordinate w 1/3 off
All Men's Knlts and Wovens
Sport Shirts off
Ag Lodtm
Jogging Suits.o. 15% off
All Lacll ' Ivy Reg, $27.00
Stirrup Pants =.=21"
AI Men's
Dress Pants oo. 25% off
Free Gift Wrapplng
Largest Holiday Inventory Ever! AU Moderately Priced
Ideas for your Christmas list? We can help~
115 S. Main DOWN/DWN L/NDEN 295-8489
Watch for our New Hours Start'rag Janua~ 3rd