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Community Section--Page 8 The Democrat-Reporter
Chit Preston Bowden. left, welcomes new Linden Police Depamnent oM-
cur Scott McClure of Linden. who began his new job on Dec. 8. He will
attend one of the 1994 sessions of the University of Alabama Enforcement
Academy for 12 weeks. His wife, the former Karen Williams and four year
old daughter, Hanna, reside in Linden.
By Mrs. Tom Quinney
Tommy and Evelyn Phillips of
Falrhope visited his mother, Mrs. Nora
Barnes and other family members
Jerry "Sonny" Langley is a patient in
Bryan W. Whitfield Memorial Hospital
in Demopelis. Please remember him and
his family in prayer.
Aubrey Donald and Willie Mac
Dickson" Donald and Vanna attended the
Suttles Christmas Party at Howard
Johnson's in Mobile Saturday night.
Sunday they went to Foley sightseeing
and on business.
Horace Corby of Jackson, Miss spent
the week end with his sister, Martha
Jowers, and his twin sister, Doris
Slanard. He accompanied Martha to the
Citadel Cement Corp. Christmas Party in
Demopolis Friday night. Congmtuhdons
to Doris on the birth of her f' t grand-
child, Raymond Harris Stanard, who was
born Dec. 8 in Jacksonville, Fla.
Sue Wilroy's daughter, Darlene
LaVergne, Shane and Tory of De Ridder,
La returned home Sunday after spend-
ing a week visiting her and other rela-
Jo Webb is convalescing nicely at
home after being dismissed from Bryan
W. Whitfield Memorial Hospital
Monday. She had been a patient since
, Linden, Alabama Thursday, Decunl t'.
Friday. Calvary community for many years The Joy Sunday
Melton and Cudie Hinson, Winston before moving to Minter. His hmeral was Providence Baptist
and Janice Cobb, Don and Faith Beverly, held Nov. 26. Their son, David Godwin, combination
David and Ernestine Rhodes, Keith and resides in Houston, Texas. T.D. had been ored their teacher, Wynd
Denise Hinson, Michael Lewis, Kim in ill health for a long time and saddened birthday, Dec. 9, at
Huckabee, and Mr. and Mrs.'Stanley by the death of a brother in Fcbruary and the following attending,
Lewis spent Friday through Sunday at the another brother in May. We express sym. Mary Boozer, Herby and
Mid South Recording Studio in Gadsden pathy to Mary and David and family in Adolph and Sandra Davis,
where the New Tones recorded three his death. Quinney, Max and
tapes. We wish them much success in Mrs. Emrnarmn Fluker's sister-in-law, Huey and Ted Cassity,
this endeavor. Mrs. Inez Fluker, is a patient in the Johnnie Quinney, W
Hunter Locke of the University of Selma Medical Center suffering from a MargsretCross, and
Alabama visited his grandparents, Tom broken hip sustained in a fall Thursday. The Emery
and Trula Vee Quinney, Sunday after- We wish her a speedy recovery. Class q
noon. Gaines and Pat Vick visited their ly of our church family
Jackie Duke and Cecil and Alice daughter, Allison and Dermic Cobb and Sunday, Dec. 12,
Overstreet spent Friday until Monday Tyler, in York Friday night. The Cobbs vice. There were 55
visiting Jimmy Mathis, Jean Young- visited the Vicks Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. J. Sidney
blood, Ricky and Carolyn Whitehead, The Ballard's Christmas Party was brought the
Braxton and Scott in Roxie, Miss. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin and the minister
Danny Barton spent Monday through Lawrence in Selma, Saturday ;fight with Mark and Lisa Harris,
Wednesday in Carraway Methodist about 30 attending. Micah.
Medical Center in Birmingham where he Sandra Davis and her sisters, Chris Billy Gray Bcdsole
underwent an arteriogram. Those who Colbum and Ruby Ingrain of Uniontown patient in the V.A.
were with his wife during the tests were and a friend, Pearl Stevens of Marion, Birmingham.
Rev. AI Moore, Sandra Ward, Sharon spent Saturday with their father, Brooks Providence
Barkley, Dot Pierce, Joe and Linda Ingrain in Bier,:. Earl Mansfield family
Barton, and Pat Barkley. The test showed Mrs. Fannie Mansfield was dismissed and Mrs. James
no more blockage than in previous tests, from Bryan W. Whiffield Memorial their son, David. lie
We of this area were saddened to learn Hospital Monday after being a patient result of an accident.
of the death of T. D. Godwin, Nov. 23 in nine days suffering with blood clots. She held Dec. 9 at eh
Minter. He was married to the former is convalescing at the home of her son, of God Church in
Mary Sue Barkley and resided in the John and Mary Ann Mansfield. Mobile.
Residents petition Linden
council for safety measures
Does South Shiloh Street need more PoLice Chief Preston Bowden to conduct
speed breakers, or increased patrolling a study on what options the city can
by Linden Police? exercise on installing more waft'a: signs,
That was the question being asked at speed breakers, or beefing up patrol in
the regular meeting of the Linden City the South Shiloh-Chickasaw area.
Council on Tuesday, Dec. 7. In other action, the board denied
Brenda McClure brought a citizens Eddie Price his beer License, and gave
petition before the council asking for Fred Jackson, the owner of Jack's
increased patrolling on South Shiloh Lounge 12 monthsto ithmr naoeate his
and adjoining areas in an effort to con- place of business or rezone.
trol speeding and traffic of illegal The council also approved a one-time
trucks. More than 160 signatures were annual pay raise for all city employees
on the petition, of $100. It is a Christmas bonus written
"We need something that will serve a to fit within the confines of slate law.
true purpose (in slowing down the Mayor Dunn also appointed council
speeders)," McClurc said. memben Ruth Brown, Butch King, City
McClure also made a suggestion to Administrator Dennis Mason, and City
the board that the speed breakers that Clerk Anne Brister to come up with a
are in place on South Shiloh be raised five-year capital improvement plan for
higher, and to have someone patrol the Linden's airport.
area around South Shiloh and Chief Bowden introduced the Rev.
Chickasaw where Chickasaw Apart- Jerry Daugett to the council. Daugett,
mentsare, who is pastor of Calvary Baptist
"The vandalism and violence around Church, will be the new chaplain for the
Chickasaw has become worse. We don't Linden PoLice Department.
have adequate Lighting to see," McClure "Basically, he will provide ministry
said. and counseling to the law enforcement
Linden Mayor B. R. Dunn said officm and their families. We hope to
because Chickasaw Su'eet is on private have him working with victims of crime
property, and is not a dedicated city in the near future," Bowden said.
street, it is the responsibility of the own- "I'm there for the officers to help
ers of Chickasaw to provide their own them do their job. I'm looking forward
security, to this. It is a new experience for me,"
Mayor Dunn then asked Linden Daugett said.
SW 4-H'ers organize, elect officers
By Slephanie therid&edent, Clarrisa Squires; secretary, Jeremy
Reponex Daniels; reporter, Stephanie Etheridge;
Sweet Water fourth grade students song leaders, Tyler Blakeney and Allcm
met in two groups on Wednesday, Oct. Barnes.
20, led by Rosalyn Palmer and William
Norwood. Members learned the 4-H pledge and
Students enrolled and selected pro- what it means. Mrs. Palmer explained
jeers. Ivlrs. palmer's section enrolled 31 who started 4-H and what her job is Like.
students and elected officers. Officers The cornmeal muffin contest was
elected for 1993-94 school year are: announced. Mrs. Palmer gave helpful
president, Ross CaIlahan; vice-presi- hints for muffins.
on Wallpaper (like Waver
ly, Sea Brook)
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Window treatments
Blinds 60% to 70% Off
Free Deco Service
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Ssdlng Flatware
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.Diamonds [
72e e0 Eas OLD[
Small parcels of land, 20 acres
and up, in Faunsdale area.
Paved road frontage, city water.
Financing Available
Bill Mackey
& Associates
By Allen Baswell elimination of "carry hags" that one can- They could do this anonymously," said letter perfect prin .
Demopolis officials are installing not see through, lock specif'u d doors that Louise Reynolds, chairman of the "The compu
metal detectors at city schools, can be opened only from the inside, and Demopolis School Board. ment will make it
Security was the focal topic of the rug- continue to prosecute students for possi- In other action, the board voted to policies much more
ular meeting Dec. 13 of the DemopoLis ble expulsion who violate rules designed approve the solicitation of a loan from future," Hill said.
City School Board. for student safety, the bank to make payroll on Dec. 17 for Board members
Dr. Wesley Hill, superintendent of All city schools will have two detec- the month of December. The loan amount fimncialstatementf 'l
Demopolis City Schools, said these secu- tors each. Orders have already been is not to exceed $435,000. close of November,
rity measures are being taken not only to placed for them. The plan also asks that Board members also approved allow- SchooLs had a balance inl
increase security at the schools, but cm parents will be requested to pay more ing school officials to contract a consult- of $5,295.44.
ate a great feeling of security, attention to student friends and to the ing service to add, delete, and revise the Board members
Other parts of the new security plan contents or materials their children bring board poLicy manual to update it to deal ing
include entrance only at specified doors to school, with new legal positions, and make other ment of dress
when school opens each day, phone calls "We'd like to see parents talk to their perceived improvements in the manual, problem at Demopolis
to other schools to inquire about new sta- kids about safety issues. If they know of Jones Elementary with
dents before admitting them to school, anyone who has a weapon, they need to Hill said the board's long range pro- dents wearing their
more student locker inspections, future talk to an administrator or a counselor, posal includes purchasing a scanner and a level.
Jenkins from Jackson visit Maness, Parker families
basic trmn g
By Mrs. Marene Crocker Crocker, Mrs. Gerry Foxhall, and Mrs. several days with his moth last week. Navy Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins of Odessa Foshee. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Harbin visited Denham, son
Jackson, Miss. spent Thursday with Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Miller from the Betty Jean's mother, Mrs. Rouby Lou Smith of Gallion,
Etta Maness and Doll Parker. children's home spoke at the Baptist Anderson. Mrs. Anderson went home basic training at
Mr. and Mrs. Syd Earnest spent Church in Thomaston Sunday. with them for a visit. Command, Great
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Betty Barkley and Brandi and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker, Brad and During the cycle,
Grady Cooper. Mrs. Patsy Pharr went to Tuscaloosa Jean Marie, Mrs. James Winn and Joel of general military
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Harris took the shopping Saturday. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny prepare them
youth of Sardis church to the Pizza Hut Mrs. Hazel Knott of Greensboro visit- Mulvaney and Jennifer, Mrs. Holly on-the-job wainin
in Thomasville after church service ed the Rudolph Parker family Sunday Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Myers, 85 occupational tidds.
Sunday night, afternoon. Keith and Katie, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Studies include
Mr. and Mrs Joe Donald Ray visited Those from Thomaston who attend the Makosky of Birmingham, Mr. and Mrs. order drill,
Mrs. Etla Maness Thursday. wedding of Craig Sumrall were Mr. and David Stephons, Matthew Michael and He is a 1993
Those who attended the Sumrall- Mrs. Billy Stokes and Mrs. Carolyn Dalton of Laurel, Miss Mr. and Mrs. High School.
Couch wedding in Butler Sunday after- Fendley. Bobby Jones, Steve and Kenneth of
noon from Sardis were Patsy and Ronald Mrs. Doris Steward went toCiarkston, Ga joined Grace and Gerald Robert 17.
Pharr and Shirley and Bob Crocker. Centerville Monday to see her doctor. Whitley and Mrs. Ollie Merle Parker for duty at
Mrs. Shoppard Griffin of Greesboro Rev. Duane Schleip spent a few days Sunday for *,heir Christmas get together.
and Mrs. Dorothy Bryant of Tyler visited in Birmingham last week. They all enjoyed the beautiful day
several families in town including Grace Jerri Phillips of Birmingham spent together.
Demopolis Manufacturing Facility, a
Waste Management Company, has
began recalling some employees earlier
than had been expected.
On. Nov. 18, Waste Management sus-
pended operations until at least Jan. 3,
1994, while the company reduces its
inventory during a period of slow sales.
"As on Monday, Dec. 13, a total of
31 of the 69 suspended employees will
return for active duty," said Jim
H,ffman, division president and general
manager. "In the past two weeks we
have received several large special con-
tainer orders that have to be manufac-
tared l nd deLivered prior to Jan. 1. This
Limited group of employees will enable to meet our customers requirements,
and give additional time to reduce our
standard container inventory."
"All of the remaining suspended
employees will continue to receive their
health and Life insurance benefits as well
Featuring LEAF Removal
All Types Tractor Work
Farm & Home Improvements
(205) 627-3980
Please leave message
as their hoLiday pay. We are proud to be
able to recall these employees back
early, perhaps they and their families
will have a happier hoLiday season."
Huffman will monitor the call-back
of the remaining suspended employees
on a week-by-week basis after Jan. 3.
The company will phase in employees'
returns based on which jobs are needed
at a particular time.
DemopoLis Manufacturing fabricates
roll-off containers, the large boxes used
at construction and demolition sites to
hold debris. The company's sales am
I00 percent internal. Customers are
divisions of Waste Management, Inc.
and Chemical Waste Management, both
part of WMX Technologies, Inc.
Demopolis Manufacturing sells its
products to division in states east of the
Rockies to the Atlantic Coast, including
Long-Term Real
Estate Loans
940 Hwy. 80 East "
ASk US T o,s
Thomaston, AL.
Air Force
Sanders has
Air Force
Sanders, an
tems specialist, is
and Hairston F.
Herbert St DemOpO
Let me aake
pies for
To place
order call
after 5:00 P' gt.
722 N. Walnut Ave.
Demopolis, AL