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Alabama Thursday, December 16, 1993
G LA5 5
OF ner of 5th Ave. and Mobile St. 16 x 80,
RUBY H. HART includes porch, patio, carport, and utility
of said deceased Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of house. IIMMY GLASS REAL ESTATE -
unrented oa said decedent having been granted to the Call Sandra Ray, 295-4431
P Deeembar. 1993. by the undersigned on the 17th day of September. 12-16-ffc
Hopkins of the 1993 by the Probate Judge of Marengo
,notices County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that FOR SALE -- Frost free GE refrigerator.
persons having all persons having claims against said Estate Good condition. 17 cubit feet. 627-3636.
laid estate are hereby are hereby required to present the same, duly 12-9-tfc
the same within time Iwom to, in the Probate Corot of said County
within the time allowed by lew, orelsesame PIANO FOR SALE -- Wanted: A
SylvialL Crawford wiEbe forever barred, responsible persons to take on a low,-
12-16-3tc ~llman B. liars monthly payment on a beautiful console
Denise Hart Meyer piano, no money down. Call toll free: l-
COURT OF Executors800-533-7953.
ALABAMA 12-9-3tc 12-2-3tp
The City of Thomaaton will receive sealed
bids for CONTRACT NO. 1 - WATER
of laid deceased AGE STANDPIPE at Thomaston City Hall
undersigned on until 2.'00 p. m Friday, January 7, 1994, and
1993, by the hoe- then at said office bids will be publicly
Probate Judge of opened and read aloud.
he'w/given that Contract No. 1 consists generally of:
claims against said estate Construction of approximately 29,000 L.F.
of g" water main, 6,000 L.F. of 6" water
law or the same will be main, 3,000 L.F. of 3" water main and one
booster pump station.
Emilie Simmons Hagnod Contract No. 2 consists generally of:
Executrix 300.000 gallon water storage standpipe.
PLANS may be examined at Thomaaton City
Hall and at the office of Goodwyn, Mills and
FOR SALE -- Brass Bed. queen size finn
orthopedic mattress set and rails,
headboard/ft, board with porcelain accenu
New, never used, still in plastic and boxes,
cost over $1200. Sell for $375 cash. 295-
I 1-25-tfc
FOR SALE -- Bunk Bed, book case, bunk
beds, stackable with mattresses and ladder.
New, never used. Cost over $400 will sell
for $190 cash 295-1560
garage sales, vendors end public welcome.
Every Saturday and Sunday. 875-0500 or
874-9525. 2-l-fie
ATTENTION Experienced drivers. Lane
Tracking, Inc. is now hiring OTR drivers. If you
have a good driving record and wish to drive the
best equipment, excellent pay and benefits, then
t-800-239-4239 today. (R)
COVENANT Transport - $500 sign-on bonus
(after 90 days). Last year our top team earned
over $85,000. Starting at $0.27 to $0.29 per
mile plus bonuses to $0.38 per mile. Solos wel-
come. Spouse rider program. Truck driving
school graduates welcome. Paid insurance.
Motel, layover pay, loading / unloading, vaca-
.tion, deadhead pay. Requirements: Age 23, 1
year verifiable over-the-mad, class A CDL with
hazardous materials. 1-800-441-4394. (R)
DRIVERS - Blanket wrap, reefer, shorthaul,
OTR opportunities, l.ate model tractors, excel-
lent pay / benefits, $500 sign-on bonus (experi-
enced drivers). Call anytime, Budington Motor
Carriers: 1-800-JOIN-BMC (Ext. 1 t3), EOE
HOMEOWNERS Need money? Bill consoli-
dation, refinance, home improvements, good or
slow credit, bankruptcy accepted. Best avail-
able rates. Southern Funding, 1-800-753-8960.
TIRED OF Collecting payments? We pay Top
Dollar for viler financed mortgages. For Free
quotes call National Mortgage Investors, 1-
WE BUY private held mortgages, notes and
trust deeds nationwide. Call Kilgore Funding
Grp in Birmingham, 664-1271, all others 1-
COIN LAUNDRY - Planning to open a coin
laundry? Take a look at MAYTAG Computer
Trac washers and dryers! Call us for details.
Classified Ad Rates
For all Classified and Legal Advertisements
Minimum per week $4.00
First Week 25e/word
Each Consecutive Week 20e/word
Policy: Affidavits with proof of publication will be sent for all
legal notices. Checking copies for classified ads will be sent
upon request at the cost of postage and handling. In the event of
an error, your classified ad will be corrected in the next edition
after you notify The Democrat-Reporter. This must be done
prior to noon Tuesday of each publication week; otherwise,
advertisers accept all responsibility for any errors by placing
advertisements. All classtfied advertisement charges must be
paid prior to publication unless you are a subscriber or have an
established account.
The Democrat-Reporter
P. O. Box 480040 Linden, Alabama 36748
DRIVERS / OWNI~R Operators - Poole Truck
Line has immediate openings for drivers and
O/O with 1 year experience. Drivers starting
pay up to 28 cents/mile with great benefits.
Company sponsored training for those with no
experience. O/O top pay all miles. Must be 23.
For more information call 1-800-553-9443.
Dept. AL-74.
EARN MONEY slipproofing porcelain bath-
tubs, glazed ceramic, quarry, terrazzo tile
floors. Excellent opportunity for hou~wives.
Additional ~rvice for cleaning crews. SLIP-
GUARD 1-800-909-GRIP after 5 p.m.
TIMBER LAND - 326.4 acres prime timber
and hunting land in Clarke County to be mid by
~aleid bids January 20, 1994. For additional
infonnation and terms of role call (205) 636+~
APPLY BY phone. 2, 3, & 4 bedroom mobile
homes. DeliveTed statewide. As low as $618
dov n & $130 monthly. Tn~caloo~ Home
Center. Apply at 1-800-694-2289. (R)
BANK REPOS!! Assume payments 1993- 14
x 70 three bedrooms, never lived in. Also 16 x
80 s and doublewides. Repos beginning
of the stockholders of C, awood. Inc. in Montgomery. FOR SALE OR RENT -- 2 BR. 1 bathAmeriVend Southeast, 1-800-2MAYTAG. $100,00 monthly. Credit approved by phone, l-
Teat Co* willbeheld at Copies of the CONTRACT DOCU- house, large lot on Edgnwood Drive in (R) OWNER OPERATORS- Bee Lines Expregs, 800-844-7001 or(205)755-4272.(R)
n of Thomagon, County MENTS AND PLANS may be obtained at Demopolis. $22.500 or $250 per month Inc Birmingham, Alabamaisacceptingleases.
ste of Alabama. on the the office of Goodwyn. Mills and Cawood, plus deposit. Call 349-4259. 12 9 tfcINVEST $170 for one vending machine. Net OTR experience required. Must be 24 years. BANK REPOS - Beat the high cost of living,
$57 monthly. How much do you want to make Weekly ~ttlements and good benefits. (205) buy a preloved mobile home. Credit approved
1994. at 2:30 o'clock in Inc. located at 125 Interstate Park Drive. P. monthly? For a great opportunity call 1-800- 849-8665, 1-800-765-5623. by phone. Call 1-800-548-I 157 or (205) 279-
election of dixeetors for O. Box 3605, Montgomery, Alabama 36109- 489-9293. ' 6334, ask for Helen. EOL
t, and for the tramaaion of 0605 upon payment of $50.00. Retom of the BUY FOR Less Wholesale - Closeouts below OWNER OPERATORS - We are expanding
s as may properly come doetmaenta is not required, and the amount wholesale on name brand foods, soaps, our regional operations in the Southeast. We BANK Repossessions. Over 45 homes in
paid for dan do'eats it non-refundable. No clothing. Wholesale toys, tools, baby items, ~ offer the most comprehensive pay package stock. $500 down. Application accepted over
IL A. Pritchett, $ retery -partial sets, individual pages or drawing housewares, ceramic & much more. 808 MISCELLANEOUS available. Call us: 1-800-821 - 1880 Vans, I- phone. First payment February '94. Say-Morn
12-16-4te sheets will be provided. Parkway Drive, Leeds, AL (205) 699-65 ! 1. 800-772-9280 Flats. Hmnes. Decatur, AL 1-800-879-7309. (R)
The Owner reserves the fight to waive any COOKWARE. Perfect Christmas gift! Big TECHNICAL Agsistant / Drafting Technic+~ 5% CASH or trade-ins, buys 14x70, 3+2, AJC
tlq~,lrr APPLICATION informaliti~, or to reject any or all bide, and dinner party sets. Brand new. Retail $1200. - Land Planning Finn, Hwy 280 East, seeks =$179.00monthly. 16x80,3+2,MC= $199.00
It i~mait for ADEM for sur- to award the contract to the best and most Now till Christmas only $369. 5-ply lifetime experienced, qualified applicants. Send resume monthly. 24x52, 3+2. A/C = $259.00 monthly.
to P.O. Box 380425, Birmingham, AL 35238. Delivery statewide, 5 year waffanty. (205) 755-
ration in TISN, R3E, S3~ responsible bidder. All bidders ~all submit guarantee.Call 1-800-374-1058. Mr. Allen. (R) Cleaning -- Home, apartment, & office 7869.(R)
with their bids a list of proje.cts successfully HONDA PRESSURE Cleaner- 3000 PSI - Cat cleaning at negotiable prices by dependable WELL-ESTABLISHED north Alabama inde-
pendent Pharmacy needs fdll tilne Pharmacist.
48-Se~ell-I completed" in the last 2 years, having the Pump - 2+5 year warranty. Lifetime aluminum woman with own transportation. Call IAnda Positions available immediately. Send resume
~ of Alabama l~parlment ofindustrial Relations struetionsame scopecostOfasWOrksp~,ifiedand inappmximatethis project.eta'All delivery.frame - 5 nozzles. $999.00 COD / ovemightcall factory 24 hours, catalog 1-800- at 295-1744 or 295-8040. 12 162tc to P.O. Box 217, Hartselle, Alabama 35640.
A. D. Sewell bidders must comply with requirements of 333-WASH.
Rt. 1. B=t 1164 the Contractor's Licenling Law of the State INGROUND Swimming pools. Buy now and Let me make your candy, cakes and pies for BARBOUR COUNTY, tremendous deer ten'i-
Forkland, AL 36740 of Alabama and be certified for the type of beat the rash. Statewide pool distributor now Christmas. To place orders call 627-3620 tory. 164 acres 5 miles south of Clayton. Excel-
lent planted pines and saw-log-tiralx~. $843 per
12-16-31p work on which the proposal is submitted, booking vinyl or fiberglass pools with lifetime after 5:00 p. m. acre or $550 per acre less ~w-logaimber. Call
Each bidder most deposit with his bid, sects- warranty. Save thousands. Call (205) 663- 12-9-2tc Alabama Land Locators, (205) 821-8210.
]AL NOTICE rity in the amount, form and subject to the 3888.
1993 CLOSEOUT ,sale on all new Belams 3 l-
It Sons, Inc. hereby gives conditions provided in the information for SPAS- SPAS- SPAS. Santasale. Annual floor A BEAUTIFUL chapel church wedding - 100hptractors.Save50%offotherbrand.s, plus
tion of contract with the Bidders. model - blemished clearance. Compare at I/2 Smoky Mountains. Gatlinburg Chapels (since year end ~vings. Full factory warranty, "0"
for onstrm~ on of Project Anention of Bidders is particularly called retail price. Factory direct. Act now, quantity 1980). No tests, no waiting. Photography. down fin~cing available. 1-800-541-4215. (R)
an:ago Corms t. This notice to the~fequirl:ments as tO concli~ions of limited. (205) 486-7919. Southland Spa. nmsic, flowers, videography, receptions, lim-
four consec ~tive weeks employmQ~(b be observed and minimum Haleyvilled~L. ousines. Honer~'~ites (fireplaces, heaa- ALL NEW shipment of ~ wideS: Payments
12/9/93 and ending onwage rates to be paid under the contract, shapedjucuzzis).Christianceremony-Rev, Ed starting at $179.00 monthly. Down payment at
should be fded at HCRSection 3, Segregated Facility, Section 109 TANNING BEDS-Montego Bay WolffCom-Taylor, 1-800-346-2779. (R) $875.00. Fleetwood factory outlet. Trade-ins
mercial and home. New Legend Bed. Factory welcomed. Holiday Homes of Alabama. (205)
AL 30101 during direct Best prices. Financing and trade-ins. Call 755-4286. (R)
1-800-242-8250. (R)
and E. O. 11246.
No bidder may withdraw hit bid within 30
Orady Raila & Sons. Inc. days after the opening thereoL TI~ project it
12-9-4te being funded in part by CDBG Project WOLFF TANNING Beds - new commercial -
Number SM-CM-PF-93-061. home units, from $199.00. Lamps, lotions,
accesso6es, Monthly payments low as $18.00.
~'I~DITORS OF ESTATE Patsy P. SumraiL Mayor Call today. Free new color catalog. 1-800-462-
OF City of Thumaston 9197. (R)
P.O. 276
upon the Estate of Thomaston, Alabama 36783 1987-88 YAMAHA GI-2 cycles $775. 1987
been granted to the (205)62%3434 YamabaG24cycles$1275.Setofsixusedbat-
aeries $100. Plaza Golf Carts, Demopolis, AL
30th day of November, Gondwyn, Mills and Cawood. Inc. 289-5891. (R)
Judge of Marengo Post Office Box 3605
, nctice is hereby given that 125 Interstate Park Drive
"laims said Estate Montgomery. Alabama 36109-0605 '94 GATEWAY Homes 16x80, 3+2,$21,000
/ $190 monthly. 14x70, 3 + 2, $17,900 / $162
the same, duly (205) 271-3200 monthly. Free A/C, undeq~inning, delivery, set-
of aid County FAX (205) 272-1566 up. Cox Mobile Homes Service, Clanton,
law, or else same 12-9-4te Alabama (205) 755-377 I.
CHAPEL IN the Valley (Gatlinburg's Original
Wedding Chapel). Free parking. Thoughtful
service is rendered through music, flowers,
photographs, videos and receptions. (615) 436-
7903, 1-800-922-4573.
ROMANTIC Candlelight weddings - Smoky
Mountains. Ordained mini ~ers, elegant chapel,
photographs, totals, limos, vidoos, bridal suites
withjacuzzis. No waiting, no blood test. Gatlin-
burg, Tennessee. 1-800-933-7464.
light ceremonies, outdoor weddings. Mountain
Chapel overlooking river, near Gatlinburg.
Everything provided. Accommodations.
Romantic CARRIAGE RIDE. Reasonable
prices. Charge cards accepted. HEARTLAND
1-800-448-VOWS (8697). (R)
Banking Company REPOSt 1990- 1994 neverlived in 16 x 80's, N~CES
14 x 70's, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Also 14 x 52's B RAZILIAN Exchange student anxiously
Executor furnished. Payments starting $130.00 monthly, awaiting host family. Students arriving in Jan-
12-9-3t Credit approved by phone. (205)926-4009. (R) uary for 2nd .semester. Become a host family
NOW! AISE, call: 1-800-SIBLING.
Thomaston, AI.
8ome Units
;& Service
I Available
by 3-ommy McGraw
295-4498 Linden
652-6100 Livingston
On All Makes
& Willis
performance Coatings. Inc. hereby gives
notice of oontract with the State of Alabama
for mamuction of Projeca No, 9%508-462-
028-341 and 99-508-662-005-339 in
Marengo/Wilcox Counti~. Thh notice will
appear for four cmseeutive weeks be~
on November 24, 1993 and ending on
December 15. 1993. All claims should be
fred at Performance Coatings, Inc P. O.
Box 635. Pelham. Al2 35124, during this
11-25 -4
BUYING OR selling your mobile home?
Gmentree Financial specializes in financing
pre-owned mobile homes. Land-Home combi-
nation loans available. Call today at 1-800-437-
16 Lawrence
If so, J.B. Hunt pays some of the best
flatbed rates on the road and provides
plenty of miles. Experienced flatbed
drivers can earn up to 29 cents per mile
to start.
Call for more information:
.= ' I
The Best Flatbed Ran [or The llloaq.
EOE. Subject to drug screen.
Thomasvflle, Alabama
AIJb YYPICS OF DOZIER WORK - No Job too large or small
Certttled and Insured Landltne Maintenance
Rlcky Harrison Scott Mayton
I morn eze.xem
Phone and leave message or call after 5:00 p.m.
Paying Top Market Prices
Heating & Air Conditioning
Sales and Service
Call for Free Estimates
Financing Available
All Plumbing and Electrical Work
Gaddy Electric &
Plumbing Co.
Jerry Gaddy
295-8232 or 289-2822
BECOME A paralegal. Join America's fastest
growing profession, lawyer instructed home
study. The finest paralegai program available.
P.C.D.i Atlanta, Georgia. Free catalog. 1-800-
362-7070 Depl. LP'/45.
PROFESSIONAL Truck driver training.
Tuition reimbursement programs. Carriers
hiring on site. Full, part time and 15 day pro-
grams. Commercial Driver Institute, i-800-
642-7364 Dept. PS-3. (R)
BELARUS - America's fastest selling diesel
.tractors, less than half price of ethers. Loaders,
mr, stereos, equipment. Parts, service. Two
locations: Demopolis, 1-800-348-6010; Mr.
Vernon, 1-800-442-1787. (R)
Specializing in Linden &
South Marengo County area
New Listing --- 3 BR, 1 bath,
brick home. Low $30,000's.
(Pinecrest) -
3 BR, 2 bath, fenced in back-
yard, with covered patio. (8th)
3 BR, 1 1/2 bath, confortable
home in quiet neighborhood.
I(Boggs St.)
Alabama Certified
Residential Appraiser
Call Anytime Day
Night for listings
or appratsals
$1500 worth of golf
for only $30*
Coleman Carlton
*Restrictions Apply