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December 16, 1993
Night hunting from a highway cost hunting and for hunting from a road. The hunting without a license and on a
three Lawrence County men $722 apiece Fine and costs for hunting from a notarized plea of guilty and show pur-
Dec. 7 in Marengo County District vehicle were remitted in each case. The chase of an annual license, the fine was
Court. other frees are due paid by March 15. remitted on payment of court costs
All three were found guilty of night against Michael J. Ruble of 4763 Puritan
hunting, hunting from a road, and hunt- John R. Nail of 203 Desnouette, ircle, Tampa, Fla. court costs are $111
ingfromavehicleinatrialpresidedover Demopolis, pleaded guilty Dec. 7 to which were paid.
,by District Judge C. Kendall Snow. night hunting and hunting from a road.
Alvin Dewayne Terry and Donald He was fined $250 plus costs, totaling Charles Frank Motes of RL 1 Box 51,
Byron Terry, both of 23343 ALHwy 33, $361 fornight hunting.The fine and cost Coffeeville, was found guilty in a trial
Courfland, and Farlon J. Terry of 639 were remitted on a motion by the state on for failure to comply with buoy. He was
County Road 242, Moulton were each the hunting from the road charge. Fees freed $10 and court costs due in 14 days
fined $250 plus court costs for night are due paid by Feb. 15. from the Dec. 7 court date.
's forest certified as TREASURE
center, accepts a TREASURE forest. WS. Kelly Mosley is the owner of
and sign from Marengo County Pineland. There are currently 24 Marengo
Ken Leslie and Tom Lung, dis- County landowners certified as TREASURE
ffroni Selma. Ballard's 63 acre for- Forest owners. Ballard, like Mosley, recognized
certified by the Alabama the abundance of wildlife on his property as
He is managing the well as the productivity of timber in the soil on
rthnber and wildlife. The TREA- his property. As prime habitat for game,
program has been in place in Ballard's property produces deer, turkeys, and
almost 20 years. Pineland, near small game such as rabbits, quail, and squirrels.
, Was Alabama's first TREASURE
Lady Longhorns Tuscaloosa Academy on Friday, Dec. 10, "l'uscaloosa won the state last year.
of the season, dropping a 51-23 decision. They are the best team we will face this
Accademy of Elizabctli McKee led the Lady year. Jennifer Jackson is agreattflayer.
Lonth vith sev lX)ints, vader dy
off Dec. 7 at followed by Melica Sanders with six Longhorns head coach Cecil Wallace.
points. Other Lady Longhorns figuring
Ind Melica Sanders in the scoring column were Allison
for Marengo as Moseley with three points, Chastity Pope
Elizabeth McKec with two points, and Leah Ramsey with
Leah Rowsey and one
had four points.Jennifer Jackson led Tuscaloosa
Southern in scoring Academy with 24 points.
Tuscaloosa Academy improved to 7-0,
then faced Marengo dropped to 1-3.
lose to Akron 72-53
winless on season
Turnovers, foul problems, plus free
throw shooting woes did the Dcmopolis
Tigers in as they lost 75-54 to Hillcrest
on Dec. 7.
The Tigers (0-3) had 32 turnovers, and
went only 2-19 from the foul line.
Hillcrest was in control most of the
way as they led 38-24 at halftime, and
never looked back as they stretched their
lead to 56-38 after the third stanza.
Walter Wilder led Hillcrest in scoring
with 20 points, while Tungi Mills and
Billy Cabbil each had nine points. Steve
Conner was the only Tiger in double dig-
its with 14 points. Phelton Payne chipped
in nine points.
The Lady Patriots of Hillcrest com-
pleted the sweep as they defeated
Demopolis' girls 52-31.The first quarter
was a tight affair as the Lady Patriots led
by four, 14-10. Then they stretched the
lead to 29-15 at halftime, and 43-21 after
the third quarter.
Demopolis' Karmen Phillips led all
scorers with 17 poinls. Nicole Smith and
Pam Jowers each had five points, April
Bradley and Ann Wilson were the only
Lady Patriots to hit double figu s with
15 and 14 points respectively.
Christmas on the River's Barbecue BBQ won second place. Third place
Committee has chosen to give an annual went to Apple City BBQ.
award to honor the memory of Ronald Pyropigmaniacs won first place in the
Burage. Shoulders division. Little Red Pig BBQ
The first Ronald Burage Spirit Award finished second place, followed by
was given to the barbecue team of Porky's Pride, who won third place.
Linden Lumber. The award was present- Harper's Hogs won first place in the
ed during the 1993 Alabama State Ribs division. Jack Daniels Party Crew
By Charles E. Smith duce calves in this range.
County Agent-Coordinator Soundness - Look at the foot and leg
How much time do you spend choos- structure, which is imporl nt during
ing a bull for your herd7 breeding. Also, check for reproductive
A sound and productive bull is a soundness. Arc the testicles free of dis-
major factor in any successful cattle earn and is the penis free of abnormali-
operation. The U. S. beef industry is ties7 When buying an older bull, two
becoming more competitive and end- year old or older, a semen test can show
product oriented. Therefore, it is breeding soundness.
increasingly more important to know Growth and Carcass Characteristics -
what the industry is looking for and how Take a look at the bull's performance
your product fits into those expecta- data and Expected Progeny Differences
dons. The selection of a new herd sire (EPDs). EPDs show the future expected
can be important in obtaining premium performance of a bull's progeny as corn-
prices for your cattle and reaching your pared to a breed's average. EPDs can
goals, only be used within a breed. EPDs are
The National Cattlemen's Assoc- bearer indicators of the bull's future per-
iation (NCA) conducted an audit of the formance than his actual performance is
U.S. beef industry in 1991. One of the because information on all relatives is
recommendations coming out of the included in the analysis and environ-
audit was to produce slaughter cattle sent is taken out.
having carcass weights between 600 and If you are going to sell calves at
800 pounds; a yield grade of twoor weaning picka bull with a lot of growth
and a quality grade of "choice." Cattle whose calves will have more pounds at
within these ranges result in a mom con- weaning. For replacement heifers,
sistent and uniform product, choose a bull balanced in traits. If you
Dr. Lisa Kriese, Extension animal are concerned about calving difficulty,
scientist at Auburn University, points look at the birth weight EPD. The birth
out five areas to consider when chooa- weight EPD is a better indicator of what
ing a bull. a she's calf will weigh than the bull's
Muscling - Make sure the bull has birth weight.
adequate muscle to produce feedlot cat- Scrotal Circumference - A one year
tie with the above specifications. A old bull should have a scrotal circumfer-
heavy to moderately muscled bull will ence of 32 centimeters. This indicates
probably be needed, that the bull has reach l puberty and is
Frame Size - This is a measure of able to produce viable semen.
how tall the bull is at a particular age. Two bull tests sales in January offer
Feedlot cattle having a frame score of the opportunity to add a good bull to
four, five, or six will fall into the NCA your herd. Contact the county extension
recommended window. You want to office for more information about the
Ktsex High are 0-3 18 and LaShondia Hawkins with nine. Championship Barbecue Cookoff. This placed second, while Smoken John match your bulls with your cows to pro- sales.
Howell also led the team in scoring with award exemplifies the joy and spirit of copped third place. Alfa won first place
25 in a 61-12 win over Akron.Ronald Burage, who passed away Sept. in the Backyard division. They also won
led the Hornets in In boys' junior varsity action, Akron 10, 1993. the Anything Butt award. River City
Points, while Derric edged past the Hornets 38-31 on De. 7. Burage participated in the barbecue Ribbones was second, Citadel won third
wits also the lead- Sherman Bennett paced the Hornets competition for the last three years, place.
)ants in a 103-44 with 11 points, while Terventius Gibbs Pete s Swine won first place in the Jack Daniels Party Crew also won the
k Dec. 7. He also poured in 10 points, and Steve Whitfield Whole Hog division. Little Red Pig sportsmanship award.
t with 13 in a g3- added eight. Sherman also netted 11 i
points in a 71-30 loss to Greensboro on SO avi Os Ch
rc I ,I following a Dec. I0. Larnado Worthy was the other n
hot( on Dec. 10. leading scorer with six points.
the team with 27 The Hornets return to action Friday
Phillips with, l, Itn,tDec. 17 against Akron. D a viqt[' ' ll r.ti'S
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