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The Democrat-Rcpo,*,
Linden, Alabama Thursday, December 16,
Rash of 'trash'runs property damage high as vandalism, thefts increase
By Allen BasweU tiating with a non-negotiable instrumenL tion. aged a Chetah boat belonging to Paul
Dcmopolis police arrested 10 people Kirk was held then released by judge's An unknown person or persons took Ketcham, 1404 Breen St. Demopolis on
from Dee. 3 to Dec. 8, seek vandals for orders. Timothy Williams was the arrest- $80 in U. S. currency from Christopher Dec. 6. Estimated damage done is $200.
rash of damage, ing officer. Virges, 604 1st Ave. Demopolis, on Dec. Case is under investigation.
Byron C. Vice, 2509 Meg Dr. Linden, Mekeshia V. Bright, P.O. Box 103 5. The case is under investigation. An unknown person or persons dam-
was arrested on Dec. 3 for driving under Linden, was arrested for menacing, and An unknown person or persons took aged a mailbox belonging to Bambi
the influence. He was held then released was released on bond. Williams was the one ladies wallet valued at $6, and $200 Hamilton, 1910 Marengo Dr Demopolis
on bond. Derrick Carter was the investi- arresting officer, in O. S. currency on Dec. 5 from Barbara on Dec. 6. Total estimated damage done
gating officer. Demopolis Police investigated several Etheridge, 301 Cahaba Ave Demopolis. is $35. Case is under investigation.
Eddie L. Taylor, Rt. 3, Box 300 incidents. Case is under investigation.An unknown person or persons dam-
Forldand, was arrested Dec. 3 for D.U.I. An unknown person or persons dam- An unknown person or persons dam- aged two tires on a vehicle belonging to
Taylor was held, then released on bond. aged one metal building on Dec. 1 at aged the driveway concrete of John Joann Baker, 1906 Vine Ave Demopolis
Robert Pickens was the arresting officer. Golden Flake on a private road in Green, 1905 Vine Ave. Demopolis, on on Dec. 6. Total estimated damage is
Melvin J. Reese, 411 Collins St. Demopolis. Total estimated damage was Dec. 5. Estimated cost of damage is $25. $300. Case is under investigation.
Linden, was arrested Dec. 4 on an alias $400. Case is under investigation. Case is under investigation.On Dec. 6, an unknown person or per-
warrant for speeding, failure to appear, On Dec. 2, an unknown person took An unknown person or persons took sons took $15 in U. S. currency from
and not wearing a seat belt. He was held two money orders valued at $210 and $41 from Kathy beh=ctt, P. O. Box 72, Joyce James, 814 Hilltop Circle,
then released bu judge's order. Arnold $110 in O.S. currency from Elizabeth Gallion on Dec. 5. The case is under Dernopolis. Case is under investigation.
Strickland was the arresting officer. Jackson, 400 N. Strawberry St. investigation. OnDec.7, an unknown person or per-
Mary J. Collier, 512 S. Front St. Demopolis. The case is under investiga- sons took one bottle of 60 Loratab from
Demopolis, was arrested Dec. 5 for men- tion. An unknown person or persons dam- the vehicle of David Doster, 1104 S.
acing, and was released on bond. Marty An unknown person or persons dam- aged a window of a vehicle belonging to Commissioner St Demopolis. The bottle
Hoven was the arresting officer, aged a right back fender of a vehicle Norbert Perret, 306 S. Main St. was valued at $30. Case is under investi-
Bryan K. Necaise, Rt. 1, Box 930 belonging to Jimmy Allen, Crossgates Demopolis, on Dec. 5. Total estimated gation.
Linden, was arrested Dec. 5 for D.U.I. Apt. 58, Demopolis, on Dec. 3. Total damage is $600. The case is under inves- An unknown person or persons dam-
He was held then released on bond. estimated damage done is $100. The case tigation, aged the hood and doors of a vehicle
Dennis Spence was the arresting officer, is under investigation. On Dec. 6, an unknown person or per- belonging to William L. FoxhaU, 1300
Joshua A. Cabil, Rt. 1 Box 200 sons damaged a window at Dollar Chickasaw St Demopolis on Dec. 7.
Gallion, was arrested Dec. 5 for pedestri- On Dec. 4, an unknown person or per- General Store, 304 E. Washington St Estimated damage done is $800. Case is
an under the influence. He was held then sons damaged a windshield of a car Demopolis. Estimated cost of damage is under investigation.
released by judge's order. Hoven was the belonging to Martha D. Burk, Rt. 1 Box $350. The case is under investigation.
arresting officer. 198-D, Demopolis. Total estimated dam- An unknown person or persons took An unknown person or persons took a
Steve Conley, 1920 5th St. Apt. 5 age is $500. Case is under investigation, one ladies leather jacket from valued at Cobra radar detector from a vehicle
Northport, was arrested Dec. 6 for assault An unknown person or persons dam- $200 and $10 in O. S. currency from Pare belonging to Darrell Jones, 108 N. Ash
i11. Conley was held then released on aged two passengers side windows of a Durham, 1309 Mason Ridge Dr St. Demopolb on Dec. 8. Damage was
bond. Cpl. Picky Hall was the arresting vehicle belonging to Luther Massy, Rt. 1 Demopolis on Dec. 6. The case is under done to the window of Jones' vehicle.
officer. Box 728 Gallion, on Dec. 4. Total esti- investigation. Total estimated damage done is $500.
Joesph Matthews, Rt. 1 Box 7026, Old mated damage done is $600. The case is An unknown person or persons dam- Case is under investigation.
Spring Hill, was arrested Dec. 6 for under investigation, aged a wooden yaxd swing belonging to On Dec. 8, an unknown person or per-
harassment. He was held then released on OnDec. 5, an unknown person or per- Fred Roman, 1816 Marengo Dr sons damaged the back window of a
bond. Tony Gary was the arresting offi- sons damaged the vehicle belonging to Demopolis on Dec. 6. The swing and vehicle belonging to Gary Malone, W.
0=. Debbie Foxhall, 1500 Chickasaw St frame are valued at $100. The case is Capitol St Demopolis. Total estimated
Earnest L. Kirk, Rt. 1, Box 7g-A Demopolis. Total estimated cost of dam. under investigation, damage done is $300. Case is under
Demopolis, was arrested Dee. 6 for nego- age is $300. The case is under investiga- An unknown person or persons dam- investigation.
Children of all ages should soon write that very important letter to
Claus, if they haven't akeady done so.
There is a special mail flight from Alabama to the North Pole leaving
Dec. 17. Those letters are the one which will appear in TI ]D ittocrllP
portcr, so be careful to address the envelope to:
Santa Claus, The North Pole
c/o The Democrat-Reporter
P. O. Box 480040
Linden, Alabama 36748
Santa reminds youngsters to be good boys and girls to help
Day, especially in writing Santa Claus. Morn and Dad say S
can remember some of the good ideas, but the way kids write their
ad their ideas are most important. Moms and Dads sometimes need
to help.
Infant/Children's Clothing
for boys & girls, 0 - 14
Better Quality/Minus 10 Days andcounting!
Better prices! VISA Charoe enters
Better Hurry! $1000 Holid- y ;wee0
VISA - Master Card Welcome
Gift Wrapping Layaways due out 12/20
222-B South Main Street Linden 295-4060
Open Monday - Saturday 9:30 a. rn. - 5:30 p. m.
The Jewelry Store With
)fi.; : '
Penny to Half Dollar Size
Free Monoarammina
Available th-ru Dec. 24
Prices start at
h ri S tm
Main Street Linden
offers classes for Teachers[.
A Graduate Level Course
Will Be Taught Winter Quarter, 1994 in Sweet Water
The course is: ED 4047 Microcomputers in Education Wednesday 5 Hours McMilIin, L
The class will meet at 5:00 p. m.
Registration and the first class meeting will be on Wednesday, January 5, 1994
at Sweet Water High School
For additional information contact:
Dr. Muhammad Nawaz
Station 8
Livingston University, Livingston, AL 35470
652-9661, ext. 210
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