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Thursday, December 15, 2016
Comments by the editor are opinions, reasons, or recommendations.
Send your written and signed opinions to the Editor,
P. O. Box 480040, Unden, Alabama 36748
Northeastern Democrats are now claiming
the Russians ridded around on the intemet
to keep Hillary Clinton from becoming pres-
ident of the United States.
True or not, we don't blame the Russians
if they did. America could riot survive the
incoherent babbling the little Miss Piggy.
Also, if America didn't survive, neither
would Russia.
Thank you Russia for helping us, if indeed
you did.
More than half of the women who voted
voted for Donald Trump.
It boils down to Hillary just wanting to
satisfy her ego. Nothing else, just to be the
Again, thank you Russia, or God, or who-
ever cut out the little fat oinker.
Coming into the Christmas season - that
is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ
-- people fred that the sparkle in children's
eyes refect what Jesus taught. Jesus taught,
Among the Jewish establishment folks,
Jesus was a radical teacher, a prophet teach-
ing more than the Torah.
He taught love!
Must have been a contemporary flower
child back then.
He related to the lower income people, but
he allowed audiences with the rich, too.
So us ordinary Americans need to give a
little to the people who need something for
The magicians from the east brought gifts
to Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
They knew this was somebody special.
Today's equivalent would be jewelry and
Chanel No. 5.
.... " we have a hiirnan equivalent '
to Jesus. It surely isn't Hillary!
Having seen game camera photographs of in everybody's back yard.
bear in Marengo County, talk centers on the Bears will eat anything a raccoon will eat
one seen around Magnolia and Octagon. but just a lot more of it. Bears will eat the
Our suggestion is to not try topet one but raccoon, too.
to shoo it away. It is also highly recom- When, not if, one shows up in your yard,
mended that you do not kill one of these don't feed your pets outside. Hold your
furry creatures which are spreading into our table scraps inside until the garbage truck
area. runs, or smokey or teddy will be in your
Wait until they are as plentiful as alliga- garbage cart hunting supper.
tors and then every hunter can shoot one or Bears are peacefrul critters most of the
two. time, so don't get between a mom and her
We remember when a white tail deer was cubs. She will eat you.
an oddity in Marengo County. Now they are
A Suggestion
Write A Letter To The Editor
Send Letters to: Box 480040 Linden, Ala. 36748
We don "t even read the letters which are not signed;
nor do we read mass or electronically transmitted letters•
Write your opinions, sign your name, and mail your letter -- original with name.
.. J
USPS 153-380
Published evea'y Thursday at The Deanocrat-~ at 201
wet A .... 3 ,48 Editor-Publisher Goodloe Sutton
Pgmmastea'• please ~nd changes of addre.,w.e~ to:
P. O. Box 480040• Linden• Alabama 36748 Telephone
Linden Reporter eatablished 1879. 1Va,arengo 12m .... tab- Production Manager Henry Walters
1889. C~lldatcd 1911 ~ 'rh¢ ~lxlocxat-P-~eporter.
Pe,iodiea~ lxmage imid at Demotx~lis. Alabama.
Composition Brittany Phillips
In Ibqu~engo, Clarke, Choctaw, S~, ~ne, Hale• Peary, .
]Dallas. and Wilcox Counties, mmual gubscrit~ons ~e $35.00. Offi
ce Administrat r George Bley
Out~k~ ~ $60.00.
How poverly was beaten 44
By Law nceW. Reed implement work qui nnents, wodd's hight per #ta income
President of the Foundation for lime lhni , and other measures to attheendof ecen j.Thepover-
E&lcafion encomage personal responsibility, ty that remained stood out like the
We 'e become accustomed to As Ronald Reagan observed, "We prov sore thumb because it
think of poverty-fighting as a 20th fought awar onpoverty, andpover- was now the exception, no longer
Century undertaking, with the fed- ty won." the rule. Our free and self-reliant
eral govemmem leading the way. We paid m awful price in lives spawned so many private,
For that reason, this quotation from and treasure to learn some things distress-relieving initiatives that
anAnzficanixesidentmightcome that the vast majority ofAmericans American generosity became one
asasulprise: of the 19th century-and the chief ofthe marvels of the w dd.
The lessons of history, con- executives they elected--could U~q. lx~mlation in 1900, at 76
firmed by the evidencehave plainly told us: Government million, was 14times its 1800
ly before me, show conclusively welfare programs encoulagedidle- level, yet per capita GDP had
that continued dependence upon hess, broke up families, produced quadrupled. That explosion in p~
relief induces a spiritual and m al inlergenerafional and duction and creativity, translated
disintegration fundamentally hopelessness, cost taxpayers a for- into a gigantic leap for average per-
destmctive to the national fiber. To tune and yielded harmful cultural sonal income and a steep phmge in
dole out relief in this way is to trends that may sill take genera- the ponion of Americans living in
admires' ter a narcotic, a subtle . tions to cure. abject poverty.
destloyer of the human spirit. It is Washington, Adams, and their In a speech in the U.S. House of
inimical to the dictates of sound successors in the !800s did fight a Relaeg latives years before he
policy. It is in violation of the tradi- war oi1 povelx'y--the most ~ becanle otu" fol~th ~, Jan~
tionsofAmetica, lm eandeffe0iveevexmomled Madison declined, "Charity is no
Those words came fromby any central government any-" part of the legislative duty of lhe
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his where. It was, in a word, h'tLmy, gove rm t." Like Ihe three pmsi-
State of the Union Address on which meant things like self- dents before him and the next 20 or
January 4, 1935. A moment later, reliance, hard work, entregemmr- so afier him, MMison knew that if
he declared, "The Federal ship, the institutions ofcivil society, libeay were not preserved, poverty
Government must and shall quit a strong and flee economy, and would be the least of our troubles.
this business of relief." government confined to its consti- Meanwhile,the poor of viltually
Asweknow, it didoL Indeed, 30 tutionalroleastrmeOxJrofh'berty every other nation on the planet
years later Lyndon Jolmson would by keeping the peace, were poor because of what govern-
take"this business of relief' to new And what a poverty ran meats were doing to them, often in
and expensive beights in an otf d libeay proved to be! ln spite of a the name of doing something for
"War on Poverty." Another 30 honen& civil war, halfadozen tben taxing and mgulating them
yews and than $5 trillion in economic downtums and wave into pentry; seizing their protmty
welfare spending, later, a after wave of impoverished inmai- arid businesses; pea cu g them
president signed a bill grants, An ca progressed from for their th; torturing and killing
that replaced the federal entitlement near-universal poveay at the start them because they held views dif-
to welfare and allowed states to of the centmy to ~ reach of the ferent from lhose in power.
Henry Ashby WooW, one of the
• men who ever lived, passed in 1879
One Tuesday of October, 1879, some of the best
n'zn that ever liyed in Linden, Hemy Ashby Woolf,
passed from earth, after a life full to overflowing
with noble, gemams and useful deeds. His father
was born Bowling Green, Kentucky. Here he
grew to mankxxt a the time when that state was
budding into its maidhood. He was early mawied to
a Miss Cook, and soon ttmeafler lefi his home
among the Blue Glass to better his fomme in lhe
great tmit of tbe Southwest After a careful
'search for loc ;, he tins y a M for lifg tlie
spring of 1819 ~xmt six miles ~ ~, on-the
ro, l to Dayton. Here be remd a belonged
the subject of our sk h, his son, Heray Ashby
In those prove days educational advantages
were small; but such as they were, they were ulilized
to the fullest extent.As soon as the "old field school"
days were over, Mr.Woolfchose the hw as his pro-
fession,and was admitted to the har at the time when
Wren,Anderson, Mamin , Brooks, Clarke and oth-
ers famed a galaxy of legal talent, raely equaled
and never smlmssed. Undaunted by this away, he
won his way upward in spite of the obstacles that hy
in his path. Fully did hehis dmy and
manfully did be perform it.
He was bom on his father's plantation in
Marengo County, on the 24th day of April, 1826.He
was educed at thecounlry school, and
hw at the in Linden, and was
admitted to the har in the spring of 1851.
It is diffacult to write of Mr. Woolf in a way to do
full justice to his Fulsome praise is often as
unjust to thedead, as tmedted atme, and it is hard
to speak Iruthfuily of our fiiends, without laying our-
selves liable to the ch,x, ge of
being keenly alive to their
virtues, and willfully blind
to their faults. Mr. Woolf
was a man who despised
flattery in all its ftmn, and if
he could have expressed a
wish, it would have been,
that if, after his death, any
one should undertake to
write of him, that he would
write and
A fllend told me that he
talked to Mr. Woolf, along
this subject, and Mr. Woolf
said that, "amm dead or
alive let the Imth be told"
He lived at home and
devoted himself to his
family, to his business and
to the interest of his friends. He was a good hwyer.
What he knew, he knew thoroughly and well. He
had that high order of common sense, which
him to ,:iate my the diffacul of
every question ptesmed to him, and if he did not
u dmtand it, he would seek the best infonmtion to
inform himself, hence it was seldom be lost contact.
But it was not in the ,that Mr.Woolf's
greamess as a lawyer was shown. As an advisory
counsel, be was the very best, for he enuld untangle
innicate accounts, reconcile diffacdties, adjust dif-
ferences, and settle disputes wonderful skill
and ability. Pld~ly no man ever did more towards
down igaiou resm,ing r ce
quiet of the con-anunity. This was because the
whole people misted him, md always yielded to
influence and advice. When we add to this, that the
lXX and defenseless never appeaht to him in vain,
but always received help, we Iherefore called him a
• greatlawyer:
As a Mason, Mr. Woolf stoodhigh the order. He
was Master of St.Albans Lodge for many years anql.
filled the offxe with credit to himself, and to tbe
entire salisfaction of his associates. In 1867 he
joined, the Baptist Chumh at l.Jnden and at once
became one of the leading members. He relzatedly
represented his church in the associations. From
youth he had been a man of high moral worth and
o,b e/ m say fiis
.. "'Godly walk and prighl character:' As a netgll or
he had the confidentz and respect of all who knew
• "Know yet not" sakt King David, in the depth of
his sorrow, "that there is a pdnce and a great man
fallen this day in lsrael.T While submiUing to the
decrees of Him who doeth allthings well, mourn-
fully utter the smae words, for he was a great prin .
and a great man mmg his pe0ple, and they weep
over his grave.
We have before written in' ld Ttmes" aboutthis
great man; but we like to keep the record of such
men before the present gemmtion, so that some of
the boys may coMuet themselves so as to he as
great as this grand old man.
Lee W'tlkerson died at Linden, Felxu, y 7,1880,
a young man well beloved by those who knew him
best. Having lost his father during tbe war baween
the North and the South, and his molMr shoaly
alkrward, he was left with two sisters, one ameae
dm,,hm mt on him for support A 0x,u
weae lef without a falMr, mother, home, or any of
the comfom ttmeof, yet, the kind people of Lindm
them, tee ol ined an educa-
tion for aboyofhis age;
suff ent at least, to
enable him to enter the
pnnting office ofW. H.
Gtmt, whne he con-
nued to nprove
self and
mty offered. When
own o of empty- of Mr.
Grant's paper, Lee
Labor. Whe er he
wo don e fmn, t
pe, or fi ed a ck k's
position, there was
none to complain of his
want of attention to
The late business, Iris updght-
Joel Desaker Jones hess, or honesty. He
was a ldnd and affec-
tionate brod , a faithful and devoted friend, a good
and worthy citizen. For a few months before his
dealh he was employed by the office of the Linden
Reporter. Five days before he cancelled his last debt,
be stood with me at the type case. He had been a
long patient mfferer, and no murmur escaped him
marl a few days before he was stricken down, when
he remarked to me that be rather die than be afflicted
as he was. He was about 30 yems of age, and Md
lived in and mind Linden most all of his life.
He was a Mason, being a rmmber of St. Allmn's
Lodge, and the nmn of this fraternity followed
his remains to the grave, where he was buried with
Masonic Hom ,thne to await the m of the
Grand Mamr above, in that celestial lodge not
made with hands eternal in the Heavens.
So long until next time .......