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Thursday, November 29,2()1"2- '
You're baited by 10w
, then switched
"Bait and switch" is
a fraudulent advertising
technique used by some
retailers who offer
product at a low price
then switch the purchase
to a more expensive one.
One popular method is to
have insufficient-or
none-of the low-priced
products on hand.
nation's largest retailer.
Employment practices
are currently receiving
rln n hi.* ~..~. _ ,. ,
Wal-Mart hires workers
on a 25-30-hour basis in
order to avoid paying
There is an excellent
program currently run-
ning on PBS called
I responded to Black "Meat Hooks" which
Friday advertising last reveals how meat shops
in China. If Wal-Mart
were a separate nation, it
would rank as China's
c:.c+k 1,...c~,-,,,t ¢,yport mnr-
ket, ahead of Germany
and Britain."
Wal-Mart currently
matches prices of com-
petitors. I tried it recently
by telling the Wal-Mart
checker I had seen an
item at another local
those advertised on line.
There is a movement
to put pressure on
to bring back jobs from
China. Some companies
are also discovering
American workers who
earn more, nevertheless,
are much more produc-
Bait and switch is
store for much less. I just just one fraudulent and
Enqaoeafcoufl(e' week by showing up and meat cutting is being told her the price and she dishonest practice that is
7vlelanie q rt cutt and' vlatt Crocker early at Wal-Mart in rediscovered by said,, she would "over- difficult to control in this
Demopolis where a 19- American shoppers. You ride it on the cash regis- country.
inch television was fen- won't be able to discuss
tured at $79. I was told this with a Wal-Mart
that item had sold out in meat cutterbecause there
minutes after opening. A are none. They were all
disappointed shopper fired a few years back
Mike Northcutt and Karen Austin State University in
Bhmton of Kilgore, Texas, 2006. She is the training coor- seeking the same item when they tried to organ-
and Ji]i~ ~md Glenda Hughes dinator for Kilgore College was shown a similar one ize.
of L, nL'view, Texas, are Small Business Development at$158, originally priced The obvious solution
pleased to announce the Center. at $180. When I saw her to this country's employ-
engagement of their daughter, The prospective groom is
Meh tie Northcutt of Kilgore, the grandson of Jack and the later at Jack's she told me ment problem is to press
Texas, to Matt Crocker of late Patsy Sumrall ofshe ended up buying the American companies to
Kil~ore, Texas, son of Shelia Nacogdoches, Texas, and Bob $158 t.v. bring the production jobs
Crocker and Joel Green of and Shirley Crocker of But a friend at that back, mainly from China.
Naco~doches, Texas, and Schertz, Texas• Matt is a 2003
Mirth~ and Cheree Crocker of graduate of Nacogdoches coffee suggested I check Start looking at the fine
Naco~doches, Texas• High School and served in the out Fred's. They, indeed, print on the packages
The bride-elect is the United States Navy. He is a had the exact item priced before you buy.
granddaughter of Peggy Jones driller for Patterson-UTI
of Kil ore, Texas, and the late Drilling Co. at $79 with a sufficient Sam Walton origi-
Lois Northcutt of Kilgore, supply behind the count- nally promoted U.S.-
Texas. Mehmie is a 2002 grad- The couple plans to wed on
uate of Pine Tree High School September 28, 2013, at Villa er to meet demand, made products and, in
and graduated from Stephen E di Felicita in Tyler, Texas. Wal'Mart is not the fact, his book is entitled
only retailer who l uses "Made in America." But
bait and switch, It is today 85 percent of
RU ra I H common in the airline goods on the Wal-Mart
and travel industry and shelves (e imported.
Center lo host one coffee drinker at Here s what one
Jacks admitted that inhis source on the internet
'business, car dealers use says about their invento-
Open F ouse it "...from time to time." ry. "More than 80 percent
Bait and switch isof the 6,000 factories in
just oneofthe many top- Wal-Mart's worldwide
With Thanksgiving behind special Christmas Poinsettias ics of criticism of our database of suppliers are
us and Christmas fastfor sale! See the attached flyer
approaching, would you join us for additional details.
at our 2013 Open House? The Christmas Poinsettias Bigbee Humane Society
Mark you calendar for Sunday, come from the Young's Plant
December 2nd, from 2:00 p.m. Farm in East Alabama and will Christmas Photo Session
to 4:00 p.m. and make plans to have arrived flesh for our Open
come to the Rural Heritage House event. The poinsettias
Center, 133 6th Avenue, will be sold while'the supplies
Thomaston, AL. We will have last. If you purchase them dur-
refreshments, holiday decora- ing our open house they are
tions, deals in our gift shop and 20% off the regular price!
Auburn University will be
offering free computer training
at the Demopolis Public Library
on Thursday, November 29
from 1-5 p.m. The training will
include "Introduction to the
Computer and Basic
ter. She didn't even ask
for proof. One unfair
aspect of this ruthless
practice is the many
shoppers who pay the
But the next time
you decide to drive 16
miles to save 16 cents
think about this and, also,
about how much local
• n
Computing Skills". To register,
call Jon Gross at 334.844.8402
or visit
Marlowe: Electric :
.... "
2206 South Main St. - Linden, AL 36748
Bigbee Humane SocietyPets must be well behaved
will sponsor a fundraiser- and be on a leash or in a cirri-
Christmas Photo Session, at yr. You can also have pictures
Fleming Photography, 1103 taken with your horses out-
Jackson St, Demopolis, on side.
Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012, from A $10.00 Shelter Donation
9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. will get two 4"x5" prints
Bring your pets and/or Cam- Christmas Cards or pack-
ily to have their pictures taken ages can be ordered through
with us!
Fleming Photography.
Male Hounddog
To Rescue this pet
Call 287-2769,
Jimmy Waiters
f' t !i :.
Turn tothe Experts7 ~
Cell • Office
334-217-0622 , 334-295-1904
,, "
I nzeht Cle ner
Earle Ashe, Owner III I
All Types. of Dry Cleamng
at Treasure Box Indoor Flea Market IIII ,
2802 Citizens Parkway' Selma, AI .... ' IIII i.;; ',,., i ,-,, ,_. ; •
^_. , ._ _ IIII rvtarnyn t_)unn - Jwner
334- 74-4885 IIII 14 Safford Ave. Thomasville
New & Used Merchandise fill "
Appliances, Furniture, TVs, Mattresses & More 1111
3 34-636-2211
GOOD Merchandise: G00D Prices :EVERYDAY~ !i hll ! : ." L" " :
LaGest,,, & Best Flea Market Vendor in CentralAiabama,, "'lit " : - ; : :
t t L~
Pictured are Diann Howell and Ronnie Aldridge who were
wed November 13, 2012. , ,
.. ".¢%, .
Comfod Care H--+-, ""+-..+.,
,-• ,% ,,,/'-+ .,.....
needs volunteers
Comfort Care Hospice is Administrative Help, Portent
the right hospice, right here. Care Help~ Hand Work Help,
r:?:lh7 p ;eoa 3tUn;oT?:; aeSihng incluf i::elYdUrS' wWhethe:; du canV ioU :?;sd: iad.m:ri, f ,.Help!:.,i ii !i,/
Another common com, i Bentonville. ;°urk; Wewe °me'gent hytrSu, e'd;C'all Lg/ eenn'nr';eatll;°L rsewl:'I
plaint is prices in store Volunteers can help in a vari- 334-289-2106 today for more
turn out to be higher than ety of ways such as: information. '":- :': :'/
Your local newspaper circul
8,500-plus copies each week. ,ii.,.i:-
If your house does not h.ave one .delivered::j
to your address in the mail :,::.:.+i!i ::[t
Fill out the coupon and join the othef::iii iiili
95% of Marengo who reads their local::: ]::
newspaper ::.:
HALE /. iI:;:I-I;:;I :
Camden •
Th0masvZit..o WILCOX ,,,
oveHilto " .... :
J :kson ' " ':
lun m | nmu n mu n |•m m | m m mui | m | um m im mn m n m nu mu m m+ nul.
II enclose
CI $35.00 for Marengo and eight adjoining counties
13 $50.00 elsewhere in Alabama i •
ICI $60.00 outside Alabama