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The Democrat-Reporter
Linden, Alabama
November 3, 2016     The Democrat-Reporter
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November 3, 2016
Newspaper Archive of The Democrat-Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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All We st Alabama Thursday, November 3, 2016 Page 6 Notwithstanding, in the event favor of the proposed amend- that guest revenues to the State ment, that house shall likewise Parks Revolving Fund exceed immediately proceed to consider the threshold of $50 million (as a resolution of local application annually adjusted based on in- as provided in subdivision (2). creases in the consumer price index) in a fiscal year, the sales In the event that both houses of and use and cigarette tax revenue the Legislature approve the distributed to benefit the State amendment by at least a three- Parks System shall be reduced in fifths vote of their elected mem- the following fiscal year. The bers and also determine by vote amount of the reduction shall without dissent that the proposed correspond to the amount of amendment affects or applies to guest revenue to the State Parks only one county or a political Revolving Fund exceeding the subdivision within one or more threshold. The amount of tax counties, the proposed amend- revenue not distributed to benefit ment shall be placed on the bal, the State Parks System shall be lot only in the county or political distributed to the General Fund. subdivision and county or coun- ties affected. Proposing an amendment to Amendment 617 of the Constitu- (c) If after having been approved tion of Alabama of 1901, to by at least a three-fifths vote of allow the Department of Conser- the elected members of either vation and Natural Resources the house of the Legislature, there is option to provide for the opera- at least one dissenting vote east tion and management, by non- on the resolution in either house state entities, of hotels, golf on the question of whether the courses, and restaurants at any proposed amendment affects or applicable state parks in Ala- applies to only one county or bama. only to a political subdivision within one or more counties, the "Proposed by Act " proposed amendment shall auto- matically be submitted in a This description shall be fol- statewide referendum in accor- lowed by the following lan- dance with the procedures for guage: proposed statewide constitu- tional amendments under Sec- "Yes ( ) No ()." tions 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. If the proposed amend- SB30 ment is submitted in a statewide referendum, it shall not become ENROLLED, An Act effective unless approved by a To repeal Amendments 425 and majority of the qualified voters 555 to the Constitution of Ala- voting on the amendment hama of 1901, now appearing as statewide and a majority of the Section 284.01 of the Official voters of any county or political Recompilation of the Constitu- subdivision named in the resolu- tion of Alabama of 1901, as tion voting on the amendment. amended, relating to local consti- tutional amendments, and to a (d) Notice of the election, to- new add Section 284.01 to Arti- gether with the proposed amend- tie XVIH of the Constitution of merit, shall be given by Alabama of 1901, providing for proclamation of the Governor• Iocal constitutionalamendments, which proclamation shall be published once a week for four cedures relating to county per- sonnel• including~ to: Establishment of a county personnel system; the provision of employee benefits; allowing a deputy to be given his or her badge and pistol upon retire- ment; creating employee incen- tive programs related to matters such as attendance, performance, and safety; creating incentive programs related to the retire- ment of county employees; and creating employee recognition and appreciation programs. (2) Community programs to pro- vide for otom, ~ road- ways and public facilities and public property ..:~: .... £--..__ A^-- ......... :--^I^ .... 1---- I ....... #k .... : ......# -.^.. th~r....¢ ..... : .I ^ .I ...... k ...^ ...... • V ......... v ..... V.~, and subject to any limitations in general law. programs related to control of animals and animal nuisances. provided no pro trams shall: a. lesult in the destruction of an an- imal unless required by the pub- lic health laws of the state: or b. rela~ to or restrict the use of an- imals for hunting purposes or the use of animals being raised for sale or kept for breeding, food or fiber production purposes, or otherwise dsed in connection with farming, poultry and egg, dairy, livestock, and other agri- cultural or farming operations. x~./ ~, .vt::r. .............. '2=-.2tc~ :c, F:M"c ......... :^- r* "e, ...... r--'e, ..... ~=" =-: (3) Procures related to public tl~apsportation and pro~ams to promote and encourage safety_ when using public roads and rights-of-way, provided the pro- re'ares do not in any way conflict with general law. BE IT ENACTED BY THE successive weeks next preceding LEGISLATURE OF ALA- the day appointed for the elec- (4) Programs related to county BAMA: lion in each newspaper qualified offices, inchiding~ to run legal notices in the county ~, one-stop tag programs; com- Section 1. The following amend- or counties affected, missaries for inmates at the ment to the Constitution of Ala- county jail; disposal of un- bama of 1901, as amended, is Section 2. An election upon the claimed personal property in the proposed and shall become valid proposed amendment shall be custody of the county; manage- as a part thereof when approved held in accordance with Sections ment of the county highway de- by a majority of the qualified 284 and 285 of the Constitution partment; automation of county electors voting thereon and in ac- of Alabama of 1901, now up- activities; and establishment of cordanee with Sections 284,285, pearing as Sections 284 and 285 unit or districtsystems for the and 287 of the Constitution of of the Official Recompilation of maintenance of county roads and Alabama of 1901, as amended: the Constitution of Alabama of bridges. Programs involving the PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1901, as amended, and the elec- operation of the office of an tion laws of this state, elected county official may only be established pursuant to this !. Amendments 425 and 555 to subdivision with the written con- the CotLstithtio0 of A. !abi~ma of. Section 3. The appropriate elec- 1901 ~ate'r¢~aled; '~:~ :, ? sent and cooperation of the .... 5 ::~:~ ~:~= ..'=~=~ o~ ~:~ number f0r~e prolaosedlc0nsti-' ~ ofl~rial,oharged;by::haw~ II. Section 284.01is added to the tutfonal ameniJihe~n~tn ~e e[e~- with the responsibility for the ad-: Constitution of Alabama of tion ballot and shall set forth the ministration of the office. 1901, to read as follows: following description of the sub- stance or subject matter of the (5) Emergency assistance pro- Section 284.01. (a) The Legisla- proposed constitutional amend- grams, inchiding~ ment: ~ programs related to ambu- lure shall determine whether a lance service and programs to proposed constitutional amend- ment affects or applies to only "Proposing an amendment to the improve county emergency man- one county or a political subdivi- Constitution of Alabama of agement services. sion within one or more counties 1901, to revise the procedure for under the procedures set out adoption of local constitutional (c) Nothing in this amendment herein. If the Legislature deter- amendments to provide that a may be construed to provide a proposed constitutional amend- county commission any author- mines that a proposed constitu- merit the Legislature determines ity to levy or assess a tax or fee tional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a without a dissenting vote applies or to increase the rate of any tax political subdivision within one to only one county or a political or fee previously established, or or more counties, the amend- subdivision within one or more to establish any program that ment may be adopted as a valid counties shall he adopted as a would infringe on a citizen's part of the constitution only by a valid part of the constitution by rights with respect to the use of favorable vote of a majority of a favorable vote of a majority of his or her private property or in- the qualified electors of the af- the qualified electors of the af- fringe on a right of a business en- fected county or the political tity with respect to its private fected county or, if applicable, the political subdivision and the subdivision and county or coma- property. Except as authorized in county or counties in which the ties in which the political subdi, subdivision (4) of suhsection (b), vision is located, who vote on the nothing in this amendment shall political subdivision is located, amendment, authorize the county commission who vote on the amendment as provided in subsections (b) and to limit, alter, or otherwise ira- (c). If the Legislature fails to de- "Proposed by Act ." pact the constitutional, statutory, termine that a proposed constitu- or administrative duties• powers, tional amendment affects or This description shall be fol- or responsibilities of any other applies to only one county or a lowed by the following Inn- elected officials or to establish, political subdivision within one guage: increase, or decrease any tom- or more counties pursuant to the pensation~ or ex- procedures set out in subsection "Yes ( ) No ( )." pence allowance for any elected (b), the amendment may be officials of the county. adopted as a valid part of the HB193 (d) Any programs, policies, or constitution only by a favorable procedures proposed for adop- vote of a majority of the quali- ENROLLED, An Act, tion by the county commission fled electors who vote on the amendment in a statewide refer- pursuant to the authority granted endure, as provided in subsection To propose an amendment to the under subsection (a) shall only (d), and a majority of the quail- Constitution of Alabama of be voted on at a regular meeting fled voters of the affected county 1901, that would permit each of the county commission. Prior or counties voting on the amend- county commission in the state to the adoption of the programs, ments, as provided in subsection to establish certain programs re- policies, and procedures, the (d). lating to the administration of county commission shall provide notice of its intention to consider county affairs and with regard to (b) To determine whether a pro- certain specified county pro- the matter by announcing at a posed amendment shall be grams or activities, regular county commission placed on the ballot in only one meeting that the matter will be county or a political subdivision BE IT ENACTED BY THE on the agenda at the next regular within one or more counties and LEGISLATURE OF ALA- meeting of the county commis- the affected county or counties, BAMA: sion and that any members of the public desiring to be heard on the as provided in subsection (a), the proposed amendment shall be Section 1. The following amend- matter will be granted that op- approved by each house of the merit to the Constitution of Ala- portunity at the meeting where bama of 1901, is proposed and the matter will be considered. Legislature under the following shall become valid as a part of Notice of the meeting at which process: the Constitution when all re- the matter will be considered by quirements of this act are ful- the county commission shall be (1) The proposed amendment filled: given in compliance with the no- must first be approved, if at all, tice requirements for county by at least three-f'tflhs of all the PROPOSED AMENDMENT commissions provided in the members elected to the house in general law. Nothing herein shall which it originates. (a) Except where otherwise pro- authorize a corm .ty commission vided for or specifically prohib- to su_oersede, amend, or re_nel an (2) Immediately following ap- ited by the constitution or by existing local law. proval under subdivision (1), the general or local law and subject house shall consider a resolution to the limitations set forth herein, (e) The provisions of this amend- of local application declaring the county commission of each ment shall not apply to Jefferson that the proposed amendment af- county in this state may exercise fects or applies to only one those powers necessary to pro- county or a political subdivision vide for the administration of the within one or more counties affairs of the county through the Section 2. An election upon the specifying by proper name the programs, policies, and proce- proposed amendment shall be held in accordance with Sections county or the political subdivi- dures described in subsection sion and the county or counties (b), subject to the limitations set 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now up- within which the political subdi- forth in subsection (c). pearing as Sections 284 and 285 vision is located, of the Official Recompilation of (b) Subject to the limitations of the Constitution of Alabama of (3) The proposed amendment subsections (a) and (c), each 1901, as amended, and the elec~ shall then be sent to the other county commission in the state tion laws of this state. house for consideration and, if at may establish: least three-fifths of all the mem- Section 3. The appropriate elec- bets elected to that house vote in (1) Programs, policies, and pro- tion official shall assign a ballot number for the proposed consti- tutional amendment on the elec- tion ballot and shall set forth the following description of the sub- stance or subject matter of the proposed constitutional amend- ment: "Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to authorize each county commission in the state to estab- fish, subject to certain limita- tions, certain programs related to the administration of the affairs of the county. "Proposed by Act __ This description shall be lowed by the following guage: "Yes ( ) No ( )." SB25 ~,AnAct To propose an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to repeal Ar- ticle Ill and Amendment 582 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and add Article III to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to the separation of powers. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALA- BAMA: Section 1. The following amend- ment to the Constitution of Ala- bama of 1901, as amended, is proposed and shall become valid as a part thereof when approved by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon and in ac- cordance with Sections 284,285, and 287 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended: PROPOSED AMENDMENT I. Article Ill of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and Amendment 582 of the Constitu- tion of Alabama of 1901, are re- pealed. II. Akicle Ill is added to the Con- stitution of Alabama of 1901, to read as follows: Article III. SEPARATION OF POWERS. Section 42. (a) The powers of the government of the State of Ala- bama are legislative, executive, and judicial. (b)'~Tl~ gty~tit'tfthe .SI~ of Aiab~'a;~/l[~ d'/vla~[ ~!p" three disti ic't br 5 s lek't r£ five, executive, and judicial. (c) To the end that the govern- ment of the State of Alabama may be a government of laws and not of individuals, and ex- cept as expressly directed or per- mitted in this constitution, the legislative branch may not exer- cise the executive or judicial power, the executive branch may not exercise the legislative or ju- dicial power, and the judicial branch may not exercise the leg- islative or executive power. Section 43. No order of a state court which requires disburse- ment of state funds shall be bind- hag on the state or any state official until the order has been approved by a simple majority of both houses of the Legislature. This section shall not apply to or- ders, judgments, or decrees re- quiring payment of compensation for the taking of property by eminent domain or arising out of challenges to taxa- tion or to su¢,h other orders,judg- ments, or :ecrees as may be otherwise r~ quired by statute, or settled principles of Alabama common law as decided by the Alabama appellate courts, not in- consistent with other provisions of this Constitution. Nothing herein shall be construed to pre- clude a court from making find- ings of fact or conclusions of law and orders relating thereto, that standards required by the United States Constitution, the Constitu- tion of Alabama of 1901, laws of this state or of the United States, or rules or regulations promul- gated pursuant thereto, are not being met, and from ordering the responsible entity or entities to comply with such standards. Section 2. This amendment shall become operative January 1, 2017. Section 3. An election upon the proposed amendment shall be held in accordance with Sections 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now ap- pearing as Sections 284 and 285 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, and the elec- tion laws of this state. Section 4. The appropriate elec- tion official shall assign a ballot number for the proposed consti- tutional amendment on the elec- tion ballot and shall set forth the following description of the sub- stance or subject matter of the proposed constitutional amend- ment: "Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to repeal and restate the provisions of Article llI of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 relating to separation of powers to modernize the language with- out making any substantive change, effective January 1, 2017. "Proposed by Act 7 This description shall be fol- lowed by the following lan- guage: "Yes ( ) No ( )." HB336 ENROLLED, An Act, To repeal existing Article VII of "" the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to impeachments, fol- and to add a new Article VII, re- lan- luting to impeachments. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALA- BAMA: Section 1. The following amend- ment to the Constitution of Ala- bama of 1901, as amended, is proposed and shall become valid as a part thereof when approved by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon and in ac- cordance with Sections 284,285, and 287 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended: PROPOSED AMENDMENT I. Article VII of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is repealed. ified in Section 173 or elsewhere in this constitution, by the supreme court, or under such regulations as may be prescribed by rule of the Supreme Court of Alabama or law. The Legislature may provide for the imPeach- ment or removal of other officers than those named in this article. Section 175. A county officer and officer of an incorporated city or town may be tried for impeachment for any of the causes specified in Section 173 and upon conviction be re- moved from office by a court having jurisdiction to try felony cases in the county or circuit in which the officer holds his or her office. The Legislature shall pro- vide by law the method of pro- ceeding under this section, provided the right to trial by jury and appeal in such cases shall be seemed. Section 176. The penalties in cases arising under this article does not extend beyond removal from off'lee, and disqualifications from holding office, under the authority of this state, for the term for which the officer was elected or appointed; but the accused shall be liable to indictment and punishment as prescribed by law. Ill. This amendment shall be- II. Article VII is added to the come operative on January 1, Constitution of Alabama of 2017. 1901, to read as follows: Article VII. Impeachments. Section 173. (a) The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, members of the State Board of Education, Com- missioner of Agriculture and In- dustries, and justices of the supreme court may be removed from office for willful neglect of duty, corruption in office, incom- petency, or intemperance in the use of intoxicating liquors or nar- cotics to such an extent, in view of the dignity of the office and importance of its duties, as unfits the officer for the discharge of such duties for any offense in- volving moral turpitude while in office, or committed under color thereof, or connected therewith. (b) The House of Representa- tives shall present articles or charges of impeachment against those l~_rsons identified in sub- secaon ~a~;sL~/'~m~ the c~u~. t6the'Se~er.~ :' ":-~' ~"r't ~, ~ '~:' ~" .................... i?J:, ;i'i[ i;} f *-,:" (c) The Senate, sitting as a court of impeachment, shall take testi- mony under oath on articles or charges preferred by the House of Representatives. (d) The Lieutenant Governor shall preside over the Senate when sitting as a court of im- peachment, provided, however• that if the Governor or Lieu- tenant Governor is impeached, the Chief Justice, or if the Chief Justice be absent or disqualified, then one of the associate justices of the supreme court, to be se- lected by the court, shall preside over the Senate when sitting as a court of impeachment. No per- son may be convicted by the Senate sitting as a court of im- peachment without the concur- rence of two-thirds of the members present. (e) If at any time when the Leg- islature is not in session, a major- ity of all the members elected to the House of Representatives shall certify in writing to the Sec- retary of State their desire to meet to consider the imPeach- ment of the Governor, Lieu- tenant Governor, or other officer administering the office of Gov- ernor, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State immediately to notify the Speaker of the House who, within 10 days after receipt of the notice, shall sum- mon the members of the House to assemble at the capitol on a day to be fixed by the SPeaker, but not later than 15 days after receipt of the notice by the Speaker from the Secretary of State, to consider the impeach- ment of the Governor, Lieu- tenant Governor, or other officer administering the office of Gov- ernor. (f) If the House of Representa- fives prefers articles of impeach- ment, the Speaker of the House shall forthwith notify the Lieu- tenant Governor, unless he or she is the officer impeached, in which event the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall be notified, who shall summon the members of the Senate to assem- ble at the capitol on a specified day not later than 10 days after receipt of the notice from the Speaker of the House• for the purpose of hearing and trying the articles of impeachment against the Governor, Lieutenant Gover- nor, or other officer administer- ing the office of Governor, as may be preferred by the House of Representatives. Section 174. The judges of the district and cir- cuit courts, judges of the probate courts, and judges of other courts from which an appeal may be taken directly to the supreme court, district attorneys, and sheriffs, may be removed from office for any of the causes spec- Section 2. An election upon the proposed amendment shall be held in accordance with Sections 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now ap- pearing as Sections 284 and 285 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, and the elec- tion laws of this state. Section 3. The appropriate elec- tion official shall assign a ballot number for the proposed consti- tutional amendment on the elec- tion ballot and shall set forth the following description of the sub- stance or subject matter of the proposed constitutional amend- ment: "Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to become operative Janu- ary 1,2017,to repeal and repine Article VII, Impeachments. "Proposed by Act ." This,'description- fl~l~ 'l~e 'ttbl'-" guage:..-v:~- "Yes ( ) No ( )." + To propose an amend- ment to the Constitution of Ala- bama of 1901, to provide that the employees of the Office of Sher- iff of Etowah County, except for the chief deputy, chief of deten- tion, chief of administration, chief of investigation, director of communications, and food serv- ice manager, shall be under the authority of the Personnel Board of the Office of the Sheriff of Etowah County. Section 1. The fol- lowing amendment to the Con- stitution of Alabama 1901, is proposed and shall become valid as a part of the Constitution when all requirements of this act are fulfilled: PROPOSED AMENDMENT No later than the first day of the sixth month after rati- fication of this amendment, em- ployees of the Office of the Sheriff of Etowab County, ex- cept for the chief deputy, chief of detention, chief of administra- tion, chief of investigation, direc- • tor of communications, and food service manager, shall be under the anthority of the personnel hoard of the office of the sheriff. The provisions of this amend- ment shall not affect the liability of the employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Etowah County. Section 2. An elec- tion upon the proposed amend- ment shall be held in accordance with Amendment 555 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and the election laws of this state. Section 3. The appro- priate election official shall as- sign a ballot number for the proposed constitutional amend- ment on the election ballot and shall set forth the following de- scription of the substance or sub- ject matter of the proposed constitutional amendment: "Relating to Etowab County, proposing an amend- ment to the Constitution of Ala- bama of 1901, to provide that the employees of the Office of Sher- iff of Etowah County, except for the chief deputy, chief of deten- tion, chief of administration, chief of investigation, director of communications, and food serv- ice manager, shall be under the authority of the of the Personnel Board of the Office of the Sheriff of Etowah County." "Proposed by Act This description shall