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Thursday, October 19, 2 017
Comments by the editor are ol nions, reasons, or recommendations.
Send your written and signed opinions to the Editor,
P. O. Box 480040, linden, A abama 36748
Some 20 years ago, watching profes-
vmu Conservative Headquarters
California copies South Carolina
siohnal football became as much fun as
watching professional wrestling live on
Channel 5.
That was the Mobile channel we could get
on our black and white and fuzzy gray tele-
vision set in the 1950s.
The wrestlers put on a good show.
Football players put on a good show, too.
Some of the news programs are making a
big to-do about black football players kneel-
ing in the stadiums. That's what black folks
were taught to do two hundred years ago,
kneel before a white man.
Is that it?
Let them kneel!
George Ras/ey tutional and delrimental to its sov-
CHQ Ed/tor ereign interests, it would have the
"If we were wrong in our con- right to "nullify" that law within its
test, then the Declaration of borders.
Independence of1776 was a grave LLke the leaders of today's
mistake and the revolution to Califomh, Calhoun advanced the
which it led was a crime. If position that a state need not be
Washington was apatriot; Lee can- bound by the laws passed by
not have been a rebel. Congress.
-Wade Hampton 11I However, when South Carolina
Confederate General mad Post- sought to nullify hffs passed by
Reconslruction Democratic Congress for the imposing of
Govemor of South Carolina duties and imposts on the impom-
h the Leftist fever to remove tion of foreign commodities
any symbol associated with lbe President Andrew Jackson issueda
Confederate side of tile Ameriem lengthy rebuttal of South
Civil War it is Andrew Jackson Carolina's ordinance of nullifica-
beyond comical that yesterday, tion in which he made the point
California's liberal Democratic that "I consider, then, thepowerto
Governor Jerry Brown joined the annul a law of the United States,
Confederacy and signed laws that assumed by one State, incompati-
in effect nullify federal law by plac- ble with the existence ofthe Union,
ing sharp limits on bow private contradicted expressly by the letter
individuals, cottxrations and state of the Constitution, unauthorized
and local law enf t agen- by its spifit, inconsistent with every
cies can cooperate with federal principle on which It was founded,
immigration authorities, and destructive of the great object
California's actions are highly for which it was formed."
reminiscent of the actions of the Jackson's Proclamation
South Carolina legislature when it Regarding Nullification, issued
passed the so-called South ber10,1832 is worth a read
Carolina Ordnance of Nullification for its eloquent defense of the
on November 24, 1832• Constitution and for the supremacy
According to theories pro- of our federal system of govern-
pounded by South Carolina's ment over the political whims and
Senator John C. Calhoun, the fed- conceits of a small group of actors
era government only existed at the within any one state.
will of the states. Therefore, if a But what really made President
state found a federal law unconsti- Jackson's Proclamation stick was
not his eloquently argued brief-- it
was his commitment to upholding
the Constitution, by force if neces-
To deter the nullifiers from
attacking the Unionists in their
midst, Jackson warned a South
Carolina cong/esmaan lhat "if one
drop of blood be shed there in defi-
ance of the laws of the United
States, I will hang the first man of
them I can get my hands on to the
first I can find."
When Robert Hayue ventured,
"I don't believe he would really
hang anybody, do you?"
Hart Benton replied, "Few people
have believed he would hang
Arbuthnot and shoot Ambrister...
I tell you, Hayne, when Jackson
begins to talk abont hanging, they
' can begin to lonk out for ropes!"
A weaker ~ might have
allowed the Union to dissolve
before it reached the half-century
mark, but Jackson's acknowledged
toughness staved-off civil war for
almost 30 years.
Proclamations and ordinances
passed establishing so-called sanc-
tuary dries and sanctm states are
the 21st century versions of South
Carolina's 19th cenlmy ordinance
of nullification, and should be dealt
with as President Jackson did --
first by constitulional argument and
then by exerdsing the political will
to assert federal authority to
enforce the hws Congress passes.
Sometimes soon, the Ivy League estabish- Not that cows are super smart, (one veteri-
ment which runs (or ruins) this country will narian said the only thing dumber than a
have us set our clocks back one hour. cow is a rock) milking time routines have to
They have dubbed it Daylight Savings be changed to suit the folks in the wholesale
Tune. and retail sales of that milk•
It is nothing but a bother to us. To others, Maybe dairy farmers have gotten that
it is a disastrous disruption of daily routines, worked out so that the cows are not distresed
It may be a convenience for bankers and and milking time stays the same.
bureaucrats. The other group that gets upset is the
Just how many of them have to go about preaching profession. They have to do their
their homes resetting all those digital clocks thing at early or later times twice a year.
and the regular clocks that hang on the wall?
Can Halloween be far behind the commer-. Churches have gotten in on the All
cials for Amenca s most expemave holiday. Hallows Eve celebrat|on, which is about rec-
Candy, costumes, anti-lights make the. ognizingthe hallowed saints among us.
event a thrill for little children, make that Not too long ago only devil worshippers
young children! celebrated Halloween.
Write Letters of Their Opinions ....
Send Your Letter to P. O. Box 480040. Linden Alabama 36748
Foundation wants money
F~, ~ong~t tenm the moral evil fl~se fl~t will continue to engage ~e
The Democrat-Reporter demonstrations represent. In community by active, open discus-
In September of 2017, the denouncing those who would sions along with documenting our
Board and staff of the BBCF came divide and destroy, we hold up grant project work for the next few
together in their work addressing instead a positive vision of unity, years. This is just the beginning!
many issues. Among many eas of respect, diversity, love, and Our online community
progress, this group generated a courage, enhances our ability to share by
group statement to address the cur- In this historic region where we keeping everyone up to date on
rent situation nationwide involving have lived, endured, and overcome foundation and community activi-
mass demonstrations of racial past injustice and division, we call ties across the Black Belt. Most
halred, bigot and intolerance: loudly and clearly for all people to importantly, it allows an immediate
"The vision of the Blsck Belt reject these forces of hate and join channel for BBCF supporters and
Community Foundation of us in bringing our community newcomers to become actively
Alabama is one of a transformed together in a renewed spirit of har- involved. Join the ongoing, ever-
region where all of our residents mony and trust. Together we will evolving online discussion today!
conlnqgute to healthy communities overcome. Together we will rise We need your help too. As part
and reap the benefits of our shared above and lift all of our brothers of our ongoing Troth, Racial
gifts and a productive regional and sisters as we do. Healing & Transformation project
economy.The principles that guide This year we embark upon work, we are charged with rai~g
this vision are honesty, diversity, important work as the grantee of $800,000 in matching funds for the
and courage in the stewardship of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation establishment of a permanent,
charitable resources. We value the Troth, Racial Healing and ongoing endowment that willcon-
strengths of pluralistic communi- Transformation Selma, AL place tinne to benefit the Black Belt of
lies where economic, racial and process. We are part of a nation- Alabama. Wllhout your help in
socialjusticearepracficedinaspirit wide,14 place grantee paxx s that establishing these matching funds,
of trust and sincerity." will continue to address, examine we will lose this golden oppomni-
As we seek to live these prim- and promote growth and positive ty. ~ donation is a direct and
plesdaily, wemustspeakoutforov change through healing in areas immediate way that yon can help
fully about recent events where related to racism across several us to combat against racism
demonsWations of halred, racism, years. Please join our process through community engagement
and bigolIy have received national today by donating below and by and education. Thank you!
attention. The board and staff of visiting us online at: http'.//black-
the Black Belt Community belffoundxng/cause/trht-selma/. Name not included due to intim-
Foundation condemn in the We have anewblog featmehere idation
Have A Suggestion
Write A Letter To The Editor
Send Letters to: Box 480040 Linden, Ala. 36748
We don "t even read the letters which are not signed;
nor do we read mass electronically transmitted letters.
Write your opinions, sign your name, and mail your letter -- original with name.
Published every Thtwsday at 'rim Democrat-~ at 201
West Third Avenue, L2nde~, ~ County. Alabama 36748.
Postmaster, pl~ send changes of addresses tO:
P o 48oo4o. Edit0r-Publisher G00dloe Sutton
Lind~a R~ =tablished 1879. Marengo Dcamxa'at =tab- Production Manager Henry Walters
1889. Conso~ 1911 as ~ l~maoerat-Re~.
Periodicals postage paid at Demopolis,Alabama.
= ,=- CompositionErica Hayes
In M.amngo, CIm~. Oaoctaw, Sumtor, Greene, Hale, Perry,
Dallas. aad Wilcox C~. annual subscriptions m~e $35 DO.
James B. Wooif, was born near Bowling Green,
.Kentucky, where be grew to manhood, at the time
when that state was budding into its maidenhood.
He was early married to a Miss Cook and soon
thereafter left his borne in the Blne Grass for a better
location in the great ten'itory of the Sotahwest. He
first settled ne~ Port Gibson, in the territory of
Mississippi. Here he remained only a few years, and
then moving again in the spring of 1819 and settled
for life about six miles East of Linden, on the
Dayton mad. Here his energy and thrift gave him a
and his talents won him a high position
among his neighbors. Here, too, he reared a family
that for years were held in great esteem by the peo-
ple of this part of couna'y.
To that family belonged Hon. Henry Ashby
Wooif, who in early life won the Laurels in his reach
and the favor of all which he came over, be chose
the law as his profession, and was admitted to the
bar at Linden, where he settled for life. He fully
understood his duty as a lawyer, and manfully did
he perform it. like Robert E. Lee,
the key note of his life was
duty, clearly known and vig-
orously pursued.
He was born on his
father's plantation east of
Linden, on the 24th day of
April, 1826, and died at his
residence in Linden on the
23rd day of Oct., 1879. He
married Miss Frances
Gholson. "She was well
known as her for the many
virtues she andthe
bounteous hospitality she
displayed to his and her own
large circle of friends." "By
thek fluit ye shall know
them" says the holy book.
By the golden fruitage ofa
happy maviage he and his
estimable wife will be long
remembered by the people of
Linden and Marengo
County. The children of his family were: several
daughters and one son, Wonif, who was born May
20, 1853, at Linden and was educated in the com-
mon schools of Linden; ended the Kentucky
University, 1869-71 but did not graduate. He began
the practice of law in Linden in 1881, and in 1892
he was elected to the Legislature in 1888, and again
in 1900, and to the State Senate in 1902. he was
again elected to the House of Representatives in
1906. He, as allthe Woolf family, was Mission
Baptist.He was also, a Mason and Knight of
Pythias. He married, first January 8, 1879, Miss
Fanny Pickering, and bom to them were three chil-
dren, John King Woolf, and the names of the other
two I do not remember. After his first wife's death,
The late
Joel Desaker Jones
he man'ied on August 26, 1996, Mrs. Sadie (Henly
Lyon) of Demopolis. He made Demopolis his home
until after the death of his last wife, when he made
his home with one of his daughters near Forkland,
in Greene County, where he died, and was buried at
Dayton. Miss Eula Wooif, a daughter of Hon. Henry
Ashby Woolf, married Judge Wdliam
Ctmninghame on January 31,1888.
Judge Cunninghame came to Linden from his
home in Clarke County, to accept the position as
chief clerk in the probate office, under Judge James
Taylor, which position he held until Judge Taylor
resigned when Judge Cunninghame was appointed
io fill the unexpired term.
Judge Ctmninghame served as probate judge
until the first of December 1892. While in the pro-
bate office he read law and was admitted to the bar,
and began the practice of hw, and succeeded in the
profession until his death a few years ago. He organ-
ized the Marengo County Bank, and was its presi-
dent until his health gave way, and he was com-
pelled to retire from active busi-
ness, and the bank was con-
solidated with the First
National Bank.
Cuuninghame died
Sunday rooming August 2,
1942, and was laid to rest in
the family plot in
Cemetery. She was the last
of the Henry Ashly Wonlf
family, leaving to moum her
passing five daughters and
one son. She was bum
February 22, 1865, in
Linden, where her entire life
was spent, being 77 years.
She was a member of
Umden Baptist Church,
which she joined in early life
and was one of its most
faithful and devoted mem-
When the end came,there
went out a great soul to be
with her heavenly father and her loved ones who
had preceded ber in death. Her inflnence extended
even unto the uttermost parts of the world for she
was a ftrrn believer in the great Commission and
gave liberally of her means, time, talents and irrflu-
ence that the canse of Christ might be made known
to all men. She loved the beautiful and ever sought
to push any movement that would improve the
community. The close relatives and many many
friends will gratly miss her but our loss is heaven's
gain. Her gentle spirit and influence will live on in
the lives of those closest to her and may the life she
lived ever be a challenge to those left behind.
SO long until next time.