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Linden, Alabama
October 18, 2012     The Democrat-Reporter
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October 18, 2012
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tholnmunity Secut, i, - Page 6 emocraV eForter Thursday, October 18, 2012 )O All Real Estate Advertisements submitted for Publication are, by submission, the Sole Responsibility of the Realtor/Seller to be in compli- ance with all Equal Housing Opportunity Laws, guaranteeing this newspaper shall be held harmless and said agent shall bear all costs of any litigation involving this newspaper and/or members of its staff. o~,*tmtm*l~v WEEKLY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Week - 35 per word / Consecutive Subsequent Weeks - 25 per word Weekly Minimum Per Ad - $5.00 Garage I Yard Sale Ads - $5.00 (20 words or less, to be paid when ad is placed) All Ad Copy must be submitted by Noon on Monday of the week ad is to run. 10-18-3tcLETTERS OF ADMINIS- TRATION of said deceased hav- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ing been granted to ELIZABETH OFF ,STATE BAUGH DRINKARD on the OF 15th day of October, 2012, by the SUSIE ANN INGRAM HONORABLE CINDY D. NElL- 12-094 SON, Judge of Probate of LETTERS OF ADMINIS- Marengo County, Alabama, TRATION of said deceased haw notice is hereby given that all per- ing been granted to Willie Ingrain sons having claims against said on the 15th day of October, 2012, estate are hereby required to pres- by the Honorable Cindy D. ent the same within time allowed Neilson, Judge of Probate of by law or the same will be barred: Marengo County, Alabama, WOODFORD W. DINNING, notice is hereby given that all per- JR. sons having claims against said Attorney for Administrator estate are hereby required to pres- Post Office Drawer 740 ent the same within time allowed Demopolis, Alabama 36732 by law or the same will be barred: 10-18-3tc WOODFORD W. DINNING, JR STATE OF ALABAMA Attorney for Administrator PROCLAMATION P. O. Drawer 740 BY THE GOVERNOR Demopolis, Alabama 36732 10-18-3teWHEREAS, the Alabama Legislature at its Regular Session of 2012 ordered an election to be held IN THE PROBATE COURTon a certain proposed amendment OF MARENGO COUNTY, to the Constitution of Alabama of ALABAMA 1901, set out herein as Act No. IN RE: THE ESTATE OF2012-269; and in accordance with CHARLES DAVID WIG- the provisions of Section 284, as GINS, amended by Amendment No. 24, Deceased. 124)85 Sections 285 and 287 of the LETTERS OF ADMINIS- Constitution of Alabama of 1901, TRATION of said deceased hay- as amended, and the election hws ing been granted to EMILY ofthis state; and GREY WIGGINS and DAVID WESLEY WIGGINS, on the 15th WHEREAS, notice of this dec- day of October, 2012, by the Hon. tion, together with this proposed Cindy Neilson, Judge of Probate amendment, is required by law and Court of MARENGO County, by the provisions of Act No. 2012- notice is hereby given that all per- 269 to be given by Proclamation of sons having claims against said the Governor, which Proclamation estate are hereby required to pres- shall be published once a week for ent the same within time allowed four successive weeks immediately by law or the same will be barred: preceding the day appointed for the HON. CINDY D. NEILSON election in a newspaper qualified to Laurie S. Hall tam legal notices in each county of Lloyd & Dinning, LLC the state. P. O. Box 480545 Linden, Al. 36748 10-18-3tc '7, f, "Noliee To Contractors Federal Aid Project No. EB-4606(202) MARENGO COUNTY, Alabama Sealed bids will be received by the Director Of Transportation at the office of the Alabama Department Of Transportation, Montgomery, Alabama until 10 AM November 02, 2012, and at that fi'me pubficly opened for con- structin'g the following: RESURFACING AND TRAF- FIC STRIPE ON CR-47 FROM CR-30 IN MAGNOLIA TO CR- 33 IN OCTAOON The Length Of This Project Is: 6.396 Miles. ' The total amount of uncomplet- ed work under contract to a con- tractor must not exceed the amount of his or her qualification certifi- cate. The Entire Project Shall Be Completed In Thirty (30) Working Days. A 3.00% DBE Contract Obligation Is Required. A Bidding Proposal may be par- chased for $5.00. Plans may be purchased for $3.00 per set. Plans and Proposals are avail- able at the Alabama Department Of Transportation, 1409 Coliseum Boulevard, Room E-108, Montgomery, AI 36110. Checks should be made payable to the Alabama Department Of Transportation. Plans and Proposals will be mailed only upon receipt of remittance. No refunds will be made. Minimum wage rates for this project have been predetermined by the Secretary Of Labor and are NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert set !orth in the advertised specifica- Bentley, as Governor of the State of tions. This project is subject to the conIract work hours and Safety =: :::=-=~ ~.:.: - ~: . Alabama, do hereby gi~ce, direct and-proclaim that on Stafidards Act and its implementing LEGAL NOTICE Tuesday, the 6th day of November regfilations. STATE OF ALABAMA 2012, an election will be held in the Cashiers check or bid bond for MARENGO COUNTY State of Alabama in the manner and 5%!of bid (maximum - $10,000.00) IN THE PROBATE COURT form provided by law upon the foi- ma0e payable to the Alabama lowing proposed amendment to the Del~artment Of Transportation must IN THE MATTER OF TItEConstitution of 1901 of the State of accompany each bid as evidence of ESTATE OF HENRY ASH, Alabama: . . good faith. JR DECEASED: The bracket range is shown only Letters of Administration as HB276 to provide general financial infor- Administratrix of the Estate of ENROLLED, AnAct, mation to contractors and bonding Henry Ash, Jr Proposing an amendment to the companies concerning the project's Deceased, having been granted Constitution of Alabama of 1901; Complexity and size. This Bracket to Annie Ash Armstead on the to repeal existing laws regarding should not be used in preparing a 15th day of October, 2012, by the the compensation and expense bid, nor will this bracket have any Honorable Cindy D. Neilson, reimbursement of the members of beating on the decision to award Judge of Probate, Marengo the Legislature; to provide for the this contract. The Bracket Estimate On This Project Is From $930,000 County, Alabama, notice is here- basic co~ou of members of To,$1,140,000 The proposed work by given that all persons having the Legislature; and to provide for claims against the said Estate are the re~ of expenses for sh~l be performed in conformity hereby required to present the legislators on the submission of wiih the rules and regulations for same within the time allowed by signed vouchers in the same man- c an'ying out the Federal Highway the law, or the same will be for- her as state employees. AO. ever barred. BE IT ENACTED BY THE Plans and Specifications are on ANNIE ASH ARMSTEAD LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: fild in Room E-108 of the Alabama ADMINISTRATRIX Section 1. The following amend- Department of Transportation at Manley, Traeger, Perry & ment to the Constitution of MOntgomery, Alabama 36110. Stapp, Attorneys Alabama of 1901, as amended, is :In accordance with the rules and P. O, Box 590 proposed and shall become valid as regulations of The Alabama Demopolis, Alabama 36732 a part thereof when approved by a D opartment of Transportation, pro- I 0-18-3tc majority of the qualified electors posals will be issued only to pre- voting thereon and in accordance qulalified contractors or their with Sections 284, 285, and 287 of authorized representatives, upon LEGAL NOTICE the Constitution of Alabama of r~uests that are received before 10 STATE OF ALABAMA 1901, as amended: AM on the day previous to the day MARENGO COUNTY PROPOSED AMENDMENT of,opeulng of bids. IN THE PROBATE COURT Section 1. (a) The Legislature ;The bidder's proposal must be recognizes that the public trust in submitted on the complete original the legislative body is of paramount proposal furnished him or her by IN THE MATTER OF THE importance. The Legislature further the Alabama Department of ESTATE OF ANNIE BELL recognizes that government trans- Transportation. ASH, DECEASED: parency and ~ty are vital :The Alabama Department of Letters of Administration as to the preservation of the public Tni~hsportation, in accordance with Adminlstratrix of the Estate of trust. To that end, it is the Tgle, VI of the Civil Rights Act of Annie Bell Ash, Deceased, hav- of this amendment to remove the 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. . mg been granted to Annie Ash power of determining legislative 2000D TO 2000D-4 and Title 49 Armstead on the 15th day of compensation or expenses from the c0~ of Federal Regulations, October, 2012, by the Honorable hands of the Legislature itself, to Delbartment of Transportation, Cindy D. Neilson, Judge of validate the basis upon which leg- Su~.tle A, Office of The Secretary, Probate, Marengo County, islative comtmm~on and expenses P~ 21, nondiscrimination in feder- ally:assisted programs of the Alabama, notice is hereby given are established in an objective man- that all persons having claims tier based on measurable standards, Department of Transportation against the said Estate are hereby and to allow the citizens of issued pursuant to such act, hereby notlfes all bidders that it will affir- required to present the same with- Alabama to vote on this issue. It is matively insure that in any contract in the time allowed by the law, or the will of the Legislature to resolve the same will be forever barred, the issue of legislative compensa- entved into pursuant to this adver- ANNIE ASH ARMSTEAD tion and expenses once and for all tisetnent, minority business enter- pfi~es will be afforded full opportu- ADMINISTRATRIX by providing for compensation and Manley, Traeger, Perry & expenses for members of the ni~, to submit bids in response to Stapp, Attorneys Legislature and the President of the this invitation and will not be dis- P. O. Box 590 Senate and by providing for com- cri .i~tinated against on the grounds Demopolis, A1. 36732 pensation to be paid at the same rate of ,race, color, religion, sex, or 10-18-3tcas the median household income in national origin in consideration for Alabama and expenses in the same an ~tward. NOTICE TO CREDITORS amounts and manner as expenses flhe right to reject any or all bids OF ESTATE are allowed under law for state is t~served. OF employees generally.~ ' BARBARA J. BAUGH 0a) All laws or parts of laws in JOHN R. COOPER 12-093 conflict with this amendment are '.'~ransportati n, Director repealed, including, but not limited to: Those portions of Amendments as amended, and the election laws 39, 57, and 339 of the Constitution of this state. of Alabama of 1901, relating to the Section 3. The appropriate elec- compensation and expenses of tion official shall assi~ a ballot members of the Legislature; Act number for the proposed constitu- 87-209, Act ~)-490, Act 91-95, Act tional amendment on the election 91-108, and Act 2007-75; and ballot and shall set forth the follow- Section 29-1-8, Code of Alabama ing description of the substance or 1975 subject matter of the proposed con- Section 2. The annual basic stitutional amendment: compensation for each member of "Proposing an amendr~ent to the the Legislature and the President of Constitution of Alaban ~ : 1901, the Senate shall be the median to repeal the existing provisions for annual household income in legislative compensation and Alabama, as ascertained and adjust- expenses and establish the basic ed each year by the State Personnel compensation of the Legislature at Board to take effect on the fast day the median household income in of January of each year. Alabama; to require legislators to Section 3. (a) No member of the submit signed vouchers for reim- Legislature or the President of the bursement for expenses; and to pro- Senate may receive reimbursement hibit the Legislature from increas- for any expenses except as provid- ing the compensation or expenses ed in this section, payable to its members. (b) Subject to approval by the "Proposed by Act ." President of the Senate or by the This description shall be fol- Speaker of the House for the lowed by the following language: respective members of their "Yes ( ) No ()." Houses, and except as otherwise 10-11-4tc provided in subsection (d), a mem- ber of the Legislature may be reim- STATE OF ALABAMA bursed for any of the following: PROCLAMATION (1) Expenses incurred for travel BY THE GOVERNOR on official business in the same amounts or at the same rates as for WHEREAS, the Alabama state employees traveling in the,Legislature at its Regular Session of service of the state under state law, 2012 ordered an election to be held rules, and policies, provided that, on a certain proposed amendment foramember of the Legislature, the to the Constitution of Alabama of travel is to a place outside his or her 1901, set out herein as Act No. district. 2012-567; and in accordance with (2) Actual expenses other than the provisions of Section 284, as travel expenses incurred in the per- amended by Amendment No. 24, formance of official duties. Sections 285 and 287 of the (3) Expenses authorized par- Constitution of Alabama of 1901, suant to Act 1196 of the 1971 as amended, and the election laws Regular Session for the presiding of this state; and officer of each House. (c) Reimbursement for expenses WHEREAS, notice of this elec- may only be made under subdivi- tion, together with this proposed sion (1) and (2) of subsection (b) amendment, is required by lag' and after a determination of the presid- by the provisions of Act No. 2012- ing officer of the member's House 567 to be given by Proclamation of that the Iravd or expense is in the the Governor, which Proclamation service of the state and on submis- shall be published once a week for sion of a signed voucher submitted four successive weeks immediately in the same manner as a request for preceding the day appointed for the reimbursement of expenses by a election in a newspaper qualified to state employee, run legal notices in each county of (d) Except for the expenses of the state. transportation, no member of the Legislature who resides less than NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert 50 miles from the seat of govern- Bentley, as Governor of the State of ment may be reimbursed for any Alabama, do hereby give notice, travel expenses fortravel between direct and proclaim that on his or her place of residence and the Tuesday, the 6th day of November, seat of government. 2012, an election will be held in the (e) In making the determination State of Alabama in the manner and required by subsection (c), the pre- form provided by law upon the fol- siding officer of either House may lowing proposed amendment to the not determine a particular expense Constitution of 1901 of the State of incurred by any member of the Alabama: Legislature was not in the service of HB12 the state on any basis that discrimi- ENROLLED. An Act, hates between members of the Legislature. Proposing an amendment to the (f) Reimbursement for expenses Constitution of Alabama of 1901, authorized pursuant to this section as amended, (i) to provide that the shall be paid in a timely manner authority of the State to issue gener- that is consistent with expense al obligation bonds pursuant to reimbursement regulations jointly Amendment No. 666 to the promulgated by the Prcsident of tbe Constitution of Alabama of 1901, Senate and the Speaker of the as amended [Section 219.04], and House pursuant to the Alabama Amendment No. 796 to the Administrative Procedure Act. Constitution of Alabama of 1901, Such regulations shall, to the extent as amended [Section 219.041], possible, mirror s'Lmilar regulations shall not be subject to the aggregate applicable to state employees. The principal amount limitations con- President of the Senate and the tained in said amendments; provid- Speaker of the House may not dis- ed, that at no time shall the aggre- criminate between members of the gate principal amount of general Legislature regarding the timely obligation bonds (including, with- reimbursement of authorized out limitation, general obligation expenses, refunding bonds) issued pursuant to (g) The State Personnel Boardthe provisions of said amendments may promulgate such rules as it be outstanding in excess of $750 deems necessary to enforce its million, and (ii) to allow the responsibilities under this amend- issuance by the State of general merit and, in conjunction with the obligation refun~lg bonds under Comptroller, shall provide an annu- the authority of Amendment No. al report on compensation and 666 to the Constitution of Alabama reimbursement of expenses to of 1901, as amended [Section members oftheLegislature. 219.041, subject to certain mini- Section 4. (a) The compensation mum savings thresholds and limita- and reimbursement for expenses tions of maximum average rnaturi- provided in Sections 2 and 3 shall ty. constitute the total amounts payable BE IT ENACTED BY THE to the presiding officers and mere- LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: bers of the Legislature, beginning Section 1. The following amend- with the terms commencing imme- ment to the Constitution of diately after the 2014 General Alabama of t901, as amended, is Election. proposed and shall become valid as (b) The Legislature may not a part thereof when approved by a increase, supplement, or otherwise majority of the qualified electors of enlarge the compensation or reim- the State voting thereon at an elec- bursement for expenses payable to tion held in accordance with its members by this amendment. Sections 284, 285 and 287 of the Section 2. An election upon the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, proposed amendment shall be held as amended: in accordance with Sections 284 PROPOsED AMENDMENT and 285 of the Constitution of (a) Anything in Amendment No. Alabama of 1901, now appearing 666 to the Constitution of Alabama as Sections 284 and 285 of the of 1901, as amended [Section Official Recompilation of the 219.04], or Amendment No. 796 to Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section tional amendment on the election 219.041 ], to the contrary notwith- ballot and shall set forth the follow- standing, the authority granted to ing description of the substance or the State of Alabama to become subject matter of the proposed con- indebteded and to sell and issue its stitutional amendment: interest-bearing general obligation ,r,-. ^.: .~ bo d i ddition to all th bond t,^ : : ~, A,-L * ,~, n s, n a o er s , of the state, under Amendment No. - "~"" ':" :: -"-"" : ~," 666 to the Constitution of Alabama "A: ': :: '~-- "2:7 :. :c. ~:' : :f g=n of 1901 [Section 219.04], as :r=2 =~, amended by Amendment No. 796 ::~c~.~" 3f )uT.c.:LT.cT.3 u.~ ,=~.~.~ to the Constitution of Alabama of --" ~"- ""~ "^ "- Cc.r:f.:'-'-.~on of 1901 [Section 219.041], shall not "'-" =" ~--: '-: be subject to the limitations on "A: :';-'-.~:=7.;'.=':'.r r- aggregate principal amount :-"" k- ~" " imposed by Section VIII of said F~;'~g.zA, :: r= L'7.: 0.'-.=.2 ~z. ~'z Amendment No. 666 to the ~ -.----'-":-"r r--- - '~'"-t" ~ Constitution of Alabama of 1901,^ :. .:^ L^ .~ : ~: = v==~ ~,* x ,~, as amended [Section 219 04], as : modified by paragraph (a) of ,: : 1. -=.--= ''~A"==' u=D "~"9 u ~== Amendment No. 796 to the : i : c~,-,~,~;~ Constitution of Alabama of 1901 ': - a '::' .^ -" ,oo= : ~y ded [S ti 219 041]; pro- ,t. as amen ec on ~, vided, that at no time shall the ,~. .~:= .~ .~ a. aggregate principal amount of such -7 ^'~ A . .~ "^ ":'=" to .L . .v v u=,~ general obligation bonds (inchd- r, : ~^ ^~ ,~ t. , ing, without limitation, general ,o ,:- -,m, obligation refunding bonds) then :-" :c .~ --"-:- = -:-: -~,~-'-'-- outstanding be in excess of $750 "~;~='.'?= - n2 ':=:'":=~=r= c.f :=.=.~i million. ~~ .~ Co) General obligation refunding an amendment to the Constitution bends may be issued by the State ofAlabama of l901. as amended, to from time to time pursuant to the allow issuance by the State from authority contained in Amendment time to time of general obhgation No. 666 to the Constitution of bonds under the authority of Alabama of 1901, as amended Section 219.04 and Section [Section 219.04], in aggregate prin- 219.041 to the Constitution of cipal amounts (which may exceed Alabama of 1901. as amended, so the principal amount of general long as the ag m'egate principal obligation bonds being refunded) amount of all such general obliga- determined by the Bond tion bonds at any time outstanding Commission established pursuant is not in excess of $750 million. to Section IX of Amendment No. This amendment would replace the 666 to the Constitution of Alabama maximum ag m'egate princiml limi- of t901, as amended [Section tations currently contained in said 219.04]; provided, however, that no Sections 219.04 and 219.041. The such general obligation refunding proposed amendment would also bonds shall be issued unless (i) the allow issuance by the State of gen- present value of all debt service on eral obligation refunding bonds such general obligation refunding under the authority of Sections bonds (computed with a discount 219.04 and 219.041 to the rate equal to the true interest rate of Constitution of Alabama of 1901. such general obligation refunding as amended, subject to certain rain- bonds and taking into account all imum saving~ thresholds and limi- underwriting discount and other tations of m.a~imum average matu- issuance expenses) shall not be greater than 97 percent of the pres- "Proposed by Act." ent value of all debt service on the This description shall be fol- general obligation bonds to be lowed by the following language: refunded (computed using the same "Yes ( ) No ( )." discount rate and taking into 10-11-4tc account the underwriting discount and other issuance expenses origi- STATE OFALABAMA nally applicable to such general PROCLAMATION obligation bonds to be refunded) BY THE GOVERNOR determined as if such general obli- gation bonds to be refunded were WHEREAS, the Alabama paid and retired in accordance with Legislature at its Regular Session of the schedule of maturities (consid- 2012 ordered an election to be held ering mandatory redemption as a on a certain proposed amendment scheduled maturity) provided at the to the Constitution of Alabama of time of their issuance; and (ii) the 1901, set out herein as Act No. average maturity of such general 2012-308; and in accordance with obligation refunding bonds, as the provisions of Section 284, a.~ measured from the date of issuance amended by Amendment No. 24, of such general obligation refund- Sections 285 and 287 of the ing bonds, shall not exceed by more Constitution of Alabama of 1901, than three years the average maturi- as amended, and the election laws ty of the general obligation bonds to of this state; and be refunded, as also measured from such date of issuance, with the WHEREAS, notice of this dec- average maturity of any principal tion, together with this proposed amount of general obligation bends amendment, is required by law and to be determined by multiplying the by the provisions of Act No. 2012- principal of each maturity by the 308 to be given by Proclamation of number of years (including any the Govemor, which Proclamation fractional part of a year) interven- shall be published once a week for ing between such date of issuance four successive weeks immediately and each such maturity, taking the preceding the day appointed for the sum of all such products, and then election in a newspaper qualified to dividing such sum by the aggregate run legal notices in each county of principal amount of general obliga- the state. tion bonds for which the average maturity is to be determined. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert (c) The principal amount of gen- Bentley, as Governor of the State of eral obligation bonds for which Alabama, do hereby give notice, provision for payment has been direct and proclaim that on made with proceeds of general obli- Tuesday, the 6th day of November, gation refunding bonds (including 2012, an election will be held in the anticipated investment earnings State of Alabama in the manner and thereon), shall not be deemed out- form provided by law upon the fol- standing for purposes hereof, lowing proposed amendment to the (d) Except to the extent modified Constitution of 1901 of the State of hereunder, the terms and provisions Alabama: of Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, I-IB404 as amended [Section 219.04], and Amendment No. 796 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.041], shall remain in full force and effect. Section 2. An election upon the proposed amendment shall be held in accordance with Sections 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Sections 284 and 285 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901o as amended, and the election laws of this state. Section 3. The appropriate elec- tion official shall assign a ballot number for the proposed constitu- ENROLLED, An Act, Proposing a local constitutional amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of i901, relating tO Lawrence County, to prohibit any municipality located entirely out- side of Lawrence County from imposing any municipal ordinance or regulation, including, but not limited to, any tax, zoning, plan- ning, or sanitation regulations, and any inspection service in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County;and to provide that a municipality prohibited "from imposing any tax or regulation under this amendment shall not provide any regulatory function or police or fire protection services in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County, other than public safety mutual aid. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. The following amend- ment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is proposed and shall become valid as a part of the Constitution when all requirements of this act are fulfilled: PROPOSED AMENDMENT A municipality located entirely outside of Lawrence County is pro- hibited from imptsing any munici- pal ordinance or regulation, includ- ing, but not limited to, any tax, zon- ing, planning, or sanitation regula- tions, and any inspection service in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County. A municipality prohibited from imposing any tax or regulation under this amendment shall not provide any regulatory function or police or fire protection services in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County, other than public safety mutual aid. Section 2. An election upon the proposed amendment shall be held in accordance with Amendment 555 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 284.01 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, and the election laws of this state. Section 3. The appropriate elec- tion offtcial shall assign a ballot number for the proposed constitu- tional amendment on the election ballot and shall set forth the follow- ing description of the substance or subject matter of the proposed con- stitutional amendment: "Relating to Lawrence County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to prohibit any municipality located entirely outside of Lawrence County from imposing any munici- pal ordinance or ~b~lation, includ- ing, but not limited to, any tax, zon- ing, planning, or sanitation regula- tions, and any inspection service in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County and to provide that a municipality prohibited from imposing any tax or regulation under this amendment shall not provide any regulatory function or police or fire protection services in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County, other than public safety mutual aid. "Proposed by Act ." This description shall be fol- lowed by the following language: "Yes () No ( )." 10-11-4tc STATE OF ALABAMA PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR WHEREAS, the Alabama Legislature at its Regular Session of 2012 ordered an election to be held on a certain proposed amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, set out berein as Act No. 2012-275; and in accordance with the provisions of Section 284, as amended by Amendment No. 24, Sections 285 and 287 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, and the election laws of this state; and WHEREAS, notice of this elec- tion, together with this proposed amendment, is required by law and by the provisions of Act No. 2012- 275 to be given by Proclamation of the Governor, which Proclamation shall be published once a week for four successive weeks immediately preceding the day appointed for the election in a newspaper qualified to nm legal notices in each county of the state. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Bentley, as Govemor of the State of Alabama, do hereby give notice, direct and proclaim that on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 2012, an election will be held in the State of Alabama in the manner and form provided by law upon the fol- lowing proposed amendment to the Constitution of 1901 of the State of Alabama: HB357 ENROLLED, An Act, Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to become effective January 1, 2014, relating to corporations; to amend Section 229, as amended by i