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emom - orter
Thursday, September 8,2016
All Real Estate Advertisements submitted for Publication are, by submission, the Sole Responsibility of the Realtor/Seller to be in compli-
ance with all Equal Housing Opportunity Laws, guaranteeing this newspaper shall be held harmless and said agent shall bear all costs of
any litigation involving this newspaper and/0r members of its staff.
First Week- 40¢ per word / Consecutive Subsequent Weeks- 25¢ per word
Weekly Minimum Per Ad- $5,00
Garage / Yard Sale Ads - $5.00
(20 words or less, to be paid when ad is placed)
All Ad Copy must be submitted by Noon on Monday of the week ad is to run.
Notice For a complete description DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS
Public hearings for the pro- of the job vacancies, please see SITUATED. THIS PROPER-
posed Marengo County Board our website at TY WILL BE SOLD WITH-
of Education Budget for the A corn- OUT WARRANTY OR
Fiscal Year 2017 will be held plete application package must RECOURSE, EXPRESSED
as follows: be in the Human Resources OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE,
Monday, September 12, office by the date referenced USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT
2016 5:30pm above. AND WILL BE SOLD SUB-
Board Room Alabama SouthernJECT TO THE RIGHT OF
Marengo County Office Community College is an REDEMPTION OF ALL PAR-
Building equal opportunity employer. TIES ENTITLED THERETO.
101 North Shiloh Street *LifeTeeh Adult Alabama law gives some
Linden, AL 36748 Education Instructor persons who have an interest in
Closing Date: Septemberproperty the right to redeem
Wednesday, September 14, 23, 2016 the property under certain cir-
2016 10:00 a.m For a complete description cumstances. Programs may
Board Room of the job vacancies, please see also exist that help persons
Marengo County Office our website at avoid or delay the foreclosure
Building A com- process. An attorney should be
101 North Shiloh Street plete application package must consulted to help you under-
Linden, AL36748 be in the Human Resources stand these rights and pro-
Public hearings for the pro- office by the date referenced grams as a part of the foreclo-
posed Marengo County Board above, sure process.
of Education Title I Budget Alabama Southern This sale is made for the
for the Fiscal Year 2017 will Community College is an purpose of paying the indebt-
also be held Monday, equal opportunity employer, edness secured by said mort-
September 12th at 5:30 p.m. gage, as well as the expenses
in the Board Room. MORTGAGE FORECLO- of foreclosure.
9-8-1tc SURE SALE The successful bidder must
• Notice To Creditors of Default having been made tender a non-refundable
Estate in the payment of the indebted- deposit of Five Thousand
of ness secured by that certain Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified
Joe Clark Osburn, Sr. mortgage executed by Stacye funds made payable to Sirote
Letters Testamentary upon Hosea and Vidal Hosea, hus- & Permutt, P.C. at the time and
the Estate of said Decedent band and wife, originally in place of the sale. The balance
having been granted to the favor of Mortgage Electronic of the purchase price must be
undersigned upon the Estate Registration Systems, Inc., as paid in certified funds by noon
of said Decedent on August nominee for Hometown the next business day at the
25, 2016, notice is given that Mortgage Services, Inc., on the Law Office of Sirote &
all persons having claims 27th day of March, 2008, said Permutt, P.C. at the address
against saidEstateshallfile mortgage recorded in the indicated below. Sirote &
same duly sworn to, in the Office of the Judge of Probate Permutt, P.C. reserves the right
Probate Court of MARENGO of Marengo County, Alabama, to award the bid to the next
County within the time in Volume Mortgage Book highest bidder should the high-
allowed by law, or else same 2008 Page 231; the under- est bidder fail to timely tender
will forever be barred signed LPP Mortgage LTD, as the total amount due.
Angela Osbum Reynolds Mortgagee/Transferee, under The Mortgagee/Transferee
Executrix and by virtue of the power of reserves the right to bid for and
Thomas H. Boggs, Jr. sale contained in said mort- purchase the real estate and to
Attorney for Estate gage, will sell at public outcry credit its purchase price
9-1-3tc to the highest bidder for cash, against the expenses of sale
.... ig,front ofthe, entranc¢ and .the indebtedness secured
REPRESENTATIVE Marengo County, Alabama, on
IN September 26, 2016, during
ESTATE OF ROO- the legal hours of sale, all of its
SEVELT LANDRUM SR. right, title, and interest in and
Letters of Administration to the following described real
upon the estate of said dece- estate, situated in Marengo
dent having been granted to County, Alabama, to-wit:
Johnnie M. Landrum on the Commencing at iron rebar
25th day of of August, 2016, on the East right-of-way of
by Honorable Judge of the U.S. Highway No. 43 at the
Probate Court of Marengo Southwest comer of the
County, Alabama, notice is Shields Grayson tract of land
hereby given that all parties as described by Deed Book
having claims against the 5M, Page 335, thence; North
estate may present the sam 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 sec-
within the time required by onds East along said East
law or they will be barred, right-of-way for a distance of
Johnnie M. Landrum, as 425.32 feet to an iron with sur-
Personal Represenatative of vey cap (Shamburger -13198)
the estate of ROOSEVELT at the Southwest comer and
LANDRUM SR., Deceased. Point of Beginning of the here-
in described tract of" land;
Frederick P. Gilmore thence from said Point of
GILMORE LAW FIRM Beginning. North 30 degrees
Attorneys for Personal 00 minutes 00 seconds East
Representative along said right-of-way for a
Post Office Box 729 distance of 137.44 feet to an
Grove Hill, Alabama 36451 iron rod with survey cap
(251) 275-3115 (Shamburger -13198), Thence;
9-1-3tc East for a distance of 110.62
This sale is subject to post-
ponement or cancellation.
LPP Mortgage LTD, Commission has been request- "uled Marengo County
Mortgagee/Transferee ed to vacate two (2) County Commission meeting. All per-
Roads said county roads being sons will be afforded the
Rebecca Redmond described as follows: opportunity to address the
SIROTE & PERMUTF, P.C. First Street and Second petition to Vacate said road,
P. O. Box 55727 Street, Ulmer Rills after which the Commission
Birmingham, AL 35255-Subdivision, as shown by the will vote on said Petition for
5727 map filed at Map Book 1, Vacation.
Attorney for Page 103, commencing at Done this the 20th day of
Mortgagee/Transferee Marengo County 21 and July, 2016 extending East into Ulmer MARENGO COUNTY
sures Subdivision. COMMISSION
393782 A public hearing is hereby Meredith Hammond,
8-25-3tc scheduled for the 13th of County Administration
Notice of Public Heating September, 2016 at 9:00 am.
The Marengo County during the regularyly sched-
Good luck to all area teams
from the
Marengo County Circuit Clerk's Office
supports Marengo County football
Locally Owned and Operated
Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m -5:00 p.m
Sat. 7:30 a.m -12 p.m
Legal Notice feet to an iron rod with survey
The Linden City Childcap (Shamburger -13198),
Nutrition Program is offering thence; South 26 degrees 45
for sale by sealed bid the fol- minutes 52 seconds West for a
lowing item as is: distance of 158.78 feet to an
i Garland 6 Burner iron rod with survey cap
Gas Commercial Stove (Shamburger -13198), thence;
Sealed bids must be North 78 degrees 05 minutes
received by 3:30pm on August 20 seconds West for a distance
19, 2016. The bids must be of 110.21 feet to the Point of
delivered in a sealed envelope Beginning, lying and being sit-
to 209 North Main Street or uate in the West 1/2 of the
mailed to Linden City CNP, Northwest Quarter of the
Attn: iUsed Equipment Bid/, P. Northeast Quarter of Section
o. Box 480609, Linden, AL 28, Township 13 North, Range
36748. The bid opening willbe 3 East, Marengo County,
August 22, 2016 @ 9:00am. Alabama.
The Linden City Child Property street address for
Nutrition Program reserves the informational purposes: 6036
right to reject any or all bids. US Hwy 43, Dixons Mills, AL
Viewing of the stove will be 36736
from August 15-19, 2016 from THIS PROPERTY WILL
h00pm to 3:00pro at Linden BE SOLD ON AN iAS IS,
Elementary School Cafeteria. WHERE ISi BASIS, SUB-
Any questions please JECT TO ANY EAsEMENTS,
contactMs. Lofton at 334-295- ENCUMBRANCES, AND
Community College THOSE CONTAINED IN
Men's Basketball THE RECORDS OF THE
Closing Date: September 9, PROBATE OF THE COUN-
Clinicians, Nurse Practitioners & Doctors On Hand
• Blood Pressure Screenings
t Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Tests
• General Heath Assessments
Choctaw Hale Marengo
Sumter Wilcox Greene
Want HealthCare On eeis to your ar ?
Contact HealthCare On Wheels: 334-287-2626 or
Tombig Hcai care Autht fty ]05 HwyBO East i mopolls, AI, 36732
rottgh a grant the, Uni Stale:.s l ltrnent ot"Agricult