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The Democrat-Reporter
Linden, Alabama
July 14, 2016     The Democrat-Reporter
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July 14, 2016
Newspaper Archive of The Democrat-Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 Thursday, July 14, 2016 Comments by editor are opinbns, reasons, or recommendations. Send your written and signed opinions to the Editor, P. O. Box 480040, Linden, Alabama 36748 From our county commission to the U. god with top secret emails and the direc- S. secretary of state, we have seen the tor of the FBI said no reasonable prose- Kenyan administration administer tribal cutor would bring charges. American law in America. lives were in the veins of those emails. Freddie Armstead was caught on video stealing cars but the district attorney allowed the local grand jury to hear a plea that this old man didn't deserve to go to prison over some old cars. It was not said nor did we see any record of it, but knowing what we know about the Kenyan administration and the political corruption is spreads and know- ing how the Department of Justice oper- ates and bows to pressure, and having seen and heard how the Kenyan King complains about how half the population of America's prisons are people with at least 10% negro blood in their veins, then we deduce that if it walks like and amuck and quacks like a duck, it must be duck. ,- There were American lives ignored in Benghazi and she she smirked, "At this point, what difference does it make?" Folks this is the democratic party's way of life in America, tribal justice. Civilization is diminished when the ruling class is not punished for crime. In fact, this is the same way unciv'dized tribes in Africa still run things. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, the French people finally revolted against this kind of justice. They put Marie's head on the guillo- tine and chopped it off. We would applaud the top chop of Hillary. We don't want to eat her cake. America will revolt, although cir. Hillarv Rodham was caught playing State troopers who patrol our high- again. ways and county to,ads are scarcer today Our radio scanner has a constant than they have been, especially if you stream of reports of drivers speeding or count the number of drivers on the roads driving erratically. Local police or today, deputies take care of these. With fewer troopers patrolling, there Our laws require troopers write up seems to be fewer fatal wrecks in the wreck reports, especially the ones with state, fatalities. What causes fatal wrecks today is tex- In the absence of a trooper, this ring and talking on cell phones, over- responsibility could be transferred to the drugged drivers (legal and illegal), late sheriff and his top deputies. How to night driving, speed, and some alcohol- change the protocol in Alabama is a related collisions, mystery. Even the FIB top dog says he What prevents fatal wrecks is the can't recognize crime any more. wearing of seat belts. Even seat belts Black Belt Alabama deputies are can't prevent some deaths in crashes smarter than he, so let them write wreck with big trucks, reports and tickets if necessary. Many young drivers who have Deputies don't want this responsibility, matured behind the steering wheels of though. The sheriff has to run for re-elec- their cars are instinctively safer drivers tion and this may not be good for him. than the very young and the very old. Alabama has the personnel. All that is They have skidded off the road a time or needed is a change in protocol, regula- two, bumped another car, or even rolled tions, and a little training and the prob- over. When they wake up and find their lem of waiting on a trooper is absolved. passenger dead beside them, they are To answer this question is to save changed forever. If they wake up dead, Alabama a lot of money and make the they won't ever bother the rest of us highway safer. Write A Letter To The Editor Send Letters to: Box 480040 Linden, Ala. 36748 We don "t even read the letters which are not signed; nor do we read tnass or electronically transmitted letters. Write your opinions, sign your name, and mail your letter -- original with name. / USPS 153-380 Published every Thursday at The Democrat-Repoggr at Editor-Publisher Goodloe Sutton 36748. Postmaster, pl~ send changes of adckcsses to: P. O. Box 480040, Linden, Alabama 36748 Telephone 3341295-5224 Linden Reporter established 1879. Marengo Democrat Production Manager Henry Waiters established 1889• Consolidated 1911 as The Demo..-rat- Rept~er. Periodicals postage paid at D :mopolis, Alabama. Subscaiption prices include sales tax plus postage and Composition Erica Hayes handling. In Marengo, Cla~, Ox)ctaw, Sumter, (Ja,een,.. Hale, co .o,. = Office Administrator George Bley Write Letters of Their Opinions Send Your Letter to E O. Box 480040. Linden Alabama 36748 Jail is filthy, musty, not fit for me Dear mr. Goodlne Sutton. (murder) (no rope) (no robbery) (Sail) In 3-1-16 got ouT may-21. I'am Johnny Crocker, they (no felony) That Jail is nasTy when I went To Sail I weight puT me in That nasTy and and filThy you can caaqT (155) when I got OuT I weighT filThy Jail. Because I owe for anyThing any disease, when (140). I dont Think I deserve (Amenn) my sons well men one GoT ooT I has aTheleles Foot. That PunishmenT. And is 31 years old and The other 34 Gout And Among oTher Thing. someThing else The Plumbing years old. One work aT The oil That I dont want To Think about, dontT work.I really Be died company and The other one is a I have nighTmare All The Tune. Than To go Back That is (Hell manager AT WalmarT I have when you geT sick The double Hell) Two (caand kKid) one 3 year the (Jailon Cast you ouT Because Sincerely your other is 18 years old. They donT Care They half feed Johnny Crocker That Jail is not FiT For me I you. no clean(Linden) or Towell 2002 James Dr have noT did no (crime) no no nothing, when I wenT To Demopolis, Ala36732 for first touch of Fat I have a little path across the at the end of the path. As a child looks for, hopes for, mad from my house in Sweet I sat there for quite a while and searches for every sound Water, where, on a good day, I hearing the birds sing and the and sight that brings the long get my walking cane and walk squirrel chatter, awaited-- for thing, I, at last, in down to the little branch of Pleasantly seated, I got my delicious joy, detected, discov- water, cane and started back up to the ered, and rejoiced at that long As I feed all animals, there are house, where all my cats met awaited for sign of someflfing coon tracks, deer and turkey me. wonderful and yet mysterious. It tracks, this is my pleasure. I stoppd and, revising my was at its earliest and possible That hot summer afternoon in head to savor the aroma of pine conceptiorr--a touch of fall. late August, I was very tired needles and look at a few pretty Joy Brycin from my little walk (83 years leaves falling. Nieholesville Rd old) so I sat down in an old chair I was there when it happened. Sweet Water, AL 36782 OLD TIMES BY THE LATE JOEL D. JONES O c4 tna.t.v I aUSHm MARCH 27,1941 Union soldiers continue robbing Southerners in Marengo County C. C Clay, Jr., son of Governor C. C. Clay, was born in Madison County, Ala., in 1817 and was graduated from the University of Alabama in 1834, and in 1853, he was elected to the United States Senate and re-elected in 1859. In April 1864, he did some secret diplo- marie working in the British pray'races of North America, returning in January 1865. When the armies of the south surrendered, Clay started on horse back to Texas, but went to Macon, Georgia, instead, where he learned that he was charged with complicity in Lincoln's death and surrendered to federal authorities. Confined in Fortress Monroe for 12 months without a heating, he was constant- ly abused and when released was in bad health. He returned to Jackson County, Ala., and turned to planting for a livelihood. , General John T. Morgan, on attempting to resume his law practice, found his office at Cahaba closed by the post commander. He procured ground nearby, hitched his war horse to the plow and with the aid of his little son dropping the seed, prepared to make a corn crop. It was not long before a per- mit came to him to open his office for practice, but in Alabama courts only. A formal permit from the President or an act of Congress must be obtained to allow practice in the United States courts by a rebel. So the matter stood for several years. One day while this great lawyer sat at his desk where he labored, a mes- senger boy brought in a telegram, which was from Senator George The ate Goldwaite, asking per- Joel Desaker Jones mission to offer a bill to remove Morgan's disability to practice in the federal courts. His reply to the telegram was, "I shall accept no favor from the United States," He said, "It will be time enough for me to be relieved, when my brethren of the bar get relief." General Morgan won immortality in the United States Senate, undoubtedly his work there, the generation length in greatest work of any senator. In the senate General Morgan was unusually active and served on several impor- tant committees. He secured important inter- nal improvements for Alabama and battled long and persistently to aroUse Congress to the importantance of an isthmian canal across Nicaragua. He served as a senator from 1876 to1907, 31 years. General John B. Gordon was also a great senator, he was born and reared in Georgia. He lived in Jackson County several years, where he was engaged in coal mining. He recruited one of the first companies in the county to go to the war, the "Raccoon Roughs." He entered the sixth Alabama infantry regiments a major, and was rapidly promoted on up to General, and was wounded at Sharpsburg. At the close of the war, the industries of the south were prostrate, the banks out of busi- ness, farm wagons were worn out, farm imple- ments had been lost in the building of army fortifications, farm animals had gone to the war or ceased to be of service, ditches were closed and no tools to open them, the steamers on the rivers needed repairs. Still, when the Confederate armies surrender, they would come home to find a great abundance of assets to restore every industry. This would have been tree if the terms of surrender of the Confederate armies had been faithfully loved up to by the conquerors. This was not done, for example, a planter between Linden and Demopolis stored 150 bales of cotton under shelter on his plantation. Fifty bales of this he had subscribed to the Confederate cotton loan. The government claimed the assets of the Confederacy. The military at Demopolis, sent wagons to the plantation and no objection was raised by the planter to the seizure of the bales, although he yet had the Confederate cotton bonds that he had accepted for the par- ticular cotton. With the wagons came an agent of the Bureau, at Demopolis, with a printed form of contract in his pocket, and asked the • planter toexecute the contract, for labor of, his . former slaves yet on his plantation. The,nature of the contract, was that the planter had to feed the labor, and pay them for their labor out of produce from the farm. Having succeeded in getting the contract executed, carried away the 50 bales of cotton. Then returned with a bunch of his armed military men, loaded the remaining 100 bales on wagons, carried it off and left the planter pen- niless, with him between one and two hundred negroes on his hands with- out means to feed or pay them. It was believed that after 20,000 bales of cotton were burned at Selma, April 1, 1865; 80,000 burned a day or two later at Montgomery; 20,000 at Columbus soon after, all owned in Alabama, and thousands burned on plantation, yet there remained on plantations over 300,000 bales. Three hundred thousand bales of cotton in 1865 put on the market was worth forty-five million dollars net. It was difficult to imagine the limit of the benefit which would have accrued to the state had the terms of the surrender been adhered to by the United States and the vicious role of tyranny never applied. If the cotton stolen by the invaders had been left with the owners, not only would agricul- ture have been restored, but great investment in industries would have followed. Carpetbaggers and scalawags would have sunk their diminished heads below the current of prosperity that would have forced good government into power. The grand jury of Greene County indicted Lt. Benjamin Ratz, who was in charge of the United States army, of troops then infesting Eutaw and Greensboro, for stealing cotton from William Shaw's plantation he was also indicted for stealing Crawford's plantation. A petition was sent to the governor asking him to have a regiment of negro troops moved from Greensboro, of which Ratz was in charge. Ratz, and his gang would steal cotton and deliver it to white men which were in league with them, and the white men would deliver it to citizens who might be depended on to sell the product for a share of the profit. A large number of citizens of Demopolis sent forward a petition to the governor, pray- ing his intermediation to have the troops removed from the post at Demopolis. They were idle dissipated, and destructive. They corrupted the negroes on the plantation, urg- ing them to steal cotton..