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• oq)den H=II Artnual 'P nt
,. .... $cholarsh
G 2 rc;cipie s
urr rht r / n, rl- OA In loving memory of Aunie Essex 2012 Memorial
:: .i ' : ; II II II Essex, in 2006, her family and Academic Scholarship Award;
v .,l.,, L--, ....
ill 11 friends beg, awarding scholar- Marilyn L Sawyer, student
. " ships to graduating high school at Francis Marion High School
:/' it=' !ii: ' " seniors in the Perry County in Marion, received the Annie
:'='ili7 jy : Berlene Cunts, Lucy her m your prayers. Marlene mght, Curtis Cade. We will continue .qt'hanl Rwt m "-nl, .... ')nl ,4ol
/i!i ::.. ii Gamble recently had a hip replacement The wisdom of the ages, to keep them in our thoughts
' A . . , uu,mmuuem to nelp canemlc ;~cnolarsmpAwam;
and nneDowney last week, but she Is domg The power of the eagles and prayers, nthar~nndh~.rnt,t~nFlnv,~ ~,, ~i .... ! r lk
• .: .... ':; :;: ' ' well ht, Charlies Comer" M name ...... " '
iiiii.!:/: !ii ::" • ' g ...... " Y ing, and caring were eminent in M. Hinton, Kiara T. Payton and
i/: : g i We, three ladies of Putnam, The members of the Putnam The joy of a mormng m 18 StefanleMtchaelsenByme, the i,,,-, .... ,o "r.o .ov ...... ....
[ :!ii have dec ded to take a summer Volunteer F re Department spnng, and I am an occupattonal ther- me,mortal eeh&lnr hln ranm'~m Mo,-;,, Ilh.h
? break from writing the would like to thank all of those The faith of a mustard seed, apist who has been working
'- "Putnam Chatter. But. dont who. supported, the cause dur- The patience of eternity for Helping Hands Therapy at ual .............. She enjoyed ardistinguished- Annie ........... Essexe ....... Memorial ....
'.( worry, we are not leavmg you mg thelr annual door to door The depth of a family need Thomasvdle Nursing Home fortvfo, taa ............ .....
" . permanently-just untd school fundra ser. Thanks to each and Then God combined these for the past year and a half. I . • •
:= , .... .. teacher, acawty sponsor, and The family and friends of the
' begins again. We will rmss every one of you for your con- quahtles moved from Long Island, New hil,t i, tho ............i,
shanng the news w,th you, but tlnued support!!!! When there was nothing York to Meridian, M ss ss,ppl Pc=,, Countv School ......... *, *" ;-";. ""
1 have made the necessary Don t forget. Father s Day ts more to add wtth my husband when he was •
• .... The Scholarship Program uals, churches, schools, bus -
preparations. Jasmme Gamble next Sunday, June 17, 2012. He knew his masterpiece relocated for work. My hus- allows her conceots of"eneros nessesl and oreanizations for
will be helping us share what We would like to give a spe- was complete, band and I recently got mar- to become anonle,.a" donations and .nlci-afi-- i.
...... d" ...... (. is going on in the community, cial recognition to all of the Andso, Hecalledit DAD ried in December 2011 andwe v ...... -= - . ..... r ....
-. ' . . "'" . . cy oenentmg mture genera- me ZUlZ Amue essex
,, .- .-. c .-.c and we are very happy to have fathers m our and surrounding are enjoying our newlywed q.l,.w •
! Lauren cameron ann 3osnua t.3tass her on board. God Bless to all communities. If you areJune Birthdays: Quenton life here in the south Moving rP,"ini, nte af th, 9nlO ...... arShiP
i , . of you who have kept up with blessed to still have your Waters, Alexandria White, here has been great so far We An 'e ""~i~;;e2 "=fi(" "~'''~; ~'7"", ~1"' thanks .are
• " our colu • . " emonai ga en to me recipients, seiecnon
| mn. father with you, please do Apnl Marx, Mary Lee Cade, have met so many wonderful Scholarshio Awards are hereb,, committee the counselors and
!Vlbll I I I I | b 'll Until next time ..... something special for him, to Patsy Cade, Lucinda Curtis, people, and moving here has ,, .... , ...........
' ' '" Berlean L c .... announcea as mnows: starts or u. hatch mgn
........ u y, & Anne let him know you appreciate Juamta Norwood, Klawnagiven us a chance to experi- Monrika S Moore student at Schoolin Unionton and Francis
" IAl IPq | I I ] I[ Gooden Hill Baptist Church him for everything that he Gaines, Kavla Waters,ence the culture of Southern ...... " .... .' ..................
.!s V •• V I y dr=. • iF will be having ieir .Annual does. Below, we have inserted Atravious Gaines, Courtney living. I get to travel all over o.t)en c. hatch .r, . cnoo .m M anon cnooi mManon
Choir Day on Sunday, June a poem dedicated to all of the Gamble, Sierra Cade, Sheryl Alabama for my job. I am able "
Mrs. Christopher The bride to be is a 2008 24th at 2:00 p.m. Reverend fathers. Gamble, Tremaine (T.J.) to work in different facilities,
of Demopolis are graduate of Demopolis High James McGee will be the What Makes a Dad-Author Jones, Jermaine (J.J.) Jones, such as Thomasville Nursing
" i ecl to announce the School and attended the guest speaker. Unknown and Jacory Jackson, Bessie Home, Marengo Nursing
and forthcoming University of West Alabama. The Summer ,.Feeding God took the strength of a Williams, Beatrice Harris, Home, Bryan Whitfield
tnarriage of their daughter, The prospective groom Program is currently going on mountain, Eunice Kennedy, PaulineHospital, as well as school rl,, •
Lauren Rebecca of is a 2000 graduate of Marengo at }he Gooden Hill Baptist The majesty of a tree, Huckabee, and Bessiesystems and home health serv- 1IOUOll i r'UUII ;
D, l Ippolis, to Joshua Brooks Academy in Linden and Chbrch, at 11:45 a.m. Monday The warmth of a summer Goodman. ices. Although I don't get to I-
:Gq' S'S o'f Tuscaloosa, son of attended the University of through Thursday. Come and sun, Anniversary: Reginald & spend a lot of' time at each s • s ' = • •
Y ffi am Gregory Glass of West Alabama. He- is enjoy a free and nutritious The calm of a quiet sea, Nita Gaines and Wilske & fac" ility each week, Iamproud /Irll('lrv I'¢'1 I'1¢'1(11'
!Lr tei and the late Gwyn employed by Southern Pipe lunch. The generous soul of LucyGamble to be a part of each rehab am=ll~l~l 1 IV I IV~I~I
Glass. Company in Tuscaloosa. Richmond and Lounie nature, Sympathy: Our sympathy team. =
;,*Grandparents of the The double ring ceremo- Gailes were given a surprise The comforting ann of goes out to the family of il=li / , ll P llm ,l
,ibride "to be are Wayne and ny will be an event of birthday party by their chil- . I Ili,JUl l
B¢'ck. y Etherid e , and Sonnv Saturdav, Julv 28._ 2012 at dren.. Both. of them. celebrate __ _ IV
and Clara Nell Cameron, all FirstUnited Methodisttheir birthdays in May. I ll i , .I..,.....,.=.,.=.=.,.,=.,._ A I ....
r ;;% . • , •
,ot. eh:fiopohs. Church ln Demopolis at 6:00 Richmond and Lonme would t,,FUMI ,/I O II I,, IVI lrc]lnlnQ CIIRISS
.'Y Grandparents of the p.m. Brother Art Luckie will like to extend a very special ......... .... v
groom are Joyce o ,ciate. nvitations will be tha ' to all those who attend- I I It,,llllt,,,i_t.41 IUI IVIUY
I3 ' 'l fiis of Linden and the late mailed, ed and shared in their joy. v
il 53 rt "P. (Bob) Dennis, and The couple plans to Happy Belated Birthday to Auburn University is offer ar . and dPm nOr H.... f
ithc late W. T. (Noodie) and reside in Tuscaloosa. our precious s ster-n-law, Sixteen couNes aonlied for of Linden" Marcus Dewa,,ne Thomoo *o--
' Mufiet Glass of Gallion Marlene Downey Please keep .... : .... .... ............ - ................ juu~att,.
, • • marriage licenses in the Cory Lee Harbin, 24 and 26 and Alicia Akia Ward, 26 net research and online in practice.
i Marengo County Probate Lorraine Nicole Cherry, 25 both both of Faunsdale; resources for.job seekers on Registration is required To
! ;ii :. Judge's office for the month of of Tuscaloosa; KeithAlan Tdlman, 57 and Friday, June 29 from ll a.m.-3 register, call Jon Gross at
', ,i A • -- A . =ii May. Hayward Blake Luker, 24 Carolyn Ann Baker, 56bothof p.m. at the Demopolis Public 334.844.8402 or visit the web-
i _Hl AIr'lr ¢'lm¢-i (5 ,w (-:¢'111r" Theywere: andChristinaOawnLins, 25 Linden; Library., s i . t. e :
• -,=-w.. .... • v -vv | Michael Bishop, 38and both of Sweet Water; Antonio Jermone Walker, 31 The class will cover the
' _ • _ _ _ • ,s Lisa Nicole Case, 33 both of Samuel Lee Mclntosh, 51 of and Portia Marie Rhone, 30 basics of finding jobs online, OP/BTOP training registra-
_lUng_ | Philadelphia, Ms; Dixons Mdls and Dorothy both of Demopolis; with topics iljcluding: Setting tion.htm.- -
,, v v=v= =vv| •v = v Byron Keith Claybrook, 36 Beatrice Williams, 55 of Benjamin Eric Wdkinson, 28 up email accounts and picking The Friends of the
', ' of Coker and Sonja Danyale Demopolis; of Gallion and Mary Lindsay usemames and passwords; best Demopolis Public Library will
' ............. ......... Jones, 35 of Northport;Michael James Moore, 25 Osborne, 21 of Linden; practices for resume writin ; rovide lunch and refresh-
;; A , tocus is on meeting me t ow t.attconterence, the rrontame rre-weaning ...... g P
........ ...... ¢ .... L_ ,,, .......... = ......... James Clayton Elliott, 26 and andAllieElizabethOverton, 21 Wdlie Sentell Winston, 32 resume tesources of which you ments. The class ]s offered
~t/~al ~t M~I UClllallU UllC LOW OpcalkClb ialc ilUlil tile l¥li:Uli:tg~lll~llt~ 'rlUlltilgl¢ ru~t Rickie Ann ' • ' ' " '
ij.';;,k;~|r~,~,;...o e..~.,., A.. tt..".... .... I,r ..... 1II~,,~,1..,,, "k/l" ........ 1D,.--,.1 " Oandy, 23bothofboth of ThomasviUe, and Alicm Dawn Antes, 25both may be unaware; helpful laps through Auburn Umvers ty
~l.~Jt.-~,~¢lu Ctt a tJLlll'*.~. OU IIUW UU KJIU.VWLOIL,y Ul/-Kl.l~all~.~, l~all~a~) YI~aUlU~ IYI(UIa~III~IIL, JU~II~I De ' • " " '~' "
, id] °- ........ ' ..........."'-' .................. mopolis, Harold B. Scott, 60 and of Demopolis. for focnsmg a job search and Center for Governmental
'meomm s zea cownem tate umverstty ant] =xtenston UlSCUSStOn wire marKeungNathan .... 1 Glass 23 and A 'e W Pe 56 both of researchin ................
be-in to meet 'hat S"ecialist fr"m ....... ,.-.....i. ...... - lyre , gga . rry, g po[ennai employ- ervlces an(] uroanDana
Ywt'd~ .... ~ ~ V u p~ut,utuz'x~wum ta.u~u~ aouut ~;/q.'~11- Rachel Elizabeth Davis both nf I'~rnnr~nli¢"
demand compared to our larger University. The topics are titled ences in selling truck load lots Tnscaloosa" _ v....Tho... r a s,Vmce Sen- 58 and
fellow cattlemen&cattlewomen as follows; Opportunity for Top of cattle and more Registration , _ "2' ............. " .....
. . ......... • James aaron ureen, zz ann uoromy .lean ~onage, r -,
tot!F,gest. Ttus the focus of Managers, Management 'loots begnls at 7:00 a.m., program Heather Marie Parker 21 both of Demo--lio" 11 I1
Available, Lowenng begins 8:00 a.m. and concludes , v-- [I |1
, - .Production Cost by grazmg at at5:30p.m. The event will be ....... • , [[ . [ |[
) oilirth/,, IHtI least 300 day a year with no held at Ham Wdson Livestock SALES E[
vv supplements (feed or hay), Arena on the Auburn University ....... "" [ [[ 1 [ | [ I | | | | [ I I [ | ] | • I II | L'I [lJ [ | [ "l |[
= , == Responsible Herd Expansion, Campus. The cost is $60.00 [ Earle Ashe, Owner "-'"- I " [] " " - -" " - "- • " -- - "' " '-" - " - ]k ]k'JI |[ 7doctl°ur d°Utmg;andprinttoa [ at Treasure Box'in'd'oor¥1ea Market [ [] [[
Ih http:/Iwww.aces.edulanimal [ 2802 Citizens Parkway, Selma, A1 [ [[ [ [[
. .. [ [ fomge/orcaUBrendaGloverat [ 334-874-4885 I II III
• I ........ I334-321-8828. Once you are at I J...,'r-u/-r-'-rooJ I I' = II
Annual I [the animal forage website look I • New & Used Merchandise I / t/ll l /
I t/t31 I1" Ion the right hand side under I ............................ I / . " I [
=,= . t I ......... IApplmnces ,TVs, Mattresses & More , , • I
bl ua GOO, Mo ..n.,.e-GOODrrices- W YDAY
g y , - : MaMade iln About
0 y, une 23rd, I '- / /
the ainbow Hunting Club I I / While YouWait
will be hosting their 74th I J I I/ "'"" '"" ""'"
Annual "Big Day Picnic" in I I t i /
Hayes' Pasture in Shiloh at I _ I ] / [ [
10:00 a.m. There will be I - I I / /
men s ,softball, free food, [ ' ] [ [ [
women s softball, music, I [ I / [
dancing, and more. See You [ JM IJI I I / /
There!!! I I I/
II ,Wallet-size identification card with your picture in -:: :: /
I q / color and your personal information, [ [- Doris Killgore - ,
I/ ,Laminated for durability '
Enrolled Agent, Accredited Tax Preparer I I i Needassis nee with your Financial Aid Applicaiions? I I . I
{aaA ,'Jo . a nn I I Alabama Southern is offering one-on-one assistance to students who need help / ! , , , , |
L7 'O/UU I I 2012FinancialAid / / Illh, /
1108thAv n AI36748 isJuly15t II,,L,I,L,'
]]0 8"lh Ave, West, Urlden, AI 36748, [ I "~, .',=~, li3=ml'n'~ n.. ~ilil.,,i£..O ...... [ / "~lI ~ k Al ili /
•. - .... I [ • Thursday~ 2 pm .Gilbertown Campus I I ~ ~- ~. s I
I-Itlnnw/-tlfrll ' , I l viile& T ma.ille . '
• ",~'~", • ".'"'"" ." "-'.; ~, i, ~, ,~oo,oe~,,c=o,:,=,,.,~o~,,~,,,~c=,:22,o~, " / / 108 E. Coats Avenue Linden, AI. /
"' ' J I ':' eville& Thomasv'dle [ / m.,,.,, u,.-=.,... /
i'" tI I i •
':" ,,,... ,R,.. • "] I "" Wh~, 1040AorlO4OEZ)and . [ / ~You must have two forms of identification .... " ""' °""="' ° ..... =,.. /
Manowe l~tectnc / I1~Ouseh°ld income. " ' ' / / t ~Ut;H i:l~. out;,et, ou~u,,ty /
Fo/~note o~m=,tion call Am Rowellmthe Monroevdle F,nanc, Card or verification, birth certificate, school record, voting record, mll
! I ,r, o,e .,, ,m, ,owe,, in the Monroeville Financial Aid office, / / .... . / •
" " / J ille, (334) 637-3168. / / itary rec0ra, etc I
.~ , 2206 South Main St.- Linaen, AL 36748 1 j ~ ...... ,.-., ........ / / '" J
:,, *:'+" Jimmy Waiters '1, I ' " / / /
::,.2 ," ,I ,, i/i/ CARDS ARE NOT STATE CERTIFIED . ./
• ilt
. t I " ~~t~ SOUTHEP~ / / /
Turn to tie erts'- ,
....... ~ ........ ~ / I,, , ~ / / /
---7~':,~,.o,,, %;'"":'J'l ,*'-']'---====== .... /[ _ . .. _ ]
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