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Page 3 About All West Alabama
Thursday, May 17..'t :
Engaged Coupt00,
Ratrene Lewis and Scottj Smith
Lewis, Smith
to wed May 26
Louise Lewis and Walter Rehabilitation.
Richardson of Dixons Mills The prospective groom is
and Mr. and Mrs. Ned the son of the late Mr. James
Madison ofThomasville, par- Smith and the late Mrs.
ents of the bride, are pleased Charlie Mae Smith of
to announce the engagement Birmingham. He received an
and forthcoming marriage of Associate in Applied Science
their daughter, Katrene Renee at Faulkner University, COTA
Lewis of Dixons Mills to at UAB. and Bachelor's of
Scotty Cortez Smith of Occupational Therapy at
Birmingham. Tuskegee University. He is
The bride elect is a 2002 employed as an Occupational
graduate of Marengo High Therapist at Warren Manor
School. She received an Health and Rehabilitation.
Associate in Science degree in The double ring ceremony
Registered Nursing at will be an event of May 26.
Alabama Southern 2012 at 5 pm at Shiloh P.B.
Community College in Church in Dixons Mills with
Monroeville in 2006. She is Elder John L Dees officiat-
employed as Unit Manager at ing. Everyone is invited.
South Haven Health and
Shanice M Gracie of Demopolis has earned a 3.6 GPA
at The University of Alabama. She was invited to join
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars because of
her outstanding academic performance. They want to
ensure that she makes the most of her time in college
and beyond, by taking advantage of all the NSCS mem-
ber benefits. She is the daughter of George Gracie. Sr.
of Demopolis and Aretha Smith of Gallion.
You can get 500 business
cards starting at 535 at
New.Hope First
00Baphst Church Revival
Dear Pastors. congregations
and christian friends: You are
cordially invited to come and
worship with New Hope First
Baptist Church during their
spring revival, starting May 14th
thru May 18th. 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
nightly. We are asking you to
come out and help us with this
revival. We are praying for a
pastor. Guest evangelist will be
Rev. Alphonso Bowen, pastor of
New Mt. Mariah Baptist Church
in Nanafalia.
÷ Welcome to Prayer meet-
ing and bible study held at the
Greater New Hope Baptist
Church in Demopolis. every
Wednesday at 6 p.m. Rev.
Honoree Locket. Jr. is the pastor;
Sis Brenda Sams is the church
clerk. Everyone is invited to
worship with us.
We. the members of Eastern
Star Baptist Church. would like
to invite you to a very special
occasion. Please join us m cele-
brating the 8th anniversary of
our pastor and first lady, Terry L
and Carolyn Gosa. The program
will be held on Sunday, May
20th at 2:00 p.m. Reverend
Willie Smith of Oak Grove
Baptist Church will be the guest
speaker. Deacon Sherman
Norfleet of Uniontown will be
the MC. We look forward to
having you celebrate with us in
this joyous occasion.
÷ Happy Birthday or Happy
Anniversary goes out to every-
one who celebrate their Birthday
or Anniversary in the month of
May. Hope you have many,
many more from Clara Purse.
May God Bless you in my
prayers. Have a blessed week-
The Jones Family has estab-
lished a scholarship in memory
of Charles Edward Jones fire),
UI. To make a donation, make
checks payable to The Charles
Edward Jones fire), []
Memorial Scholarship- UA and
mail to The University of
Alabama Office of
Advancement Services, Box
870101, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 35487.
÷ Welcome to Saints
Tabernacle Church of God in
Christ Services; Sunday school
- 10:00 a.m.: Sunday morning
services - 11:45 a.m. Bible
Study on Tuesday night - 7 p.m.:
Prayer and Praise worship on
Thursday - 5 p.m. Elder Frank
Stiff is the pastor. Everyone is
invited to worship with us in
these services.
The pastor and members of
Old Mt." Olive EB. Church in
Boyd cordially invites you to
come and share with us in our
Pastor's Installation Service,
Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 2:30
Rockbabylon to
celebrate 9th Year
Pastor Anniversary
The Rockbabylon
Missionary Baptist Church will
be celebrating the ninth year
anniversary of Pastor and First
Lady, Rev. Norris and Vivian
Pauley to be held Sunday, June
3. 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Rev.
Honoree Lockett of the Greater
New Hope Baptist Church of
Demopolis. will be the guest
speaker along with his choir and
All churches are invited.
Dinner will be served.
p.m. Rev. Floyd Bell, pastor of
the Bethel-Pine Baptist Church
in Coatopa, along with church
choir and congregation will be
our guest for this special occa-
sion. Minister Dewayne
Charleston is the pastor.
+ If you have any church
news or community events,
vacations, birthday or
Anniversary wishes, club news,
you would like to put in this
weeny newspaper column,
pleas contact Mrs. Clara M.
Purse, community columnist for
the weeny newspaper. If you
would like to put a church pro-
gram or community events in
this weekly paper, you can call
me at 334-289-2463 or bring me
a program by my house or mail
it to 1007 E. Prout St.
Demopolis, A136732, and I will
put it in the weekly paper for
New Hope #1 Baptist
Church, Co. Rd. 57, Demopolis,
invites you to attend "their
.i,.aching and singing program
to be held on May 27, 2012 at
5:00 p.m. Special guests Will be
Rev. Alphonso Bowen, Golden
Echoes and others. Guest speak-
er will be Rev. Donald Gandy,
pastor of Sweet Hope
Missionary Baptist Church in
Waynesboro, Ms..
q Welcome to the Eastern
Star Baptist Church in
Demopolis, Third Avenue and
Arcola Road; Sunday School -
9:30 a.m.; BTU - 10 a.m.;
Worship services- 11 a.m.;
Prayer meeting and bible study
on Wednesday evening - 5 p.
Every fourth Sunday, Morning
service - 8 a.m. Rev. Terry Gosa
is the pastor; Sis. Clara Purse is
the church clerk. Everyone is
invited to worship with us in
these services.
Pettus Street A.O.H. Church,
1307 East Pettus Street,
Demopolis, cordially invite you
to come and worship with them
Kick Off Summer with Free
on May 27, 2012 for their 1st
Annual Men and Women Day
service at 2:30 p.m. The speaker
for the hour is Evangelist Rosa
Watkins for the End Time
Evangelistic Ministry. Elder
Milton Jones is the pastor.
The Women's, The
Association, B.T.U. and District
Fellowship Annual Sessions,
Board Meeting will be held
together at First Baptist Church
in Linden, Saturday, May 21 at
10:00 a.m. Rev. Robert Pearce is
the host pastor,
Dear Fellow Christians: We,
Mount Horeb Baptist Church,
are in the process of planning
our Pastor's Tenth Pastoral
Celebration. The theme this year
is, "A Decade of Service". Our
pastor, Rev. Mitchell Ross
Congress, has latnned with us in
this Vineyard for ten years now,
and God has blessed us in a
mighty way through his charis-
matic leadership and foresight.
We are preparing a program
booklet this year to highlight this
milestone in our Church's histo-
ry. God has truly smiled on us, in
sending us such a visionary
leader, with such spiritual
insight. We are asking you if you
would purchase an ad from us
for this occasion to go in our
booklet. A full page is $50, half-
page $25, and patrons list will be
$10. We must get those to print
by May 31, 2012.
If you would like to place an
ad in this booklet and become a
part of this celebration, please
call: Sis Ida Ravizee at 334-655-
5763, or Bro. Patrick Dansby at
334-341-3857. We must limit
the number of picunes to one per
ad. (Full Page Only)... Half page
ads may use designs, if desired
Please make checks payable to
Mount Horeb Baptist Church.
We do thank each of you in
advance for your consideration.
The Celebration will be June 10,
2012 at the Demopolis Civic
. De: Rev. F.O.
Bb3ind the tiine Baptist
Church of Livingston will be our
Outdoor Concert, Movie
Kick off the upcoming
arrival of summer with a free
outdoor movie and concert at
city park in downtown
Demopolis on Saturday, May
19 at 6 p.m. The Groove Club
Kids. a children's entertainment
group from Nashville.
Tennessee will perform at 6
p.m. After the sun sets. the
• movie Judy Moody and the Not
Bummer Summer will be pro-
jected for a movie under the
The Groove Club is a one-of-
a-kind collaborative with a mis-
sion to entertain preschool and
early elementary age kids and
their families. They are a group
of young, dynamic performers
who tour nationwide with a goal
of bringing smiles to young
children, encouraging audience
participation and getting kids
dancing! They help promote
reading and the library's sum-
mer reading program theme
"Dream Big". The Groove Club
will perform on Thursday, May
18 at U.S. Jones and at John
Essex School.
"Children's librarian. Kelley
Tarpley, came up with the idea
have "A Movie Under the
Stars" event here in Demopolis
several years ago after seeing
how successful it was in other
cities and the need for family
friendly entertainment here."
says library director Morgan
Grimes. "It was successful, so
we have tried to continue to do
this event as part of our summer
reading programming. Last
year we parmered with Kirk
Brooker, The Marengo Cotmty
Historical Society, and Collins
Communications and the event
was extremely successful with
over 100 people attending. The
Two Rivers Arts Council has
always thrived to bring arts pro-
grams into the schools and to
Demopolis, so partnering with
them for this event seemed like
a natural fit for the Library."
The event is sponsored by
The Two Rivers Arts Council,
The Friends of the Demopolis
Public Library, The Marengo
Historical Society, Collins
Communications, and The Chu
Clinic. Demopolis Area Habitat
for Humanity will sell hotdogs
from Foster Farms, chips and
drinks. We encourage you to
bring your lawn chairs, blankets
and bug spray to this free, fami-
ly friendly event. For more
information, contact Morgan
Grimes at 334.289.1595.
2206 South Main St. - Linden, AL 36748
Jimmy Waiters
Turn to the Expert£
Lillie Busch, age 14, was recognized recently on Htnor
Day at Cranford Bums Middle School in Mobile. Sh )wa.
given awards for the highest grade point averagein
science, language arts and social studies in the ei
grade. She was also one of 10 students selected to be in the
Junior National Honor Society. There are 318 eighth grade
students at Bums Middle School. Lillie is the daughter ol
Angela Busch and Larry Busch of Mobile and th and-
daughter of the late Alvin and Margaret PoeIln', -,
Rembert Hills.
Evans named lid
sophia Top Sales
Advisor in Linden
lia sophia recently
announced top honors for its
Excellent Beginning Program
Achievers for their outstand-
ing sales accomplishments
and professionalism. Having
just joined the fashion jewelry
business, Teresa Eaves has
earned this prestigious accom-
plishment in the first 15 weeks
'by attaining certain sales lev-
els and by sharing lia Sophia
with other new Advisors.
According to Jim Turner,
executive vice president of
global sales and marketing for
lia Sophia, "This immediate
success is a result of Teresa's
hard work and dedication, lia
sophia is fortunate tO have this
individual as part of our team
and we look forward to ceie
brating future successes.'
All new lia sophia AdVisor;
have the opportunity o
increase their earnings and
earn free jewelry as part ,ff the
Excellent Begimfing:;
Program. The plan cele!,r:t,
the success of Advisors .d
stay on track in the firs :,..
months in business, lia s ,i?;
provides ongoing oppornm:
ties for recognition ihcludin
monthly, quarterly and an,ua, ,
awards. :, --
For more information'about
lia sophia, please contact
Teresa Eaves-at ww.i i t02 ?.
.+: '
Cell Office
334-217-0622 334-295-1904 .