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The Democrat-Reporter
Linden, Alabama
May 12, 2016     The Democrat-Reporter
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May 12, 2016
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Page 4 . gaemnnafflfiellnrfm. Thursday, May 5, 2016 I Legal & Classified Ads All Real Estate Advertisements submitted for Publication are, by submission, the Sole Responsibility of the Realtor/Seller to be in compli- ance with all Equal Housing Opportunity Laws, guaranteeing this newspaper shall be held harmless and said agent shall bear all costs of any litigation involving this newspaper and/or members of its staff MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Ronald S. Moore and Kathy Moore, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nonri- nee for acting solely as a nominee for New South Federal Savings Bank, on the 5th day of June, 2008, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Marengo County, Alabama, in Mortgage Book 2008 Page 459; the under- signed Ditech Financial, LLC fka Green Tree Servicing LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Linden, Marengo County, Alabama, on June 6, 2016, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Marengo County, Alabama, to-wit: Commencing at 1/2 inch tlrread— ed iron rod at the center of Section 10, Township 12 North, Range 4 East; thence West for a distance of 59.8 feet to a point that is inside the East right of way line of Alabama Highway No. 25 and on a South 5 degrees 30 minutes West Projection the tangent East right of way line of said Alabama Highway No 25; thence North 5 degrees 30 nrinutes East along the said projection of the Tangth East right of way line and then along the East of right of way line proper, of aforesaid Alabama Highway No. 25 for a distance of 1962.2 feet to an iron rod at the Southwest corner and point of beginning of the lands herein described; thence from said point of beginning South 82 degrees 00 min- utes East for a distance of 365.95 feet to an iron rod; thence, North 8 degrees 00 minutes East for a dis- tance of 234.78 feet to an iron rod; thence North 82 degrees 00 minutes West for a distance of 376.20 feet to an iron rod on the East right of way linc,,:of Alabama Highway angler. :1, Alabama Highway N9525:...thsss§3;:.. South 5 degrees 30 rnintures West along the said East right of way line of Alabama Highway No. 25 for a distance of 235.00 feet to the point of beginning. The above described tract of land ‘ and being situated in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 12 North, Range 4 East, Marengo County, Alabama, as surveyed by PM. Reed, Registered Surveyor No. 713, on May 21 and 25, 1977. Property street address for irrfor— mational purposes: 4534 Highway 25, Thomasville, AL 36784. THIS PROPERTY WILL SOLD ON AS “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TOANY EASE- MENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECT- ED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPER- TY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPER- TY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOY- MENT AND WILL ,BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain. circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be con- sulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and pur- chase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postpone- ment or cancellation. Ditech Financial, LLC flea Green Tree Servicing LLC, Mortgagee/Transferee Rebecca Redmond Sirote & Permutt, P.C. PO. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255—5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 387472 421-16 3tc MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on March 29, 2011 by Elmer W. Whitt, Jr, and Kimberly Whitt aka Kimberly g. eritt, as husband and wife, originally in favor of Morgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for First Federal Bank, and recorded in Mortgage Book 2011 at Page 191 on March 31, 2011, in the Office of Judge of Probate of Marengo County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred or assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association as reflected by instru- ment recorded in Rel POA Book 2013, Page 770 of the same Office. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on May 16, 2016, sell at public out- cry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Marengo County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Linden, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Marengo County, Alabama, to wit: A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, and a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest cor— ner of said Section 30; thence run Southwardly and along the Section line 640.4 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence with a deflection angle right of 76 degrees, 57 min- utes, run Southwestwardly 327.12 feet thence with an interior angle right of 106 degrees, 25 minutes, run Souflrwestwardly 168.61 feet; thence with an interior angle right of 01 degrees, 17 minutes, run Eastwardly 661.00 feet; thence with an interior angle right of 84 degrees, 38 minutes, rim Westwardly 331.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, thus making a closing interior angle right of 172 degrees, 18 nrinutes. Said parcel containing 3.00 acres, more or less. LESS and EXCEPT: Apart of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast cor- ner of said Section 25; thence run Southwardly and along the Section line ‘ @1109” (1911 angle ghfiof 57 “run " Sbiithwestwardly 492.8 feet; thence with a deflection angle left of 90 degrees, 00 minutes, run Southwestwardly 15.2 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence with a deflection angle right of 14 degrees, 30 minutes, run Southwardly 3.5 feet; thence with an interior angle right of 90 degrees, run Eastwardly 3.5 feet; thence with an interior angle right of 90 degrees, run Northwardly 3.5 feet; thence with an interior angle right of 90 degrees, run Westwardly 3.5 feet to the Point of Beginning, thus making a closing interior angle right of 90 degrees. Said Parcel containing 12.25 square feet Also, a 30 foot wide accessease— ment, said easement being 15 feet either side of the following described centerline: Commence at Northwest corner of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 3 East; thence run Southwardly and along the section line 640.4 feet; thence with a deflec- tion angle right of 76 degrees, 57 rrrinutes, run Southwestwardly 327.12 feet; thence with a deflection angle left of 73 degrees, 35 minutes, run Southwestwardly 168.1 feet; thence with a deflection angle left of 98 degrees, 43 nrinutes, run Eastwardly 26.57 feet to the Point of Beginning of said centerline; thence with a deflection angle right of 90 degrees, 33 nrinutes, run Southwardly 403.76 feet; thence with a deflection angle left of 45 degrees, 29 minutes, run Southeastwardly 2.01 feet; thence with a deflection angle left of 45 degrees, 29 minute, run Eastwardly 1301.87 feet to a point on the west right-of-way of Marengo County Road 19 and the end of said center- line. For informational purposes only, the property address is: 330 Quail Ridge Dr, Linden, AL 36748. ANY PROPERTY ADDRESS PROVIDED IS NOT PART OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY SOLD HEREIN AND IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCY, THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION REF- ERENCED HEREIN SHALL CONTROL. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the offi— cers, directors, attorneys, employ- ees, agents or authorized representa- tive of the mortgagee make any'rep- resentation or warranty relating to the title or physical, enviommental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale. Any and all respon- sibilites or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such con- LEGAL ADVERTISING — CLASSIFIEDS Elite ZEemneraf—flKepntfer offers the highest paid circulation in Marengo County to get your message to the public. We offer prompt'proofs of publication on all legal dition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed. This sale is subject to all prior liens and encum- brances and unpaid taxes and assess- ments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non- refundable deposit of Five Th0usand Dollars and no/ 100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP at the address indicated below. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in the property right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attomey should be con- sulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, and its successors and assigns Mortgagee or Transfere Shapiro and Ingle, LLP 10130 Permiter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 7043338107 14006387 Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee 4-21-16 30: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MARENGO COUNTY, ALABAMA. CASE NO: CV—2015—900024 STATE OF ALABAMA, EX REL. GREGORY S. GRIG- 5f DISTRICT ATTORNEY, SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL ' PLAINTIFF. VS. ANTONIO WAYNE AUSTIN, an individual: RUGER P95 9MM, SERIAL 317-66212; ONE CARDBOARD BOX CONTAIN- ING MISCELLANEOUS AMMUNITION AND 30 ROUND MAGAZINE; SKS ASSAULT RIFLE, SERIAL # 663468; WINCHESTER LEVER ACTION RIFLE, SERIAL 6139048; WESTERNFIELD SHUTGUN, SERIAL H204647; ACER ASPIRE COMPUTER; SONY VAIO LAPTOP COM- PUTER, SERIAL # VPCEF22FX; PROGRAMMA- BLE RADIO SHACK SCAN- NER BOX. DEFENDANTS NOTICE The above Defendant, ANTO- NIO WAYNE AUSTIN, is hereby notified that a Complaint has been filed in the Marengo County Circuit Court, wherein State of Alabama, acting by and through the District Attorney, has filed action to have certain funds or property con- demned and forfeited to the MARENGO COUNTY SHER- IFF’S OFFICE. Notice is hereby given that defendant, ANTONIO WAYNE AUSTIN, shall have until the 6th day of June, 2016, to file a Notice of Objection to the condem- nation or forfeiture by 6th day of June, 2016, the said assets will be condemned and forfeited to the MARENGO COUNTY SHER- IFF’S OFFICE. Kenny Freeman Circuit Clerk 4-14—16 4tc EARN $500 a day. Insurance agents needed. Leads, no cold calls. Commissions paid daily. Lifetime renewals. Complete training. Health & dental insur- ance. Life license required. Call 1- 888-713-6020. CAN YOU dig it? Heavy equipment operator career! We offer training and certifi- cations running bulldozers, backhoes, and excavators. Lifetime job placement. VA benefits eligible! 1-866-362- 6497. DISH TV 190 channels plus Highspeed Internet only $49.94/mo! Ask about 3 year price guarantee & Netflix included for 1 year! 1—800- 3 1 1-7159. KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT. Complete treat— ment system. Available: hard- ware stores, The Home Depot, WEEKLY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Week 40¢ per word / Consecutive Subsequent Weeks 25¢ per word Weekly Minimum Per Ad $5.00 Garage / Yard Sale Ads $5.00 (20 words or less, to be paid when ad is placed) notices at no extra charge. Call 295-5224. SAWMILLS FROM only $4397. Make & save money with your own bandmill - cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship! Free info/DVD: 1-800—578-1363 ext. 300N. GOT KNEE pain? Back pain? Shoulder pain? Get a pain-relieving brace for little or no cost to you. Medicare patients call health hotline now! 1-888-788-0166. CPAP/BIPAP supplies at little or no cost from Allied Medical Supply Network! Fresh supplies delivered right to your door. Insurance may cover all costs. 1—800—239- 5809. AUCTION REAL Estate Equipment - Personal. April ‘ 2nd, Saturday 10:00 - 735 Quail Ridge Road, Lincoln, AL 35096. "Showplace prop- erty" luxury 4600+/- sq. ft. brick home — 4bedrooms, 4.5 bath, 113+/- acres all fenced and cross fenced, barns, shop, storage building, small office, two stocked ponds, gated entrance with security access. Also selling equipment, tools, and personal property. For more information: 1-205-822- 4229. Redmont Auction & Land Co., Inc. Eddie Propst #1161. PUBLIC ONLINE Auction — Recycling Center, Pine Hill, AL. Complete liquidation knucklebooms, dozier, crane, tractor trucks, trailers, shears, scales & more. ' Pearce & Associates Auction Company. Larry "Chip" Pearce AL#1088. 1-205-664- 4300. AFFORDABLE HIGH-Speed Internet available where you live today! 1—800-266-4409. Copies While you Wait 50:: ‘ 0hr Emmet-gimme: Top Ten Reasons To vrtise 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p Linden, AL 5674 Needed at local business. in dealing with people. skills'are a‘muSt‘. V Contract work will be Tuesdays, Thursdays. Some other time may be necessary. Applicants must be litera appointment. 1. Advertising consistently establishes contact. 2. Advertising builds preference. 3. Advertising educates and develops prospects. 4. Advertising reduces cost of sales. 5. Advertising helps sell existing crrstomers more products and services 6. Advertising helps close the sale. 7. Advertising gives your business a successful image. 8. Advertising saves time for both you and your customers. 9. Advertising keeps you tog of mind. 10. Advertis tag that Call 334-295-5224 for complete help in planning and developing your investment 0hr lfitmnrtabllitpntlrt All Ad Copy must be submitted by Noon on Monday of the week ad is to run. Estate Sale Saturday, May 7th .m. NO PRESALES 505 Wolf Street 8 Typing Skills Also, person must be skilled Computer knowledge and te, sober, and willing to work. Call 813-7224 for interview 1.2 20 hours a week in morn— ings or afternoons Mondays,