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Thursday, April 19, 2012 -
En, g'ga edCou p/e, .
%laria Smith and conraclsmith
Maria McClain Smith and
Conrad Desmond Murdock,
both of Demopolis. are happy
to announce their engagement
and forthcoming marriage.
The bride-to-be is the
daughter of the late Abbie
McClain of Waukegan, IL.
Grandparents of the bride-to-
be are the late Tommie and
Estella McClain of
Demopolis. The bride-to-be is
a 1986 graduate of Demopolis
High:School. She received a
Bachelor of Science in
Nursing from the University
of Alabama in Tuscaloosa in
1992; She also received her
Masters of Science in Nursing
ffom~ the University of
Alabhna in Birmingham in
1998. She is currently
employed as a Family Nurse
Practitioner at Hill Hospital
Physicians Clinic in York.
The prospective groom is
the son of Tom and Annie
Rowser of Gallion.
Grandparents of the prospec-
tive groom are the late Robert
and Julia Murdock of Gallion,
and the late Frank and Mrs.
Ruthie Rowser of Gallion. He
is a 1985 graduate of
Demopolis High School and
is employed as a Maintenance
Foreman at Rock Tenn Paper
The double ring ceremony
will be an event of May 5,
2012 at 5:30 at Christian
Chapel Baptist Church in
Demopolis with Pastor Fred
D. Moore officiating. Family
and friends are invited.
However, the formal recep-
tion is by RSVP only.
After a honeymoon at a
later date. the couple will
reside in Demopolis.
You can get Business
cards, stationery,
Rubber Stamps and
Cards at
P~e Hill Baptist Church will
be l stmg a Southern Gospel
Con ert featuring "Tribute
Qua~et" of Hendersonville. TN
on Saturday, April 28 at 7 PM.
Tribute Quartet is one of gospel
music's most awarded groups,
having recently been voted by
the readers of Southern Gospel
Music's most popular maga-
zine. The Singing News. as the
"Horizon Group of the year" in
all of Southern Gospel Music.
Their many appearances on
natioffal television, their nation-
al to 'uring schedule, and their
overwhelming success on radio
has made them one of the most
sought-out of all Southern
Gospel groups. These young
men will present a program that
will thrill both young and old
alike. Their appearances in our
are are rare, so take advantage
of this opportunity to hear
Southern Gospel quartet
singing at its finest. There is no
admission charge and a love
offering will be received.
The church will open for
seating at 6PM. The church is
located at 165 Church Street
Pine Hill, AL. For more infor-
marion call 334 963 4412. Chris
Kynard is the pastor.
The Music Study Club met
in the Sanctuary for the First
Presbyterian Church at 3:30 on
Wednesday, April 11. Bernice
Cork President. welcomed the
members and guests, and turned
the program over to Dr. Mary
Hansard, Program Chairman.
Dr. Hansard presented Dr. Betty
Campbell. a member of the
Music Study Club and music
professor of Judson College in
Dr. Campbell introduced
Jessica Weller, Narrator for the
program by several music stu-
dents from Judson. She read
from the Bible verses about
Love as she introduced the
vocalists who were accompa-
nied by Dr. Campbell, pianist.
The program consisted of the
"The Greatest of These is
Love" by Brittany Duke
(Robet~a Bitgood 1908-2007)
"Where is LoveT' by April
Brown (Lionel Bart 1930-1999)
"Love is Where You Find it"
by Miriam Hart (Nacio Herb
Brown 1896-1964)
"Duetti di due Gatt" a duet by
Miriam Hart and Holly Beth
Johnston (Gioacchino Rossini
"Matchmaker" (from
"Fiddler on the Roof') Four
Ensemble (Jerry Bock 1928-
The 'UhJ~'~tgjty of"West
Alabama's Ceriter for BuSiness
and Economic Services (CBES)
has announced a partnership that
will bring a much-needed serv-
ice to citizens of the Black Belt.
The service will offer essential
care to citizens free of charge.
The Delta Regional Authority
(DRA) and The U~ited States
Air Force National Guard and
Reserve Commands will host
Operation Black Belt 2012. a
military community assistance
mission May I through May 10
in Demopolis. Selma and
Hayneville. The program will
provide Ireatment for medical.
dental, or vismn care for citizens
of the Black Belt region of
Providing outpatient services
to area residents, the program
has no restrictions on who may
receive services or assistance.
All services will be provided at
absolutely no cost to the patient.
Clinical services available
include outpatient medical.
diagnostic, and counseling serv-
ices. Dental services include
check-ups, cleaning, fillings,
and extractions. Vision services
include vision tests, prescrip-
tions, and glasses made to those
prescriptions. The mission will
also provide youth sports physi-
HoTnecoming for Gallion
BaptiSt Church will be April
22ndJ Guest Speaker: Dr.
Bobby, Hopper Special Music:
Back,Home. Sunday school
will ~gin at 9:30 and worship
servides will begin at 10:30.
No eJvenmg services on this
FrOm the creators of
"Fire~roof". Honor Begins at
Home _ with "Courageous"
being shown on Sunday
night; April 29. 2012 at 6:00
p.m. i at Linden Baptisl
Church. 100 Abbott St. in
ki)~,den. Admission is FREE!
3050 Hwy. 5 Unit
142, ThomasviUe
Dinner Specials
(Lunch Specials also available)
All combinations $6.00
Appetizer Plate $9.00
Crazy Nachos; Fajitas Steak or
Chicken Margarita Night -
small Lime $1.50.
Sangria $2.00 small
Kids Free one per table
Nachos Infernos - Steak, Shrimp,
Chicken, Spicy Chapotle Sauce
8.50- Caesar Salad $7.00
Fajitas. Chicken or Steak $9.50
"How Do I Love Thee?" by
Holly eth Johnston (Edouard
Lippi 1884-1956)
"Wedding Song" by Miriam
Hart (Gordon Meyers 1953-
The program was concluded
with "God Bless America "" by
the beloved Irving Berlin t 1888-
1989) with the ladies from
Judson and the audience all
standing and singing.
It was a most enjoyable pro-
gram and greatly appreciated by
the members and guests.
At the conclusion of the pro-
.gr.///////am the president conducted a
brief business meeting. There
were a few changes to the by-
laws and a slate of officers for
2012-2013 was presented, and
these items were unanimously
The guests and members
enjoyed delicious refreshments
by the hosts: Betty Baxley,
chairman, Margaret Barkley,
Mary Anna Parr. Sandy Baker
and Dean Harris.
The next meeting will be on
May 9. and the program will be
given by Dr. Manley Blackwdl,
The Bryan W. Whitfield
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
met in the Classroom at 10:00
on Thursday, April 12.
Rebecca Culpepper,
PresidenL welcomed the mem-
bers. and J. D. Barnes asked the
blessing on the auxiliary mem-
bers and the patients in the hos-
Johnnie Knott called the roll
and read the minutes of the last
J. D. Barnes gave the treasur-
er's report.
Various committee reports
were given. Rachel Lamb
reporWA on the successful $5.00
Jewelry sale. She said many of
the customers were already
looking forward to the next one;
however she said that there
were numerous complaints
about lack of parking places.
The president introduced
David Biddle, Membership
Sales Manager for Air Eva
Lifeteam, who explained about
membership to be air rifted in
case of an emergency to be
transferred to another hospital
out of town. He explained about
the helicopter being staffed with
critical care nurse, intensive
care units, paramedic and nurse.
This was a very interesting pro-
gram and he explained he would
be available to sign up members
in a smaller meeting room at the
conclusion of the meeting.
Carol Bell reported that Betty
Kennedy of Camden will show
and demonstrafe machine quilt-
ing on April 16.
Biboo announced the follow-
ing awards: 500 hours- Brenda
Packer, 1000 hours - Carolyn
Davis•n, Carol Glass, Dashiell
McKay and Eloise Wllkerson,
2000 hours - Mae Johnson.
3000 hours - Marge Re'mecke,
and 3500 hours - Juliette
Chrissy Brooker reminded
the members of the Auxiliary
luncheon and scholarship win-
ners will be recognized on
Wednesday, April 18 at noon at
Lyon Hall.
She said the new Exhibit
opening will be on Thursday at
5:30 to 7:00 and Amos
Kennedy, Jr. will be honored.
Betty Baxley reported on the
volunteers visiting the
Alzheinaer patients in Southem
Oaks. She said the visits and
small gifts that were brought to
the patients were really appreci-
ated. She said if any of the
members would like to donate
any refreshments, etc. it would
be greatly appreciated.
The next meeting will be held
on May 10.
If you have an item for this
column please e-mail to: car- or call
En a, qeci'couple,
£ara ff ucker andgoseph qvlarrin
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Tucker
of Demopolis, announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Lara Nicole Tucker• to Joseph
Chase Martin, son of Ms.
Ramona Parten of Cuba.
Alabama, and Mr. David
M~min of Pigeon Forge,
The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Murray of Saks,
and Mrs. Betty Jean Tucker
and the late Mr. William
Howard Tucker of Linden.
Miss Tucker is a 2006 grad-
uate of Demopolis High
School and a 2010 magna
cum laude graduate of the
University of West Alabama
where she has received a
bachelor's degree m
Psychology and a Master's
degree in Counseling. She is
a member of Phi Mu Sorority
and is employed at the
University of West Alabama
as an Admissions Counselor.
Mr. Martin is the grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patten of
Cuba. Alabama and the late
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin of
Mr. Martin is a 2005 gradu-
ate of Sumter Academy. He is
employed at Prsytup
Packaging in Livingston.
The wedding will be at
4:00 p.m. on May 12 at the
First United Methodist
Church of Demopolis.
cals and physical check-ups for
all ages.
Founded in 2000, the DRA
has made significant strides in
improving the quality of life for
the 10 million residents of the
252 counties and parishes in the
Mississippi Delta region.
"In just over a year. Delta
Regional Authority (DRA) has
developed a strong partnership
with the University of West
Alabama. DRA's economic.
community development, and
leadership programs, combined
with humanitarian operations
such as Operation Black Bdt,
have measurably improved the
eight-state region," explained J.
William "Billy" McFarland, Jr.,
CBES director.
CBES duties for the mis-
sion's Demopolis operation will
include support, coordination.
and liaison for the Federal/State
Distinguished Visitor Day pro-
gram. which will bring govern-
ment leaders to the Black Bdt
on Friday, May 4. CBES will
welcome DRA Federal Co-
Chairman Chris Masingill of
Arkansas and Alternate Federal
Co-Chairman Mike Marshall of
Missouri back to the Black Belt.
Both organizations hold with-
in their missions providing
opportunities to improve the
fives of the regions' citizem, " a'medical" OffiCe is encouraged
the parmership is one that _ to take advantage of the federal-
McFarland hopes will continue
to grow.
"We are equally proud to
partner with them and the U.S.
Air Force on this historic
humanitarian mission, which
will provide desperately-needed
medical and dental care to thou-
sands of residents in our service
area at no charge. We look for-
ward to future partnerships that
will benefit the citizens of our
Any Alabama Black Belt res-
ident who requires treatment for
any type of medical, dental, or
vision care that can be formed in
ly funded care opportunity to
receive care for the condition.
Services will be performed at
the former New Era Cap build-
ing located at 918 South Cedar
Avenue in Demopolis. The was-
sion will be open from 8 a.m. to •
7 p.m. daily.
The Center for Business and !
Economic Services is a program
of the UWA College of
Business. For more information :
on Operation Black Belt 2012. i
contact the Center for Business :
and Economic Services at the :
University of West Alabama by :
phone at 205-652-5522.
i ~S~d~K~ ~O~;~ ~
Come have lunch with us!
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Below Alabama Southern
The public is cordially speaker will be Pastor
invited to celebrate Usher Day Honoree Lockett, Jr. of :
to be held at Little Zion Greater New Hope in •
Tabernacle Holiness Church, Demopolis. Pastor: Elder "
126 Southern Pine Rd. in Ceola Singleton and Co-
Dixons Mills on Sunday, April Pastor: Minister Priscilla :
29. 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Guest Tucker
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