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Page 7 —About All West Alabama Egmnnaffifi “rim. Thursday, April
14, 2016
Your obituaries and death announcements are invited for publication.
There will be minimal charges for such service:
Minimum: first 100 words: $25; each additional word 20 cents.
Photographs: one column, 825; two column $50.
Deadline is 12 noon Tuesday.
Fee is due prior to publication.
Pauline Stephens
Funeral services held on April l3
Pauline Stephens age 74 a Linden; three sons, Rodney
homemaker of L inden, died (Anne) Stephens of Foley;
April 10, 2016 at Bryan ,Craig (Vickie) Stephens of
Whitfield Memorial Hospital. Linden; Todd (Heather)
She was born on January 12, Stephens of Linden; daughter,
1942 in Selma. Mrs. Stephens Jennifer (Todd) Mathis of
was a member of Providence Linden; brother, David
Baptist Church. Fitzhugh of Elberta; nine
Funeral services were held
on Wednesday, April 13, 2016
at 2:00 pm. with Rev. David
Meagan Austin, Kyle
Stephens, Nichole Stephens,
Stidham and Paul Whitcomb Hannah Kennedy, Wil
officiating. Burial was in the Stephens, Luke Stephens,
Linden Memorial Park. Heather Tucker, and Shelby
Active Pallbearers were: Mathis.
Ryan Stephens, Kyle Memorials may be made to
Stephens, Wil Stephens, Joe Providence Baptist Church.
Austin, Michael Kennedy, Condolences may be
Brett Tucker. offered at
Honorary Pallbearers were:
Luke Stephens and Matthew
She is survived by her hus-
band, William J. Stephens of
Arrangements by O’Bryant
Chapel Funeral Home in
Annual Missionary Society Day at
Missionary Baptist Church
Reginald Atkins, Pastor, Sis.
Gladys Witherspoon, Acting
YOU are cordially invited to
the Annual Missionary Society
Day at Bethlehem Baptist President.
Church on Sunday, April 24, at Bethlehem Missionary
2:00 pm with Rev. Terry Baptist
Spencer as guest speaker, 450 Bethlehem Church
Pastor of Community Baptist Road
Church of Uniontown. Rev. Linden, AL 36748.
Singing at Shiloh Baptist
Singingll Featuring the Dixie Disciples at Shiloh Baptist
Church on April 23, at 6:00 pm.
C.D. Barkley Family Reunion
The annual C.D. Barkley
family reunion will be held
Sunday, April 24 at Scott
Park’s‘ Upper Pavilion.
Immediately , _,following.., the
decoration of Octagon
Cemetery. If you haven’t
attended in the past years,
please come! Spread the word
to other family members.
Hope to have a big crowd this
year. Please bring you meal.
Tea. waterandicaasoyell as
paper ..rir9sust,§.biill.s'iié fur-
South Marengo fire and
rescue to hold a fish fry
Squad Hall, Coxheath
Highway 10 at mile marker
36.5. Please come and help
support your local Rescue
Squad! Visit us on our website
South Marengo County Fire
and Rescue Squad will have a
fish fry on April 30. Plates
$8.00 per plate. Plate contains
fish, hush puppies, baked
beans, coleslaw, and cake.
Located at South Marengo
rears FL 3% At.- 353’”
2206 South Main St. - Linden, AL 36748
Jimmy Walters
as the: Wm?
334-295-1 904
Simmons Clinic
Family Medicine
100 E Cahaba Ave, Linden
John C. Simmons, MD, FACS
E l Larkin and
i l Ahrrnallgg’s ' SCOtt
Funeral Directors
510 East Jefferson Street
Demopolis, Alabama 36732
ifuiu‘rul Bumr
"Our aim is
Ill /u' li‘ul‘l/l)‘
0/ your
'. llnl
354-2913 .
Your loved one deserves the very
best in the Funeral Profession
grandchildren, Ryan Stepehns, v
@ibitueinies Deaths
Conjouring up some odd kinda stuff
We might jump around
some today, so what else is
new? Starting back in 1952: I
came across the All Star
Team Roster for the North
and South High School in
1952. There was Bo Spear
from Demopolisiweighing in
at a whooping 145 pounds.
Now, the quarterback for
the South Team from
Montgomery was as big or
bigger as some of the guards
and centers back in those
days. Tipping the scales at
170 pounds was that future
Tide and Green Bay signal
caller, Bart Starr.
Moving up just a few
years, my old friend, Alan
Koch was flat out chunking a
baseball for Demopolis, and
catching those fireballs was
his buddy, Junior Brooker.
They were coached by the
football coach himself, Chink
Hey, any of y’all recollect
when that deer leaped
through the plate glass win-
dow at Loyd Jones
Chevrolet? It had first been
spotted behind Charlie
Brasfield’s restaurant.
Inever did hear what
became of that critter, but I do
know what happened to a
buck that jumped through the
The Lefervre Quartet will be
window at Jeffrey Motor
Company in Linden about
the same time. (Were those
deer tired, and looking for a
ride in a new car?) Anyhow,
‘ that buck took off for the old
ball field, and got finished off
with a butcher knife wielded
by Lindy Bird Lindsey.
Back yonder in the middle
fifties when Troy Spence and
James Ware were policing up
north of the Bogue, you could
go by Jimey Jungle and get
you fresh Gulf oysters for 89
cents, and since we didn’t
even know how to pronounce
cholesterol, much less know
what it was, you’d pay 63
cents for four pounds of good
01’ pure lard.
That was the time frame
when gals put on those pedal
pushers for which they only
paid $2.98.
Did a little more research,
and discovered that in 1956
the whole county, from Horse
Creek to Demopolis,
Faunsdale to Jackson’s Store,
on up in Hills and Hoboken
and all points in between, had
a grand total of 5,816 quali-
fied and registered voters.
Back when a large per cent-
age of those folks gathered up
around the old court house to
watch the votes get counted
The Lefevre Quartet at
Forest Hill Baptist Church
1901 South Main Street
Linden, AL 36748.
on election night.
Iused to like to read a
funny writer and talker back
then. Earl Tucker was editor
and publisher of the
Thomasville Times, and had
him a real following.
Who was your first
Sunday School teacher? Ms.
Kate McKinley taught us in a
little bitty room in the old
wood frame Presbyterian
Church that used to set across '
from Dennis Barkley’s car
place, right south of Sunshine
Cleaners, and right in front of
Mr. Roy Hartzell and them’s
I’ve had to call Mr. Billy
Quinney (Walleo) too much
lately to tell him of hte pass-
ing of his boys, Moose, Frank
Aydelott and lately, Brooks
Barkley. Walleo told me that
Spickey Chadwick, Pete
Barkley, Tommy Short and
Don Peppenhorst (four of my
early heroes) talked him into
taking them down to the
beach one time. They prom-
ised to run and get in shape,
but all they got was so sun
burned they couldn’t practice
when they got home. Coach
Homer Wesley was not real
pleased about that.
Walleo said he wore out an
old 1953 Plymouth with that
bunch, and if the truth be
known, propably wore out a
board or two on their bot—
Some years back Edwin
Selby asked me if I recollect-
ed that “Caboose” that used
to set behind what is now
Linden City Hall. I believe I
do remember it, but no idea
of it’s final fate.
Ican see and smell the first
corn dog lever had. It was
called a cozy dog, and my
aunt got it for me up in Selma
out there close to where the
airport used to be. That was
the late forties or early fifties.
Those things been around a
pretty good while.
How many of y’all got
baptized in a band stand?
Well, the old courthouse up
there in old town in Linden
was turned into a Baptist
Church, and still later it came
to be a dance hall. The band
stand got located right in the
smack ka dab where the bap-
tismal pool had been situat-
ed.I reckon that will put a
tune in your bones.
Let me know if you hear
anything about Edwin’s
You can get Business
in concert on Saturday, April
23 at 6:30 pm. at Forest Hill
Baptist Church. A love offering
will be taken.
Intersection of Hwy 43
South & 69 South.
A 3.: ()1: .- .,_rq‘v‘ :1 t
Memorial services at Myrtlewood
Cemetery April 17
23, potluck supper at 5:30 and
services at 6:30. April 24, Fish
Fry at 5:00 worship service at
6:00. Services will be led by
Brother Jack Washington,
Music by Brother Bob
Waldrop Sunday school is at
10:00 arrl worship is at 11:00.
You are encouraged to come
and worship with us!
Memeorial services will be
held on Sunday, April 17 at
2:00 pm. at Myrtlewood
Cemetery. Donations may be
sent to Judy McKinney at PO.
Box 112, Myrtlewood, AL
Spiritual Renewal weekend
held at Myrtlewood Baptist
Church will be held on April
A vertise
service in
Democrat -
Marengo Auto Parts
Come see Pat for all your Automotive
Marengo Auto Parts
1 1 1 1 South Main Street, Linden
Open Mon-Friday
7:00 a.m - 5:00 pm.
Sat - 7:00 a.m. — 12:00 noon
cards, stationery.
Rubber Stamps and LO.
Age £50 to 80"?
: and
Get 63a .
W laa ,
Tree tr Stump Removal
“We will take the worry out of the storm and the stumps”
Take advantage of the heat and enjoy
our Summer specials!
We also handle: Debris Cleaning, lot clearing, and
driveway work
Michael Smith, Owner
' ’
Providence, Al