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The Democrat-Reporter
Linden, Alabama
February 14, 2019     The Democrat-Reporter
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February 14, 2019
Newspaper Archive of The Democrat-Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6-About All West Alabama . £12m n naififlpllnflm, Thursday, February 14, 2019 * 0 Listen to the Lord By: MaxLucado “Let he who has ears to hear, use them.” Eight times in the Gospels and eight times in the Book of Revelation we are reminded that it’s not enough just to have ears— it’s necessary touse them. Jesus spent regular time with God, praying and listening. Luke 5:16 tells us, “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” If Jesus, the Son of God and the sinless Savior of humankind, Jesus also spent thought it 1 worth— regular time in while to clear his God’s Word. calendar to pray, Three times in the wouldn’t we be wilderness tempta- wise to do the tion, he used the same? Word of God to repel the attack of 1: Satan. Ifwe are to be just like Jesus; then we need to imitate his habits of prayer and Bible reading. 1‘ Attend the Church of Your Choice 9 y .90 0 c Overcoming Holy (AOH) Church ‘ Reed Street, Bellamy, AL 334— 682-5386 8.8. 9:30 am. W. S. 11:00 am. Wed. 6:00 pm. Fri. Night 7:00 Elder Arthur Mitchell, Pastor gckson Apostolic verconnng Holy (AOH) Church , 328 Davrs Avenue, Jackson, 251-246-2389 , Pastor Overseer Frank Mitchell, r. Linden Apostolic Overcoming Holy (AOH) Church Linden, AL Servrces 2nd and 4th Sunday S,S. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 11:00 am. Bible Study every Wednesday 7:30 pm ' Pettus Street Apostolic Overcoming Holy (AOH) Church Demopolis, AL Servrces 1st and 3rd Sunday SS. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 11:00 am. Bible Study every Tue. & Thur. 7:30 pm Sunflower Apostolic Overcomin Ho}! 3A0 Church , Me a den Ave Thomasvdle,AL SS. 9:30 am, Worship 11 am. Wed. Bible Study 7 .m.- Elder S.L. Calhoun, astor River 0’ Elle H c . 507 North. Walnut St, Demo olis Pastor: Eric Johnson' 33432 1959 5.5. 9:45 w.s. 10:30 am Mid Week: 6:30 p. m. &imwell Baptist Church 2770 County Rd_ 17 Sweetwater, AL 994-4262 Don White, pastor Bethlehem Ba tist 3101 Co.,Rd. ' Octa on Rev. Daniel Gandly, 29 ~8084 SS. 9:45; W.S. 1 .m. & 7 p. in. Bethlehem MissionariBa tist 450 Bethlehem Road - in en Rev. Regsmald Atkins Pastor , Church: 34-295-8176 s. r . S. S, 10:00 a. m.,W. S. 11:30 am; Servrces: 2nd & 4th Sunday Beaver Creek Bagtist Church Beaver Creek Roa SS. 10:00;W.S. 11:00 Bethel Baptist Church Coatopa, L 289-1461 Calvarzv Baptist Church Hwy 4 Linden 295-8334 Central Ba tist Church Dixons Mil s, A1 992-2351 Christian Cha IBa tist 406E. Monroe t.,28 0332 Fred D. Moore, Min. 55. 9:30 a. m.; W.S. 11 a. m. County Line Baptist_Church Coun Road 55, Arlington 358—2 58 ' . Dixons Mills Ba tist Hwy 6 Dixons ills Leon Hamson Min. SS. 10 a. m.; W.S. 11 a. in. Eastern Star Ba tist Church Arcola Rd. 289; 07 Terry‘Gosa, Min. SS. 9 a. m.;W.S. 11 a. in. Fairhaven Ba tist Church Cardinal St. 2 -0568 Scott Stevens, Min. 8.8. 9:15 a. m.; W.S.10:30 & 5 p. m. 1 First Ba tist Church 7th Ave. estnut St. Thomaston, A1 36783 Rev. Jeremiah Johnson, Pastor First Ba tist Church S. Straw. erry St,, 289-0473 Car Williams, Min. 8.8. 9:45 a.m.;W.S.11 a. m. & 7 p. m. Wed. 6:30 p. in. First Baptist Linden Rev. Robert Pearce, Jr., Min. S.S. 9:30 a. m.;W.S. 10:45 a. m. First Mt. Pleasant Baptist Jefferson AL Edmond Charleston, Min. SS. 10 a. m.; W. S. 11 a. m. First Missionar Baptist #1 Cahaba Rd. - niontown Anthogy Trimble, Pastor Bible ass Wed. 7 pm. 8.5. 9:30 a. m.;W.S. 11 a. m. Forest Hill Baptist Hwy 43 S. 0 Linden 295-8641 Rev. Chad Ward Pastor 8.8.10 21. m.;W.S. 11 a. m. & 6 p. in. Friendshi Ba tist Church Hwy 80 .28 10804 , Rev. Patrick Arrin ton,Min. SS. 9 a.m.;W.S.1 am. & 6 pm. Friendshi Ba tist Church 118 Co..R _56, homasvrlle., Pine Hill/Vineland) unday School 10 am, Worship Servrces 11 am. and 6 pm. Rev. John L. Averitt, pastor 385-2740 Gallion Ba tist Church Gallion 28 -3483 8.8. 9:45 am. & 7 pm. Gilfield. Baptist Church Old S ringh111289—4877 Rev. .C. Jones, Min. SS. 9 a.m.;W.S.11a.m.& 6 pm. Glovers RB. Church Rev. Dr. Richard L. Davrdson Thomaston, AL SS. 10 a.m.; W.S. 11:30 am. 1& 3 Sundays Hoboken Ba tist Church Nicholsvdle oad, Sweet Water Larry Cox, pastor 251-276—3454 Hope Ba tist Church Hwy 69 .Campgfi und Comm. Rev. Randall Smi ,Min. Sundays: SS. 10 am: W.S. 11 , am. ii 51 . . , Hopewell Ba tist Church Hwy 43 N. inden 295-8315 Rev. Joseph P. Harper, Pastor Hopewell Baptist Church Ranglclme Road 289-7019 8.5. 0 a.m.&W.S.11a.m. Rev. James Woods Inde ndent Missionar Ba tist on “in y p urc 11500 County Rd 6 Sweet Water AL 36782 Rev. ,Keith Howell, Pastor Servrces 11:00 AM Sundays Servrce 6:00 pm Thursdays Bib e Study 6:30 pm Thursdays John the Biliptist 70 Sparks (1. Gallion Gerome Burrell, Min. SS. 10 a.m.;W.S.11:30 a.m. Jerusalem Ba tist Church Arcola Rd. - allion Sid Rowser, Min. 289-9467 8.8. 10 a.m.;W.S.1l am. Linden Baptist Church 100 Abbott St. 0 Linden 295—4278 SS. 9:45 a.m.;W.S. 11 am. & 6 .m. Pastor-Dr. Randy Creel Mornin Star Baptist 614 E. ackson St., 289—3794 James L. Dunn Min. ss. 9:30 am; his 11 am. Wed. 6:30 pm. Moscow Baptist Church Hwy 28 Demo OllS_ James Whitfiel ,Min. 2nd & 4th Sun. 8.8. 10:30 am. W.S. 11:30 am. Mt. Olive Baptist Philli White M11’1.289‘3339 SS. 0 a.m.;WS. 11:45 am. Hwy l hnhen Alfred Hudson Min. SS. 10 a.m.,W.S. 11:15 am. Phone #:295-4888 Myrtlewood Baptist Church 50 Magnolia St. - M rtlewood SS. 9:4 a.meS. 1 am. Rev. Stephen Walley, Pastor Nanafalia Baptist Church Nanafalia 736-4227 New Covenant Baptist Hwy 43 289-1876 J .C.-Richardson Min. 5.3. 9:30 a.m.; w.s. 11 am. New Greater First Baptist Church 181 Nicols Avenue Southeast Thor‘nasvrlle (334; 636-5933 Sunday School 7 9: 0 a. m. Momipg Worship 11:00 a. m. Bible ass Wednesday’s - 6:15 . m. Pastor: Carlton L. Hogue Regina Gwrn, Church Clerk New Green Oak Baptist Forkland, AL David Anderson, Min. New Ho e #2 Ba tist Honoree ckett, in. . SS. 10 a.m.;WS. 11:15 am. New Morning Star Ba tist 119 S. Ash St. 289-263 Pastor: C.L. Franklin 5.8. 9:30 a.m.;W.S. 11:15 am. Nicholsville Ba tist Church Nicholsville 99 -4357 Pastor2Walter Smith Providence Ba tist Church Gallion 295-50 5 3.5. 9:45 a.m.;WS. 11 am. & 6 .m. Rev. Warren Huggins, Pastor Putnam Baptist Church Putnam 736-4264 Rangeline Baptist Church Ran eline Rd. 289-6480 Rev. andall Snuth, Pastor 8.8. 9:45 a.m.;WS 11 am. & 6 pm. Rockbab lon Missionary Ba tist urch- I 45 1 US HWY 43 Dixons Mills S.S 9:30 W.S. 10:45 334-992—4760 Sardis Baptist Church Thomaston,Al‘ SS. 10 a.m.; W.S. 11 am. & 6 pm. St. Peter Ba tist Church Rev. Barron annah, Pastor Linden, AL SS. 10 am. W.S. 11 am. Set Free Rejoice Full GoSpel 821:!“ t Church I 9 ..Walnut St.) Demopolis Lonnie Reaser Min. w.s. 10 am. a 1st & 3rd Sun. 6:30 pm. Shady Union Missionary Baptist Church , Surginer AL 55. 9:30 am. Every Sun. W.S.11:00 a._m. ls & 3rd Sun. Rev. A. V. Pritchett, Pastor Shiloh Baptist Church Rt. 1 Magnolia, 992-2421 Shiloh Primitive Ba tist Rt. 1 Dixons Mills, 2-2153 St. Paul Baptist Church Hwy 69 - Gallion Rev. Kelvm Robertson Pastor ss. 10 am. w.s. 11:30 am. St. Paul Baptist Church Old Springhill Rd. 289-1459 Pastor— Rev. DeA rus Smith S.S. 9:30 a.m.; .S.11a.m. Saint Matthew Baptist Church County Road 44, Da on AL Pastor - Rev. Kennet Rab 5.8. 10:30 a. m.; W.S. 11: 0 a. in. Sweet Water Baptist Church Sweet Water 994-4148 Thomaston Baptist Church 2nd. Ave. ' Thomaston 627-3278 1 Rev. David Tra wick Min. 58. 9:45 a.m.; .S. 11 am. United Baptist Church Hwy 43 S. Rev. Dwight McNeil SS. 10 am. W.S. 11 am. Union Baptist Church Rt. 1, Pine Hill 385-2793 Union Grove Bflitist Church Charles Norris in. a Union Grove Road Sweet Water 992-2355 Unity Ba ist Church Hwy 43 . - Linden 2nd & 4th Sunda s S.S.10 a.m.; W. .11;15 a.m. Antioch Missiona Ba tist Nicholsv111e,AL° 4-4 22 Rev. Edmond Charleston S.S. 9:30 a.m.;W.S.11 a.m. Westside Baptist Church , 801 Maria Ave. Demopolis Richard W. Scott, Pastor 8.8. 9:45 a.m.W.S.11a.m.& 7 pm. Wed. 7 pm. Thomaston Baptist Church 4th Ave., Thomaston, 627-3288 lgeols Catholic Church A 309 S. MainAve. "Demopolis Fr. Larry Shinnick , Sat. Mass 5:00 pm. Sun. Mass 10 am. 289-2767 girsl Eliristian N. Walnut Ave. 289-3615 Tommy Leopard Min. S.S. 9:45 a.m.; .S. 11 am. & 6:30 pm. mo 0‘s ur 0 Canal eights. 289—3484 Mike SWims Minister ss. 10 am.'W.S. 11 a.m.- S. Evemng 6 pm; Wed. 6 pin. Linden Church of Christ 318 N. Main St. 295-8365 8.8. 2:000p. .; W.S. 3:00 pm. Wed. 4:3 pm. Jeremy Smith, Minister God 103 Church St. Wed Night Stud; 7 pm. $5. 10 a.m.‘W. .1 am. Pastor Kyle Morrow llinyen ilhurch of God Billy Ra , Pastor . Abbott t., Linden . Sunday Morning Worship 10 a.m.- Sunday Afternoon Worship 5 pm. The Saint Tabernacle Church of God in Christ , 903 Arcola Road Demopolis Frank Stiff, Min. 53. 10 a.m.;W.S.11:45 a.m.& 6 pm. llliur’cfl o? llesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Hwy 80 28 -2660 Garret James, Branch PreSiderit lléiniififl isco al I. i 401 .Mgin 2&3363 S.S. 9:00 a.m.; W.S. 10:00 am. {Erossroads Community Church 4880 US. Hw 43 W.S. 10 am. 6 pm. Bpi Eany Sutheran Kim rough 385-2435 Lutheran Place , 408 W. Jackson . Demopolis, AL $34) 874-4912 V orshi , Sunday School and Bible Study: undays, 10:00 am. Loring Younce, Pastor Herryh gliapel AMEZion Berry’s Cha el Road, Jackson 1516317Edwar Seaborn, 251-246- Arlington Methodist Arlington 385-2540 Bethelhem AME. Zion Mllll’KZZSI-846-2279 Rev. arie Gibbs Bethel Rock 'AME Lonnie Williams, Min. 289-2085 3.8. 9:45 a.m.; W.S. 11 am. . Beauiful Star AME Zion Rev. Shirle Martin Dixons Mills, 992-2409 ‘Bulter Chapel AME Zion Rev. Patrick Burke Bulter, 205-459—2082 Chalk Level AME Zion Hwy 69 S. ' Myrtlewood Rev. Charles Cottrell 8.3. 8:00 every Sun. M.W. 9:00 ever Sun. Bible Study 6: 0 Wednesday First United Methodist 200 _E. 0 Decatur 289-1933 Davrd Willis, Min. Early serVice 9:00 am. 3.5. 10:00 a.m.;S.W. 11:00 am. lJ/iiimes Cha e1 AME. Zion ytrlewoo Rev. Milton Parsons, 295-8092 Lewis ChapelAME Zion 7th Ave. W., Linden Rev. J .L. Wofford 295-4449 5.5. 9:30 a.m.; 5.1111. 11 am. 1st & 3rd Sun. Linden United Methodist $0 ltN g12:51am Ash 2951i5061 533.093 H.590. ii am. & 6 pm. Little Zion AME Zion Rev. Ra mond Sanders, 205-65 -2627 White Oak Road, Butler Miller’s Cha el Zion Count Road 7Demo 0115 Rev. ndra Wiight, 28 —4573 Small Memorial AME Zion 19 Coungy Road 21 - Jefferson 289-556 , Rev. Linda F. Hollin or 8.8. 9:15 a.m.;WS. 1 am. Sand Hill AME Zion Church Myrtlewood Rev. Charles Cottrell, Pastor Worship: 11:00 am. Tom kinville AME Zion . Rev. vel n Chapman, 205—654— 281 , Old Locke 2 Road, Pennington urc o eNazarene 4290 Hw . 80 East, Gallion Alfred As worth Min. 289-0650 5.5. 10 a.m.;W.S.11_a.m.& 6 pm. Wednesday serv1ce: 7:00 p. in. gfivar Hnigfi Pentecostal N. 802 alnut Ave. 0 Demopolis SS. 2 p.m.‘W.S.11a.m. ' & 6 pm. Thurs. 7 p.m._ Revival Worship Center 4290 HWY 80 East Gallion AL P.O. Box 595 Demopolis, AL '- 251—769-9039 8.8 10:00 am W.S 11:00 am SN: 6:00pm W.N 7:00 in .’ Pastor, Tyler Chas ain ' . irs es yterian ' 300 N. Strawberry St. 289-3895 . Thomas Roy Carr ‘ 3.8. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 11 am. Linden Presbyterian Rand Walker, Minister .: 5.8. 0:00 am. ' W. S. 11:00 a.m.; E.S.7:00 p.m.Wed.7:00 .m. gtlsg6N. Main St. Linden 2 5- {gornersi‘one Old National Guard Armo W.S. 10:30 a.m.‘ S. S. 9:3 a.m. Children’s Church Sun. 10:30 am. Wednesday service: 7 pm. 58% Rob Wynne, Pastor; 95- Apostolic Deliverance Temple C urch 214 Shield Street - Linden, AL 36748: Ph. 295-4977 Sunday School: 10:45 am. Regular Services: 12:00 noon Wednesday mght Bible Study: 7:00 pm. , , Elder James B. Williams, Jr., Pastor Firebrands For Christ Ministries, Int’l 603 Abbott Street -, Linden AL 334-295-1700 or 334295—1750, Pastors Richard & Lucmda White Sunday: 11:30 am.,6:30 m. Tuesda Bible Studies: 7: pm. Fndgy ayer: 7: 30pm. Loc channe123 Friday 6:00-7:30 pm. Memorial Tern le 7thda Adven tChurch 1710 eachtree Plaza . ngn43 South, Demopth We esda Pia er Meetingl 7pm. Saturday ahba School ass 9:30am. , Divme Worsllililp SerViee 11 am. RooseveltW rams,Pastor .43.. w ,e m a. . Divine Worshi Servicell am. Roosevelt Wi iams,Pastor Church Aflame World Outreach Ministries, Inc, 58886 E. Jackson Demopohs 289' Mickey Green, Min. S.S.9:4S_;W.S.11am.& 6 p. m. glahama livestock of Uniontown 8.8 10:30 am _ Wednesday Servrce 6:30pm Pastor Troy McPherson Gospel léighil‘iouse Church Highwaly 10 est Pine Hill,AL Pastor. niman & Liz Todd 55. 9:45; Sunday Worshi and Word 10:45 am. & 5 pm. was mehurch #:334—385-2245 Home #:205-459-4009 Pastor: Rev. iohfiyg .‘ arve r 26 West Front St, Thomasville 36784 SS. 10 am. & 5 pm., Thurs. 6:30 pm. Phone #:334-830-2707 This Devotional and Church Directory is made possible by the businesses on this page. rm mum mm. a 608 N. Main Street Marengo Town-COuntry National Bank [Broad Street - Camden - . 682-41 55 MEMBER FDIC Linden Ace Hardware 1137 s. Shiloh St. Linden, AL 36748 Phone (334) 295-5911 Fax (334) 295-1967 Darrell Kirkham. Marengo Nig‘rslng Home, A Old Town flo'me Assisted V I19 . 334-295-8631 203 w. Cahaba OldTown Roger Roberts (334) 289-0595 ~ Jim Parr Home: 334—287-1006 Cellz334—341—0298 Gas & Diesel Fuel ,_ Clear Lubricant" ‘ I 160 ALABAMA AVE. W. SHOPPING CENTER THOMASVILLE YOUR HOMETOWN SUPERMARKET Hours: MONDAY - SATURDAY 7:30 AM. - 8:00 PM. - SUNDAY 12:00 6:00 PM. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift .Jl Corinthians 9:15 Restaurant 81 Lounge Mon-Wed: 4-9 Tue-Sat: 4-11 901 Highway 80 E. Demopolis, AL 36732 Qb_e_v_r_c_>_o_ Parr’s inc. Jobber, Chevron, Products Company PO Box 140 Demopolis, AL 36732 Automotive Engine Hydrallic Fluids Thompson Gas Lana Whigham Branch Supervisor 32950 Hwy. 43, Thomasville ’ ‘ 2"? Pipers. mean H GADDY ELEce. TRIC P. O. Box 480066 0 Linden. Alabama 36748 Jerry Goddy 334/289-2822 Call us for an air conditioning check—up today! Jefi‘ Pugh Service Supervisor Ph: 334-636-2366, 1-877-215-1941 ‘