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The Democrat-Reporter
Linden, Alabama
February 14, 2019     The Democrat-Reporter
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February 14, 2019
Newspaper Archive of The Democrat-Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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9 al Classified Ads All Real Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF FLORENCE C. MCLENDON Notice is herby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Florence C. McLendon, deceased, having been granted to Edward mcLendon Hines, as Personal Representative on the 12th of February, 2019, by the Probate Court of Marengo County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons haivng claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with- in the time allowed by law or trhe same will be barred. John W. Ryan, Jr. Seale, Holmes & Ryan, LLC D 0. Ber 74' Greensboro, AL 36744 2-14-193tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS EDWIN BOYE'I‘TE Notice is herby given that Letters of Administration of said deceased having been granted to Jennifer Boyette on the 28th day of January 2019, by the HONOR- ABLE LAURIE S. HALL, Judge of Probate of Marengo County, A notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pres- ent tothe same withing time allowed by law or the same will be barred: Heather Roberston Hill ‘ Attorney LLOYD & DINNING, LLC Post Office Box 480545 Linden, AL 36748 2-14-193tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF ' HAROLD W. JOHNSON Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 30th day of January, 2019, by Probate Judge of Marengo Cnnty, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all person having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said County within the time allowed by law, or else same will beforevcr barred. ,, x Marinade J. Manberret , Executrix Thomas B. 30835, Jr. - Attorney LLOYD & DINNING, LLC Post Office Drawer 740 Demopolis, AL 36732 ' 2-7-193tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF BERTRAM JULIUS ROSEN- BUSH, JR. Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 30th day of January,‘ 2019, by Probate Judge of Marengo County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said County within the time ‘ allowed by law, or else same will be forever barred. Mary Louis Bell Rosenth Execntrlx Thomas H. W. Jr. Attorney LLOYD 8: DINNING, LLC Post Office Drawer 740 Demopolls, AL 36732 2-7-193tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0F 'I'HE‘ESTATE OF RUTH II. RANDALL Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said Decedent having been granted to the undersigned upon the Estate of said Deocndent on January 30, 2019, notice is given that all persons having claim against said Estate shall file same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of Marengo County within the IimeaIIOWed by law, or else same will be forever barred. ' Michael L. Randall Terry J. Randall Co-Executors Thomas 1130888, Jr. , Attorney LLOYD & DINNING, LLC Post Office Drawer740 Demopolis, AL 36732 ‘ 2-7-193tc at an: reassure or IVA LEE wmrcoma, DECEASED; as THE ano- BATE COURT or MARENGO COUNTY, ALABAMA Case Number20-l9004 NOTICE TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS CLAIMING TO BE AN HEIR OF IVA LEE WHITCOMB, NOW DECEASED You are hereby given notice of the pending estate in the above captioned Court by this publica- tion in the Democrat Reporter. If your are an heir, or believe you may be an heir or next-of—kin, of Iva Lee Whitcomb, now deceased, you are requested to respond on or before the 12th day of March, 2019 at 2:00pm. to the under- signed in writing at the below address: Lloyd & Dinning, LLC Pnal (“Trims an 45¢“qu Linden, Alabama 36748 1-17-19-4tc ' SIIRESALE Default having being made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mértga‘ge dated May 7, 2002 executed by Charles Perry, Single, in favor of , Jim Walter Homes, Inc., said Mortgage being recorded October 28, 2002, in Mortgage Book 535, Page 347, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Marengo County, Alabama; having later been assigned to US. Bank, NA, as Trustee, successor in interest to Wachovia Bank, National Association, as Trustee, successor by merger to First Union Bank as Trustee, for Mid-State Trust XI by instrument recorded in Instrument Number 152642, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Marengo County, Alabama. Said default continues and notice is hereby given that the undersigned, US. Bank, NA, as Trustee, successor in interest to Wachovia Bank, National AsSociation, as Trustee, successor by merger to First Union Bank as Trustee, for Mid-State Trust XI, by Ditech Financial LLC as servicer with delegated authori- ty, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the main entrance to the County Courthouse, Marengo County, Alabama on 02/27/2019, during -the legal hours of sale, the follow- ing described real estate situated in Marengo County, Alabama, to-wit: Begin at the Northeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 3 East, ’ Marengo County, Alabama for the following described parcel of land; Thence leaving said Point of Beginning and said comer South 00 degrees 22 minutes 35 seconds West 415.67 feet to an iron pin; thence North 43 degrees 12 min- utes 26 seconds West 73.32 feet to an iron pin; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 50.00 feet to an iron pin; thence South 00 degrees 22 min- utes 35 secbnds West 5925 feet to an iron pin; Thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 219.02 feet to an iron pin; thence Nerth 00 degrees 00 min- utes 00 seconds East 421 .47 feet to an'iron pin on the North Section line of said Section 21; Thence along said Section line South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 322.34 feet to the Point of Beginning. , Said described parcel of land lying in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 3 East, Marengo County, Alabama and containing 3.000. Acres more or less. Together with a 50 foot ingress/egress easement being fur- ther described as follows: Commence at the Southeastern most corner of the above described parcel of land; thence [leaving said comer North 00 degrees 22 min- utes 35 seconds East 282 feet to thePoint of Beginning for the fol- lowing described centerline of a 30 foot Ingress/Egress Easement; thence leaving said Point of Beginning and along said center- line South 31 degrees 45 minutes 42 seconds East 6620 feet to a point; thence South 45 degrees 28 minutes 22 seconds East 60.84 feet to a point; thence South 78 degrees 12 minutes 24 seconds East 45.31 feet to a point; thence North 87 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds East 98.86 feet to a point; thence North 80 degrees 07 min- utes 24 seconds East 115.69 feet to a point; thence North 57 degrees 36 minutes 34 seconds East 19.94 feet to a point lying on the Westerly Right of Way of Alabama ertisements submitted for Publication are, by submission, the Sole Responsibility of the Realtor/Seller to be in compli- ance with d1 Equal Housing Opportunity Laws, guaranteeing this newspaper shall be held harmless and said agent shall bear all costs of any litigation involving this newspaper and/or members of its staff. State Highway No. 43 (120 foot right of way), said point being the Point of Ending. Said described 30 foot lngress/Egress Easement lying 15 foot on either side of the above described centerline. For informational purposes only, the property address is: 126 Wisteria Drive, Linden,AL 36748. Any property address provided is not part of the legal description of OF PROBATE OF THE COUN- TY WHERE. THE ABOVE- DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SIT- UATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOY- MENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PAR- TIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclo- sure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you under— stand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by mortgage as well as the expens- es of foreclosure, including a rea- sonable attomey’s fees and other purposes set out in said mortgage. US. Bank, N.A., as Thustee, successor in interest to Wachovia Bank, National Association, as Trustee, suc- cessor by merger to First Union Bank as 'Il-nstee, for Mid-State Thust XI, by Ditech Financial LLC as v servicer with delegated authority Paul K. Lavelle, .w . . 3 . Attorney for Mortgagee Spina, & Lavelle, BC. One Perimeter Park South- Suite 400N Birmingham, Alabama ' 35243 (205) 298-1800 18-01357-FC 01-24w3tc SIRE Default haivng been made in the paymentofthemnltipledebtsowedby Oliver R. McIendon and wife, Fbrence E. C. McImdm, and the numewsmtgagessecuringsaiddebt, said mortgages executed by Oliver E. \ McLendon and wife, Florerice EC. McLendon, to First South ProductionCroditsAmodatiMn/k/a First South Farm Credit), said last nnrtgage dated Seinember 20, 1985 and recorded January 7, 1986 in RectxdofMtxtgageBook462,Pages 235-238, Marengo County Probate Office, as well as the prior mortgages executed in favor of said Mortgagee, arxl,theentircindebtednessaeanedby the said real estate magages having beendeclareddueandpayableasdierin provided,theinidersigned,m&mfli Farm Credit, acting through its autinoizedrepresentative,umhrarxiin compiance with the Power ofSale in said Real Estate Mortgage, will pro- cccdtosellatpublicoutcry,forcash,to the lughcst bidder in front of the Comthwse door of said County at Linden, Alabama, during the legal hoursofsale, atoraronndlZnotm,0n the 14th dayofFebruary,2019,fire fol- lvwins described property conveyed bysaidrealestatenmgage,m-wit Bantam 'lbewest2/StlsofdseSwthI/Zof NE 1/4 of section, 9, Township 17, Range 2 East, more particularly described as fdlows: Begimiing at the SW corner of the NE 114 of Sedion9mtdnmningEastalongthe Quarter section line 1590 drains; than North 1999‘chahrs; menoe North 1999 dubs; thmce West to die Northwest corner of the SmiflrwestI/4offlieNm‘tlml/4of Section; uterine South along the erta' sedion line to the Point of Begrnmgmntahdngllzau'esmnn arias. Refer-m: Marmgo County Revame Cormnimlmer #48-06-02- emnmti- 2 mini: Thursday, February 14, 201‘) WEEKLY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Week - 40¢ per word / Consecutive Subsequent Weeks - 25¢ per word Weekly Minimum Per Ad - $5.00 Garage / Yard Sale Ads - $5.00 (20 words or less, to be paid when ad is placed)Al| Ad Copy must be submitted by Noon on Monday of the week ad is to run. 090-0000021103. WM A tract or parcel of land containg fifty (50) aces, more or less, in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9,1‘ownship 17 North, Range 2 East, decribed as th beginning at a point marked with aI/2”ironpipesetatthebaseofa 30” Oak Tree accepted as the Southwest comer of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 9, Township 17 North, Range 2 East; run thence East for the property sold herein and in the 1,100 feetalongafencelinetoapoint event of any discrepancy, the legal which said point is Point of description referenced herein shall Beginning of the panel herinafier control. described; and from said Point of THIS PROPERTY WILL BE Beginning,runthenceEastforl,600 SOLD ON AN “AS-IS, WHERE— feet along mid fence line to a point; IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY thence turn 90 degrees and run EASEMENTS, ENCUM— South for 1,000 feet to a point on the RR ANI ‘FSLAND EXCEPTIONS. .- North _bank__of Doulde-.Creek:..., REFLECTED IN THE MORT— them turn and run Souflrwwterly GAGE AND THOSE CON- alongthemeandersofDoubleCroek TAINED IN THE RECORDS OF to a point which E perpendicular THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE with the Point of Beg'nning; tltence turn and run North for approxi- mately 1.547 feet to the Point of Beg'nning,ctmtaining50auesmm'e or I, and being in Section 9, 'Ibwnship l7Nor1h,Range2East, MarengoCoimty,Alabama. Reference: Marengo County Revenue Oommfioner #48-06-02- 09-04110-0041110. mum: Atractorpameloflandoontain- ingapmx‘nnatelyslxtemflo) au'es, moreorlsfintheSoutheasthof Section 9, Township 17 North, Range2East,andbeingallofthat porthnoftheWestl/ZofIheWSt 1/2 of the Southeast 114 of said Section 9, lying North of Double Creek, Section 9, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, Marengo Coimty,Alabama. Reference: Marengo County Revenue Comm'mioner #48-06-02- 09-0-000-006110 . The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said real estatenmrtgagestolt‘irstSouthFann Credit,successorandinterwsttanst ' DONEII'tisthel6thdayofJanuary, 2019. FIRSTSOUI‘HFARMCREDIT WoodfadWDhminan, Attorney PostOlIiceIhawer740 Demopolis,Alabama36732 (334)289-0556 t: in 1;. v SURESALE Default having been made in the payment ofthe indebtedness scorned bythatcertainnxxtgageexeomdon September 19,2014 by Patrick D. Plankers,asing1epeison,originallyin favor of Wells‘Fargo Bank, NA, and recorded in Mortgage Book 2014 at Page478mSeptember22,2014,inthe Ofiice' of the Judge of Probate of Marengo Ouinty, Alabama Shapiro and Ingle, LLP, as cotmsel for Mortgageeor’lransfaoeandurxlerami byvirnreofpowerofsalecontainedin the said mortgage will, mi March 6, 2019,9e11atpublicwtcrytothehighest bidderinfiontofihemainermanceof the Marengo County, Alabama, ComthwseintheCityoflerlen,dur- ingthelegalhomsofsale,thefollowing realestatesituatedinMarengoCOtmty, Alabama,towit , Aparcelofpopatylocatedinthe Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 17 North, Range 1 East in Marengo County,Alabamaandbeingnxxepar- ticulariydesaibedasfollows; As a POINT OF BEGINNING, start at the Southeast comer of said Southwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter,saidpointbeingal"ihtbar formulaicerun_N(Xl°36'43"Efora distance of 54455 feet to a 3/4" pinchedpipcfoundonfiteSouthRight- r of-Way of Old Highway No. 80, an ISO'Right—of-Way; thence'nm S 71° 0044" W along said South Right-of- Wayforadistanceof25563fe¢ttoa conuntenwnumentfmmdatthepoim ofan'vauneofactnvehavingadeltaof 01 °09'52" and a radius of 1128567 feet;thencerunwithachordbeatingof S 70°21 ’23" W along said craving South Right-of-Way for a chord dis- tance of22933 feet (are distance of 22934feet)toa5/8"cappedrebarset (CA—91115); meme run S (11°27‘38" W foradistanceof37502feettoa5/8" cappedrebarset(CA-9(X)—S);tlm nmS88°50'12"Ef<radistanceof 45500feettotothePOINTOF parcel 482m,meorless. Rninfomia- fional purposes only. the property address is: 315 Coimty Road 13, Detmpolis,AL36732. Any property address providedis napartofthelegaldescriptionofdie pmpertysoldhereinandindteeventof any discrepancy. the legal descripfim referenced herein shall control. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Furthermore, the prop- erty to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical , environmental, health or safe- ty conditions existing in, on, at or relat- ing to the property offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris- ing out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those sug— gested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 354 271, expressly are disclaimed. This salute subme all .nrirp..lienscnnr1_._ encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non- refundable dqiosit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($500000) in cer- tifiedorcashfundsatthetimeand plaoeofthesale. Tliebalanceoftlie purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next businessdaythereafieratthelaw' OfiiceofShapiro&Ingle,LLPatthe address indicated below. Shapiro & Ingle, LLPreserves the right to award thebidtothenexthighestbidder,orto reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under cer- tain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you under- stand these rights and programs as a partof the foreclosure process. Wells FargoBank,NA.,and its suc- cessors and assigns. Mortgagee or Transfetee SHAPIRO & INGLE, LLP 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, Charlotte, NC 28216 704-333-8107/ 19-016872 Attorneys for Mortgagee or 'Il'amferee l-31-3tc IN THE PROBATE COURT FOR MARENGO COUNTY, ALABAMA IN RE: The Estate of Jean Coats Glover, Discussantnmtsnnr t . PUBLICATION r, ; TO'THE"‘HEIRS ‘OP‘JEAN COATS GLOVER, known or unknown: A Petition for Probate . of Will has been filed int he Estate of Jean Coats Glover, cedeased, by Curley Glover in the Marengo County Porbate Court. A hearing is set on same for March 12, 2019 at 2:30pm. at the Marengo County Probate Court. You are hereby noticed of same and may attend if you so choose. Lloyd & Dinning, LLC Post Offrice Box 480545 Linden, Alabama 36748 1-31-3tc Notice To Creditors of the . Estate of Lora Fay Walter Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on - the 28th day of January, 2019, by I LNCOwL the Probate Judge 01. Mitrcngo County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are here; by required to present the same within the time allow/ed by law or the same will be barred. Jerry R. Vine Personal Representative Lamar C. Johnson Attorney for Personal Representative l-31-3tc Ala-SCAN Week 2/10/19 Central Region SERVICES LEADING SMART liomti provider Vivint Smart Home has an offerjust for you. (,‘all 1877-3211-8817 to get a professionally installed IlOlllLE security system with $0 activation. WAN'LYI II lRadtoltc seem ulZ‘I l_ _ 3 newspapers statewide? Place your ad in our Classified Network for just $210 per week! 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CDMMERCIALRFAL ESTATE MANUFACTURING/WARE- ‘ HOUSE Space for Sale. 11 building, 49k square feet on 5 acres. Call 334 864—0102 for information. Location 305 1st St. SW, LaFeyette,AL. Price Negotiable. DONATE YOUR Car to Charity. Receive maximum value of Write “off for your taxes. Running or not! All , conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 1-844-810-1257 ~ SAVE YOUR Home! Are you behind paying your Mortgage? Denied a Loan Modificau'on? Tlueatened with Foreclosure? Call the Homeowners Relief Line now for Help! 1—844-745- 1384. I BECOME A PUBLISHED Author! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the. work. You reapthe Rewards! Call fora Free Author Submission Kit: 1-888- 283-4780 , MISCELLANEOUS SOON THE Mark of the Beast will be informed. Let the bible explaone Free Book and Bible Study 17, Samanta, AL 35482. 1- 205-339-4837. ,C Unclaimed/Abandoned Vehicle Mobile Homes - Surety Bonds We ’11: Alabsuna ’s #1 Vehicle Title Problem Experts! We can help with most Titled : Vehicles in Alabama, including Car Trucks, Motorcycles, RV’s & Trailers; Free Phone C Access to lnforrnationvis the public‘s most valuable tool when it comes to v protecting your homes,”your communlties, and your government. Newspapers have the unique ability to reach a broad audience, regardless of the socioeconomic status, by providing public notices both in print and onllne. The public notices appearing in your newspaper provide Important information on issues such as rezoning for landfills, gavamment contracts, and even traffic detours. It’s you'r right to know how your tax dollars are spent and what could be. coming to your neighborhood. LEGAL ADVERTISING --—' CLASSIFIEDS @112 @mqtrabfliiopnr‘ter offers the highest paid circulation in Marengo County to get your message to the public. We offer prompt proofs of publication On all! legal notices at no extra charge. Call 334—813—5444. . 4