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Page 3 About All West Alabama
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Thursday, January 26. 201
Tbe Bryan W. Whitfield Memorial Hospital
Auxiliary recognized six of the organization's
members with awards for hours of service during
last wk's Auxiliary meeting Pictured are two
• ;'i"
Auxilians receive
of the six members, Betty Baxley and
Georgette Griffith. Betty received bars for
4.000 hours of service and Georgette received a
1500 hour bar
awards for
hours of service
The Bryan W. Whitfield
Memori, Iospital Auxiliary
reco, fix 9 f the organiza-
tion'smcmbers with awards for
hours •of service during last
week'4i Auxiliary meeting.
Hester Brown. a metnber of
the Auxiliary since August 11,
2012 received a patch for 50
hours of service. She is a mem-
ber of this year's October Blood
Drive Committee.
A 1,500 hour bar went to
GeorgettcGi'iffith, a member of
the gr6u)) since August 12.
1999. She has been in charge of
several United Blood Services
blood drives at e Demopolis
Civic Center. She has received a
President's Volunteer Service
Bmn Awal!d. j£T the past
three years in a row. This year,
she willassisted with the deco-
rating the hospital for Christmas
as she is a member of the
Holiday Decorations
Elizabeth "Biboo" Webb. a
member since September 11.
2003, received a 2500 hour bar
during the meeting. Since join-
ing the group, she has tracked
the service hours for all volun-
teers, as wall as made beautiful
Shrouds for slillbom infants. In
2008, she received a President's
Volunteer Service Bronze
Award and has received the
Silver Award in 2005. 2006,
2007, 2009. 2010 and 2011 in
recognition of her hours of serv-
ice. During her tenure as an
Auxilian. she has served four
terms as treasurer of the group,
Receiving a 3,000 hour bar
fo hours of service was Rachel
Lamb. A valued member of the
group who has worked in many
different areas since joining on
June 10, 1999, Lamb has
received the President's
Volunteer Service Bronze
Award every year since 2005.
She will be working this year as
a member of the Spring Jewelry
Sale Committee.
Two members of the #oup,
Betty Baxley and Betty
McCormick. received bars for
4,000 hours of service as of the
end of the past quarter
Baxley is in her 22nd year as
a member of the organization.
having joined on September 13,
1990. She has spearheaded
many different committees dur-
ing that lime and has twice been
selected as the Volunteer of the
Year (2001 and 2011). She has
served one term as treasurer.
three terms as secretary, and
Happy Birthday to
Charlie's new friends
Berlene Curtis, Lucy
and Anne Downey
Charlie's comer. We are
starting our column off by
telling you what's been hap-
pening at Thomasville
Nursing Home, which is
where our friend, Charlie
Wainwright, now lives. He
has settled in nicely and
enjoys seeing old friends when
they come by to visit. We
decided to use Charlie's comer
to share birthdays for these
new friends Charlie has made.
Happy Birthday to Ms.
Mildred Dean, born Jan. 19 in
1913 who just celebrated her
99th birthday. Ms. Mildred is
the mother of three: a daugh-
ter, .Jeannie Hepler of
Semmes; son, Jimmy Dean
and wife, Dena Dean of
Thomasville; a daughter,
Sarah Willis of Mobile; a
niece, Trish Stock of Mobile.
All of Mrs. Mildred's guests
celebrated with chocolate
cake. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday also to Ms.
Alice Christnen who was born
on Jan. 20, 1912. She celebrat-
ed her 100tlh birthday. She has
a daughter, Gussie, of
Thomasville. What blessings
these ladies are to reach 99
years and 100 years of age.
Happy Birthday to both of you
and may you have many more.
Gooden Hill Baptist
Church's guest speaker last
Sunday was the Rev. Alex R.
Hill. Pastor of New Mt.
Hermon Baptist Church in
Detroit, Michigan. Also visit-
ing was Pastor Bobby
Johnson's uncles, Mr. Chester
Taylor, who is also from
Detroit. It is so good to enjoy
the company of those who live
far away. Their coming home
visits are special.
Two of the children in the
Children's Child Care
Community Center were hon-
ored with a birthday party
recently. They are Trinity
Johnson, daughter of
Cassandra Johnson who
turned five and Eric Milsap,
son of Shayla Jones. Eric
turned 3. We hope they had a
wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday also to
Lelia Baugh whose birthday
was Jan. 22. Hope your day
was special.
Third District will be held at
the Gooden Hill Baptist
Church on Saturday, Jan. 28.
at 10:30 A.M. Bobby Johnson
is Pastor.
Jimmy Crenshaw. son of the
late Elizabeth Crenshaw. and
his wife, Cynthia. came from
Mobile to visit their Aunt
Bertha Gamble who lives in
We have several people
who are ill and we ask that you
remember these in your
prayers. Dorothy Williams,
mother of Edna Johnson, is in
Mobile Infirmary. Sibbie
McMillan was in the Grove
Hill Hospital. but is now at
Ms. Essie Landrum spent
the day at the Grove Hill
Hospital on Wednesday. She
is now at home.
Remember Mary Ellen
Etheridge. Remember also
Frank Landrum and Tommy
Gamble in your prayers.
Also, Jimmy Vick is not
well and needs your prayers.
Pray for healings in our
friends' lives.
Debbie Wartberg's morn,
Barbie, spent a week with her
son. Dennis Brisolara, and
daughter-in-law, Connie. They
brought her home Saturday
after an enjoyable week.
Barbie's new home is coming
four terms as vice president, offers
She is currently the Historian of Demopolis Public Library
the Alabama Council of
Hospital Auxiliaries. She
received the Presidents'
Volunteer Service Bronze
Award in 2005, 2007. 2008 and
2009 and the Silver Award in
2006, 2012 and 2011. She is a
member of the Fall 2012
Jewelry Sale Committee.
McCormick, who joined the
Auxiliary on October 11, 1993,
has been very active in many
Cake decorating classes
The Demopolis Public
Library is offering cake decorat-
ing classes for the public in
February 2012. Gege Lewis. a
local baker, has taught basic
cake decorating classes in the
past at the library and will teach
a basic class and an advanced
different aspects *', gani- " ToUsing on wedding
zation, have served as chairman cakes.
of several committees, two
terms as treasurer and three
terms assecretary. The Carolyn
S. (Betty) McCormick
Scholarship was named in her
honor. She has received the
Presidents Volunteer Service
Bronze Award every year since
2005. She is currently a mem-
ber of the Supply Room
4.H to join in Alabama
Gives Day, Feb. 2
4-H to Join In Alabama
Gives Day Feb. 2 to Support
Alabama 4-H. the state's
largest youth development
organization,-is joining other
nonprofits in the state for the
first,: massive one-day online
giving opportunity on
Thursday, Feb2 2.
Donations are vital to
Alabama 4-H, and we are glad
to be partnering with the
Alabama Association of
Nonprofits in.this historic
effort." says Dorman Grace.
chairman ofe'Alabama Club
Foundation. !'This opportunity
is a win-win for Alabama 4-H
youth. Alabama nonprofits, and
the entire state.
"County p0bgrams are the
heart ,of 4-H;;flx 1 today more
than ever local funding
is critical." IJ.amar Nichols,
Assistant Diitor of 4-H and
Youth Development for the
Alabama Cooperative
Extension System stated.
"Unless a donor designates oth-
erwise, funds generated from
Alabama Gives Day go directly
to the county 4-H program
where it will best serve 4-H
Funds donated to Marengo
County will be used to benefit
Marengo County 4-Hers.
Currently in Marengo County,
we have 18 in school clubs led
by Beth Wideman. 4-H agent
assistant and Kathryn Friday,
County Coordinator, a home
school club, and other clubs led
by volunteers. All fifth graders
in Marengo County have the
opp0rttmity to participate in 4-
H. These clubs involve approx-
imately 450 4-H'ers. An addi-
tional program involving 5th
grade 4-H'ers. called
"Classroom in the Forest."
sponsored by the Alabama
Cooperative Extension System
and the AL Treasure Forest
Association. with the help of the
Marengo County Natural
Resources Coordinating
Council and local landowners,
teaches all 5th graders in the
county the importance of our
forest natural resources, how to
be good stewards of the land,
and how to help preserve our
forest natural resources for
future generations. Kathryn
a.m. until Noon. There is a pre-
registration fee of $35 for the
class and this will cover all your
materials. Participants will be
responsible for bringing a metal
spoon and baking a cake at
home. The basic class was pop-
ular in the past and participants
learned to decorate a Santa
cakes or who have taken one of
the library's basic cake decorat-
ing classes. This class is spread
over a four week period and
meets every Tuesday night from
6-8 p.m. during the month of
February. A pre-registration fee
of $5 required and participants
will need to bring their own
along nicely and she is excited
about having more space.
Mike and his friends who are
helping are doing a great job.
Jinx Singleton and one of
his close friends are up this
week to hunt. It was good to
see them in church on Sunday.
Wilske Gamble is a friend
who is always willing to step
forward to help someone who
has a need. Two weeks ago,
the BCS system at IP@Pine
Hill stopped functioning and
this caused problems. With the
help of Curt Goff, Greg
Commons and Jeff Townsend
and Wilske who willingly
helped an old friend. "Key
Knife", the system was
installed and things are back in
order. Job Well Done to all
who helped!
January is the month many
people refocus on "Scale Bad
Alabama." This progra]
encourages people to walk and
to choose to eat the right food
in order to remain healthy. I've
seen quite a few people walk-
ing in the last few weeks and
we want to congratulate then]
for continuing to work on
being healthy. Keep up the
good job and Good Luck to all
of you!
Let's add James Curtis imd
Trevor Sheffield to our prayer
It seems thi is all for now.
So from our homes to yours.
we send our love and best
Until next ti me...
Lucy, Berlean. & Anne
Local students
awarded UWA
Maleah Digmon and Katrena
Kelley were rece,qtly awarded
Trustees Scholarslup to attend
the Universit', of West
Alabama. These awards which
are based on academic achieve-
ment and proven leadership
potential, comes from the UWA
Office of Admissions.
Marengo Academy senior
Maleah Digmon was awarded a
$6.000 scholarship and plans to
major m elementary education.
Fanlkner State Community
College student Katrena Kelley
was awarded a $5.000 scholar-
ship and plans to major m ele-
mentary education•
For more than 175 years, the
University of West Alabama
has served the west central
Alabama area and beyond
through educational opportuni-
ty, academic research and pub-
lic outreach. For more intbmm-
tion about admission, financial
aid and scholarships, contact
the Office of Admissions:at or c| J-
Friday, County Coordinator,
Susan Thompson, 4-H Regional
Extension Agent, Beth
Wideman Marengo County 4-H
Agent Assistant. and John
Ollison, Forestry Regional
Extension Agent, are all active-
ly involved in this beneficial
program. In the summer two
programs are offered. One is an
art program and the second is a
program involving outdoor
To learn more about
Alabama Gives Day and
Alabama 4-H, go to www.ala- or call your
Marengo County Extension
Office at334 295-5959.
The Basic Class is divided
into three sessions that last two
hours each. The dates are
Tuesday, February 7,
Wednesday, February 8, and
Thursday February 9 from 10
Cake for Christmas and an
Easter Bunny cake. This class
is just in time for Valentine's
The Wedding Cake Class is
for advanced students who have
previous experience decorating
Summer League
Baseball Sign-up
cake decorating tipsnd a prac- ::::::::::::::::1::1::: :::::::::::::::::-::-:-:--:;--'.:
ticeboard ii Now Imagination Zone
There is a limit of ten people
per class and at least eight peo-
ple must pre-register for the
class to meet. Registration
begins on Monday, Jantary 23
at the Demopolis 'Public
Library. For more information,
contact the Demopolis Public
Library at 334-289-1595 or
e m a i 1
iiOpen Child Care Center !i
• " 2209 South Main St. Linden, AI 36748 ::
i Contact Serving Parents and ii
Iris L. Johnson-James Children ages :'_
6 weeks - 12 years oh/!i
i. (334) 295-4204 Mo.a.v,h,, v,-g,., i!
:: Licensed by the State 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ii
i*tttt't =================================================
• ee •
Sign up for Linden's Cal
Ripken Baseball League will
be Thursday, February 9, 2012
from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
at Scott Park. A second sign
up will be Monday, February
20. 2012 from 3:30 p.m. until
5:30 p.m. at Scott Park. The
registration fee for players
participating in the machine
pitch league is $45.00. Players
ages 9-12 will have a registra-
tion fee of $65.00. Any ques-
tions pertaining to Linden's
Summer Baseball League
should be directed to Keith
Jordan 334-422-5020. All
registration fees are due at
sign up.
You can get 500 business
cards starting at $35 at
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